Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life !!

Hi, just call me Warrior63 and I have been in the fitness field for a good long while. I have had my ups and my downs. I think everyone goes through a point in their life where they feel they missed the mark, can go no further, or just have to settle. I am telling you.. YOU DON'T. This life is yours, given to you by your Creator, to make the most of it and that includes being healthy.
If you find yourself saying, hey, I am fat and out of shape...WELCOME to a large part of the world. Now, turn that around and say, hey, I was fat and out of shape. Feels better, huh? Well, do something about it. Don't make this a New Year's resolution that lasts a month or two, make this a lifestyle. Give it your all, fight to become who you want to become. We are in this together.


  • Kryn_K
    Kryn_K Posts: 44
    It Ain't Over Til It's Over i like it ... and here am i , starting my journey to learn the best for myself to feel stronger and healthier.. i'm not a new member on myfitnesspal but i have not being successful is lack of interest of my part this is a wonderful site, i decide to commit doing exercise. 3 weeks ago I was what's is called a potato couch. :embarassed: i was doing Insanity lol i got the craziest program from beachbody too hard for me but i just have a week that i switched to another program Les mills Combat i knew this will be the one i love Les mills pump i tried before at the gym and it's so cool. well I been drinking lots of water, but the main problem for me is the eating habits i can't let it go my carbs :indifferent: but I'm trying to eat clean i have 10000 craves per day but my desire for being successful is stronger. that's a bit of me so you can know what's wrong with me lol :tongue:
    JEABH Posts: 11 Member
    I failed so many times at this lifestyle change that I sometimes wonder if I should just give up. But that would be mean being unhappy with myself for the rest of my life which I CANNOT accept.
  • Ok here I go again, I have lost and gained the same 30 pounds for about 15 years now. I have run in races including a 10k. I have tried it all. I have been as light as 228 pounds about 8 years ago to my heaviest at 295 about 2 years ago. I am currently at 279. I cannot believe I am back here again. I am huge binge eater and stress eater and was about to spend money on another program when I came across this. It only won because it was free. I have a very hard time incorporating weight loss into my life without letting it take over. I am good for 6 to 12 weeks and then I lose steam and fall back to bad habits. So whatever words or advice anyone can throw at me will help. I see people in my daily travels that eat anything and everything and never gain a pound. That is not me, as soon as I stop working out and eat poorly the fat piles on. It is very discouraging.
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    This group sounds like what I am needing right now. I don't know why but I am feeling discouraged. Maybe it's the holidays and all the food that goes with it. I have worked too hard getting to where I am now to back slide. I have changed to maintenance just to help me get through this mental slump but want to get back in weight loss mode after the new year. Some extra support and encouragement will help.
  • CarrieBudd
    CarrieBudd Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I just joined this group. I've started and stopped this a couple of times, and want to keep at it, so figured a group might help me to do that. I'm 65 and overweight. I'm pretty healthy, but I am not comfortable in my own body, and want to change that. I'll see what's written each day when I enter my info. Thanks for being here.
  • You ALL have inspired me to do what I can to improve my health. Thank you for willingly sharing your thoughts. This is my first experience with this type of support group; I was a little apprehensive about sharing my thoughts. Your words have given me a sense of confidence that "this will be okay!" ... so... here goes....
    I am not defined as medically overweight and I am not a "sit down" type of person - not because I wouldn't enjoy it; but, because for many years I have not been afforded the opportunity to "just sit." I try to be physically active. I try to eat right. Life gets too busy and exercise and healthy eating gets pushed aside quickly. I am determined, especially after reading your posts, to get myself back in good physical condition. I realize that I must be the one to make things right with myself; but it sure is nice to know that I am among friends here. I am here to encourage each of you to not give up, don't throw in the towel, or any other cliche that fits at this time! (I am telling myself this, too!) Thank you, again, for your very inspirational and motivational words.

    PS: I am engaged to warrior63 and he is 6 long hours away from me and will be for about another year and a half. I would very much like to be "presentable" on my wedding day :heart:
  • Good Morning!! Today is another chapter in your life. How will you live it? I read through each members post and I can say with all honesty.. we are truly all looking for the same thing. We want to lose weight and be healthy. I wanted to share a few things if you don't mind that I have done to encourage myself in hope that maybe they will be something helpful to you. I am sure you have heard these before, but I know they work.
    1. Keep a journal or post here on how you are feeling from day to day. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It's okay, we are family!!
    2. Take a before picture and keep it nearby. Everytime I feel like cheating, nothing like looking at what I am trying to change to make me think twice.
    3. Eat clean. You have heard it before. Get away from processed foods and refined sugars.
    4. Exercise daily. I started parking my car in the furthest spot in the lot, just to walk further. Anything I can do to get more exercise.
    5. There are no miracle pills and if it sounds too good to be true...it is...lol.
    6. Don't put it off and say, "I will get around to it or I will start tomorrow." Most likely, you won't.
    7. Celebrate the victories...even the small ones. We will celebrate with you!!! Hey I sure could use the pat on the back when I lose a few pounds.
    Some of us are new to MFP and others have been here before. I know I have. Remember, this is your life and you want change. You are going to be tempted everyday for the rest of your life. It will take a desire to change, determination and persistence. Nobody is going to live in that body, but you. Are you a fighter? Or a spectator? Stop saying I can't or I will or I can, replace that with, "I am doing this now." Set a small target and go for it. Be victorious, one fight at a time, but never give up!! The smaller the goal, the less chance you will have at being discouraged. I believe in you. I believe in us as a family. So go get 'em CHAMP!!!!

