I am really struggling today

Just gotta vent. I am really struggling today. My back has flared up again. It hurts to sit, it hurts to stand, it hurts to walk, it hurts to lay down. My mind is in a fog that I can't seem to shake, known as fibro fog. My stomac is upset, not sure why. My feet/ankles hurt. Naproxin not helping. I have zero energy and just want to cry. Thank you fibro depression Truck still isn't fixed and needs another $112 part that I don't know where that money is coming from. My water bill came and is double what it normally is because of hte pool. Nipsco (gas/electric) came it at $382. I only paid half last month because of school stuff. I feel like my house is a wreck even though (minus the 3 baskets of laundry) it isn't. I feel like didn't sleep at all last night even though I did. Thank you fibro chronic fatigue. Overall pain is about a 7 out of 10 with meds. Today is definitely a bad fibro day. Only thing missing is a migraine. Quite frankly, I admit I am feeling sorry for myself because this sucks.


  • queueplay
    It totally sucks. Complete agreement. Hopefully your body is behaving somewhat more kindly today. Yesterday sucked for me, too. Today started better, but isn't so good now, and hopefully will get no worse.
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    Today was definitely a better day, not good or great, but better. I hope yours got better too! Pain sucks big toes!
  • althaluszombie
    althaluszombie Posts: 94 Member
    Today was definitely a better day, not good or great, but better. I hope yours got better too! Pain sucks big toes!

    Glad your feeling some better this day. I get that way as well and it just controls everything even logical thought. I feel better when ipractice yoga but the pain from my hernia changes my mind and tricks me into not doing it and it cycles into getting worse
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    Just gotta vent. I am really struggling today. My back has flared up again. It hurts to sit, it hurts to stand, it hurts to walk, it hurts to lay down. My mind is in a fog that I can't seem to shake, known as fibro fog. My stomac is upset, not sure why. My feet/ankles hurt. Naproxin not helping. I have zero energy and just want to cry. Thank you fibro depression Truck still isn't fixed and needs another $112 part that I don't know where that money is coming from. My water bill came and is double what it normally is because of hte pool. Nipsco (gas/electric) came it at $382. I only paid half last month because of school stuff. I feel like my house is a wreck even though (minus the 3 baskets of laundry) it isn't. I feel like didn't sleep at all last night even though I did. Thank you fibro chronic fatigue. Overall pain is about a 7 out of 10 with meds. Today is definitely a bad fibro day. Only thing missing is a migraine. Quite frankly, I admit I am feeling sorry for myself because this sucks.

    This ^^^^^^^^
    I also have Fibro plus Chronic Fatigue,Adrenal Gland Fatigue, Hypoglycemia, and hypothyroid I won't bore you with the other health crisis's. I am having a bad day myself with battling depression over my health. People talk about Fibro flare ups and flare up leaving days later they are exercising and doing Zumba! Or lifting weights, etc. I am like you my Fibro Flareups never leave! I do not know what energy is anymore. Food does not give me energy. You write about sleep, when I do sleep it feels like I have not slept. I have insomnia and can stay awake 24 hours straight. Or when I do fall asleep I never get sleepy I just pass out and wake up after 4 hours maybe 6 hrs if I am lucky and cannot go back to sleep no matter how exhausted I am. My husband calls the Fibro fog zoning, he can see it on my face. The worse of my Fibro is like you, in the spine of my back. I have days it literally hurts to breath just to stand for 1 minute. I am a shut in and the only way pain is relieved is laying on my stomach in bed. I have to depend only on decreasing calories to lose weight because I cannot do exercise and I am assuming you cannot either. I learned there is no way to build muscle without exercise and when we lose weight along with the fat, water, comes muscle. Muscle burns fat so the bummer is the more I lose the less muscle I will have to burn fat. This will make losing weight even harder as the lbs decrease.

