How are you friends??

Well...tomorrow is the end of the initial 50 days. How did you do? I have to confess that I've been pretty checked out over the past week and struggled through the week before that. I'm not really sure what happened, but I am not a fan sitting and relishing on past mistakes; but rather, I want to move ahead and get all the momentum that I had back!

I'd like us to share how we did overall through these 50 days and then start telling us what your goals are for the next 50. Let's allow ourselves this week to really figure out what's attainable for us for the next 50 and start next Monday. What?!?! Start on Christmas Eve...yep! I feel like there's no reason we can't do that. :-)

How are you all doing?? Where are you at today?


  • lisadekk
    lisadekk Posts: 37 Member
    To be honest, I am not at a good place this morning. I got off my restricted and healthy eating the past few days and I literally do not feel well today. If I had the finances and wanted to poked and prodded I would be tested for what exactly is the root/cause of this pain and icky feeling.

    Thankful today is a new day, the beginning of a new week and the opportunity to get back on track and feel good again. So, let's get it started.
  • cougar1976
    cougar1976 Posts: 8 Member
    The past two weeks have been a real challenge for me as-well. On December 3rd I quit smoking, yes nasty nasty habit, the day I did a final weigh in for a biggest loser challenge that was held at my work place (which I'm proud to say I won). The hardest part of quitting smoking is wanting to eat, like my body craving sugar and carbs. Most days I can fight it off, however with the holiday season well on its way everywhere I go there are Christmas treats and of course everyone offering there Christmas baking. YES I'm so glad its Monday, and the end of the 50 day challenge, and the beginning of another. On October 30th 2012 my weight was 268.6, and today I weigh 249.7, a total loss of 18.9 pounds.

    My thoughts for the next challenge a week from now is, how about we measure inches lost. Or percentage of body mass lost. Just a thought, look forward to all the other great suggestions.

    After the new year I will be joining yet another biggest loser challenge. This challenge will have a few hundred people rather than my last one which was 12 people. Either way I love being challenged and committed to my weight loss journey, as do the MY Fitness Pal friends of course.
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    these past 50 days sure did have some ups and downs for me. however, i did fight thru it. i didnt quit. i learned many things, performed new excercises, and definitely improved in some areas. but the biggest achievement of all...i made some great and awesome new friends. i do feel closer to u guys than my friends here and i think its because u guys get and understand my struggle. we are a part of something and we are a team. a family. heres to the next 50!!
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member
    I did not lose what I had planned to lose but I honestly feel great after these 50 days!! My eating habits have improved and I ran my first 5K! I allowed myself to take breaks or else I would go insane. :smile:

    Ready for the next 50!!!!
  • JewelE77
    JewelE77 Posts: 134 Member
    I didn't lose what I'd planned to lose but the scale moved down instead of up during the holidays so I'm counting it as a win! In the next 50 days, I'd like to lose 10 more pounds. I'd love to lose a lot more but I know it's not realistic for me. Good luck to everyone, we can do it! :)
  • nre820
    nre820 Posts: 77 Member
    I feel like I am doing pretty well, I had a couple of hiccups along the way but overall, it's been a good journey.

    After Thanksgiving, my weight went up (+4 lbs) and I was getting really discouraged, but since that high point, I have lost ten pounds (so a net of 6 lbs).

    I've made some changes to my eating habits and am trying to figure out my winter running and cross training plan. That's been the hard part.

    I am also securely in a size 8. Pretty great!

    Thanks to all my pals for your encouragement!
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 252 Member
    This has all been so great to read!! I'm looking forward to starting the next leg of this journey with all of you!! I think going off of measurements is a great idea!!!
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    It has been a rough two weeks for me also.. the temptations are just too much for me. I have maintained my exercise and my logging no matter how far over my calories and hope to do that through the beginning of the new year (well not the over my calories part :))
  • MrsBiscoe
    MrsBiscoe Posts: 177 Member
    Well here we are the end. For me the last two weeks was a little rough, because I ended up getting sick for three days and all I did was sleep. I went to the doctors and I have a sinus infection so she gave me antibiotics and told me to rest, so I have not done to much. I did lose some pounds today I weigh in at 191 lbs from 193 when I started and that's because I gain and then I lost it again. I will still keep my routine and see what I can do in another 50 days. I will set small weight goals that way I can meet them. It sure has been fun. Thank you to everyone :flowerforyou:
  • chaNyn613
    chaNyn613 Posts: 112 Member
    Gearing up for the next challenge- so far I plan on adding more personal NSC- non-scale challenges, like the water Wednesdays, extra cardio on cardio days, extra veggies, trying new fruits and or veggies, new recipes etc. I have some progressive excercise goals. I want to add streching/yogo to my routine. In February, I want to start the C25k and in May I would like to start running 5ks with my kids.

    My biggest obstacles will be studying and not snacking.