Daily Nutrients Needed Really? HELP!!

Hi ladies.Interested in how to determine your daily nutrients? I am under my calories according to what research reports for my weight in order to shed pounds. So much information & I am "TRYING TO STAY MOTIVATED". Thanks!


  • Jwilliams57
    Jwilliams57 Posts: 16 Member
    I was told to try not to go too far under the amount of calories you are allowed each day, because your body will go into starvation mode and you will eventually stop loosing weight. I'm new at this, but I try to eat fruit, veggies and enough protein and cabs to get the nutrients I need. I also take a multi vitamin and Omega 3. I hope this helps...You're doing good, keep up the good work!!! :smile:
  • slushieee
    slushieee Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah, I also take a daily mutlivitamin (nothing fancy or expensive though) and a calcium supplement (I prefer the calcium chews with Vitamin D added in) just to fill an nutritional gaps because I don't eat much dairy and I don't eat meat .

    You can go to settings and under the "nutrients" tracked section there is a place to look at your calcium and Iron. My calories are usually under too but you'd be surprised at how the amount of nutrients you can fit in a low calorie diet just by eating TONS of veggies, less processed stuff, and whole foods. I have an unlimited amount of veggies with most of my meals, for one of my meals I use avocado as a healthy fat so I get the fruit benefits plus the omegas all in one, and I do sweet potatoes as a carb for 1 or 2 of my meals for the nutrients that I wouldn't get from bread or rice.
  • Thickhoney
    Hi! I am going to co-sign on the need for vitamin supplments until you are feeling 100% that your nutritional needs are being met by the food you eat. I had a scary moment last year and found out I was vitamin D deficients--something that is not at all unusual for obese people, particularly women of color. (checked these boxes and then some. :bigsmile: ) Winter time is here and so is flu season, so double down on your vitamin C and zinc.

    If you are not able to make it to a certified nutritionist then please do go ahead and continue to do online research. "Nutrients" is an interesting word--it's about nutrition and NOT calories. When you think about what you are putting into your body, you will want to think about how can you deliver the most micro-nutrients to your body with the least amount of stress or burden to process these nutrients. Macro nutrients are what we get bombarded with: protein, carbs and fats. However, not all macro nutrients are created equal and some carry a heavier micronutrient load per calorie than others. For example: brown rice and white rice are both carbohydrate macro nutrients. They are different by ~30 calories per cup but in nutrient value brown rice gives you more bang for your buck, as it were. :) One cup of white rice provides 0.8 mg of zinc, while 1 cup of brown rice provides 1.2 mg of zinc. The daily requirement for zinc for adults is 11 mg for males and 8 mg for females. Zinc is an important mineral for a healthy immune system as well as wound healing, among other functions.

    So, for me, the question isn't only about calories. . .and sister, I can consume a LOT of calories :) . . .but what am I getting for those calories. Also, you will want to think about what is the right combination of macro nutrients to keep you feeling satisfied and vital. I find that I need about 45% of my calories to be in proteins; about 35% a mix of complex carbohydrates (e.g. rice AND beans, or rice and veggies), as opposed to just veggies to feel satisfied. Also, fats are necessary--like avocado and olive oil.

    I encourage you to start out how you can keep up and make any adjustments YOU need along the way. There are a million great books and websites out there for you to explore, to gain information and to make decisions about what you want to do/not do. At the end of the day I suggest aiming for change and not perfection. If there was a magic formula or silver bullet everyone would be at their ideal weight and level of fitness. Each person is a complex bio-chemical mechanism and as the sole/soul owner of this beautiful vessel, we are required to become experts on what it needs. . .and our needs change daily, so there is no 'final' or 'perfect', just the action word: LOVE.

  • Applegondi69
    Applegondi69 Posts: 54 Member
    Well said ladies!
    Appreciate the feedback/encouragements! Will continue to explore my choices:heart: !!!!!!
    @Thickhoney, your so right about CHANGE and not perfection.....
  • naeswirl
    I take these 3 supplements a day: Centrum Women's, Pro Nutrients D3 & Chewable Vitamin C. I know I don't eat enough to support the vitamin aspect in my diet.