    I also learned today that people like me who have an under active thyroid I was diagnosed about 15 yrs ago, for every 1 lb we struggle to lose the average person loses 5 lbs. I know this is true I am watching my MFP Friends that started out with 20 lb loss and now 25 or 24 lb weight loss and doing the same thing I am without exercise we even have the same calorie count. You said your pain level is a 7 out of 10 because of meds, I live in Europe and Physicians have been no help to me, all I hear is no known cause or cure. I refuse to be an experiment their pills were only making my health worse, or keeping me feeling drugged with pain medication. I refuse to go to the Medical Doctors anymore doing so only increases my depression. I am going the holistic health route with vitamin supplements, and eating unprocessed foods, staying away from sugar, flour,rice, watching my sodium level keeping it at 1500. If you want a Friend to vent with who understands your health issues send me a Friend invite. The best part about MFP is I do not feel alone anymore in my health battles. I do not get on the pity pot very often but today has been a rough day and I also am struggling. I am writing you to let you know you are not alone. I forgot to add I do get the migraines yesterday I could barely talk and just wanted to be left alone even when company came over.
  • fmgal
    fmgal Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this group. I saw your post and boy, oh boy can I relate! I'm on my pity pot right now and have been for a while. I have fibro, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and neuropathy, to name a few. I also suffer from depression and anxiety. My daughter is here visiting from out of state and I can't even be happy about it. Some times we just need to vent. I have a burning pain that is all over my body and makes me want to cry and lay in bed, but it doesn't help it. I am going to try again to lose some weight and add just a little bit of exercise to my week, before I'm stuck in this bed for good. Sorry, I guess I'm not the one to help anyone right now. I'm glad your day was better today:) Oh, forgot to say that I find a combination of Ambien and lorazepam works well for sleep. I also take flexeril at bedtime. Sleep is my only relief from this relentless pain.

  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    Pain sucks for sure. Sleep isn't always a relief for me though. I often wake up at night because my hands have gone numb or my shoulders are so inflamed. I do take trazadone every night with my celexa, meteprolol, womens vitamin, omega3, glucosamine, bromelain, turmeric and naproxin. I take Welbutrin, naproxin, Bee Pollen and B complex in the morning. The Bee pollen and B complex go a long way to help with fatigue during the day. Green teas help quite a bit too. I try to do stretches in the shower to help ease the stiffness. Today I was lucky and had a really good day. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit better for you.
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    I have Fibro and other health problems too. I really understand the pain, the fatigue, fog, depression, even numbness that sets into my fingers and toes at times after the burning and tingling stops, as well as the other crazy symptoms of these conditions and the limits it puts on my exercising, etc... I'm sorry you're both going through such hard times and send you gentle hugs. Like you, I take comfort in knowing I'm not alone with this as no one really understands it unless they live it. It's made a real difference to me to find friends here who, in spite of being sick, hurting and exhausted, are doing what they can to get better and get fitter.

    I also find that the medical establishment has little of value to offer me with my Fibro so I depend on natural things as much as possible (rest, ice, clean diet, Reiki, Arnica Gel, stretching, Epsom Salts, etc.) and have started seeing a counselor to help my mental outlook. It's all good and, little by little, I see myself improving.

    If you don't know his work, I recommend you look at Bruce Campbell, PhD from Stanford University in California. He's a scientist who had Fibro and Chronic Fatigue and developed a way of getting over it. He now devotes himself to helping others with it and has written some good books about it and has online support groups, etc. He is one example of hope for all of us.

    Hang in there! I will say prayers for you both.
  • swfloridagal
    I also have chronic pain. Sometimes it is debilitating and I have to stay in bed all day and sometimes it is limiting where I stay in bed half the day or do much less than I would like to do. And luckily, sometimes it is not too bad at all (since I been taking a drug in a clinical trial I'm in for Lupus). I also have Fibro, periphial neuropathy, L5 compression and residual pain from a serious car accident that shattered and shredded much of my pelvis, hip, sciatic nerve, sacrum, ascetabulum and spine.

    I also wake up with numb hands and fingers but increasing my prednisone along with the clinical trial drug and 5 other drugs seems to have helped it very much. I also use a parafin wax bath on my hands every evening and sometimes in the middle of the night. I massage them and wax them and stretch them. My feet hurt in much the same way. I do gentle yoga stretching and this helps to loosen me up pretty well and also work out in a very warm pool.

    All of this is to say that I decided to try and eat better so i might feel better. I lost 40 pounds so far and do feel better but still hurt all the time in varying degrees. Today was pretty bad so I spent almost all day in bed but did manage to stretch to a Yoga tape.

    I just wanted to say hi to everybody who is living with pain like me and say i'm glad your all here. Its hard enough to be motivated when you feel great... its even harder when your in pain. But I see it is possible by those who have gone before me.... i hope my success thus far helps you to feel motivated too. Together we can do this one day at a time.

    Dec 14, 2012... i lost 38 pounds so far!