    Now for one of my favorite quotes from the Rocky Balboa movie:
    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!"
    Rocky talking to his son

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • It Ain't Over Til It's Over i like it ... and here am i , starting my journey to learn the best for myself to feel stronger and healthier.. i'm not a new member on myfitnesspal but i have not being successful is lack of interest of my part this is a wonderful site, i decide to commit doing exercise. 3 weeks ago I was what's is called a potato couch. :embarassed: i was doing Insanity lol i got the craziest program from beachbody too hard for me but i just have a week that i switched to another program Les mills Combat i knew this will be the one i love Les mills pump i tried before at the gym and it's so cool. well I been drinking lots of water, but the main problem for me is the eating habits i can't let it go my carbs :indifferent: but I'm trying to eat clean i have 10000 craves per day but my desire for being successful is stronger. that's a bit of me so you can know what's wrong with me lol :tongue:
    You said it...you have the desire and if you have the desire then you have the heart to succeed. GO FOR IT!!! I have Les Mill Combat and Pump as well. I love the programs. Get the fire burning and come out fighting!! Ding!! Ding!!
  • Hi. I just joined this group. I've started and stopped this a couple of times, and want to keep at it, so figured a group might help me to do that. I'm 65 and overweight. I'm pretty healthy, but I am not comfortable in my own body, and want to change that. I'll see what's written each day when I enter my info. Thanks for being here.
    Glad to have you as part of the family. Just remember we got your back!!! No more starting and stopping...this is your day!!! :smile:
  • This group sounds like what I am needing right now. I don't know why but I am feeling discouraged. Maybe it's the holidays and all the food that goes with it. I have worked too hard getting to where I am now to back slide. I have changed to maintenance just to help me get through this mental slump but want to get back in weight loss mode after the new year. Some extra support and encouragement will help.
    Holidays are tough. For instance, today at work they have what is called The Holiday Tea and then tomorrow our Auxillary wants to feed our departments. Everyday, we are going to face adversity!! Just think of them as your opponents in the ring of life. Start today, say I am bigger than my foe, because I got what it takes to keep pushing forward. The gyms always get crowded for the month of January and sometimes even February, but after that the numbers start dwindling because people had good intentions but then couldn't continue. You can do it.
  • Ok here I go again, I have lost and gained the same 30 pounds for about 15 years now. I have run in races including a 10k. I have tried it all. I have been as light as 228 pounds about 8 years ago to my heaviest at 295 about 2 years ago. I am currently at 279. I cannot believe I am back here again. I am huge binge eater and stress eater and was about to spend money on another program when I came across this. It only won because it was free. I have a very hard time incorporating weight loss into my life without letting it take over. I am good for 6 to 12 weeks and then I lose steam and fall back to bad habits. So whatever words or advice anyone can throw at me will help. I see people in my daily travels that eat anything and everything and never gain a pound. That is not me, as soon as I stop working out and eat poorly the fat piles on. It is very discouraging.
    I totally understand about binge eating due to stress. It has been one of my hardest foes. You can do this. You have done it before. It is not unusal for people to fall back to bad habits when it comes to eating, but you got to want it bad enough that you are willing to put aside all of the junk food. I have friends that can eat anything they want and never gain a pound, but guess what when they go to the doctor, they have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or other health issues, so don't let that discourage you. I challenge you to go not 12 weeks this time...go 12 months!!! Push past the past...make a new future. You can do this!!!
  • I failed so many times at this lifestyle change that I sometimes wonder if I should just give up. But that would be mean being unhappy with myself for the rest of my life which I CANNOT accept.
    NEVER GIVE UP!!! You will do this!! You just said you do not want to by unhappy with yourself for the rest of your life...actually you CANNOT accept it, then there is one answer. Take challenge, push yourself, set those goals, and live a life that you defined by being all you can be!!
  • I took time this morning to reply to each of you who joined this group. If you wonder why, I care. Just like you I want to reach my full potential. I am willing and ready!! I wanted to encourage each of you who posted and say THIS IS YOUR DAY!!! How you eat and exercise will depend on your will power. Only you can make a decision to set and obtain your goals. I am cheering for ya!!!
  • alliet12
    alliet12 Posts: 48 Member
    Hello! I just joined this group, sorry I am a day late but it's never too late to start on the rest of your life right?!
    I have been fighting with weight gaining for year the scale just kept getting higher then down a few up a few more. I decided in October i would set the goal to lose 20 lbs by christmas (i joined a group too) I started off great, then i kept getting sick, i got the flu, i got food poisoning and of all things I got a slight concussion (getting christmas decorations out of the attic) and had to slow down. I stopped logging but was conscious about what I was eating. I fell of the wagon. I need to find my will and strength to fight on! I will get to where I want to be. As you have said baby steps! I plan on setting small goals and accomplishing them!

    My husband and I just completed our first 5K on sunday in 37 min!! It was a great accomplishment for me and even bigger for my husband. He was in an accident over 4 years ago and has a metal plate and screws in his right ankle. Some days he still has to walk with a cane. It took him 4 years to the day to try and run again! And guess what he did it and ran next to me the whole time even when I needed to walk! If someone can over come an injury like that what is my excuse?! The truth is I don't have one!

    It Ain't over til it's over and i want to prove it myself that I can and will do it!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    I am so happy to have found this group. It seems like many of us are having the same issues with needing to start over and finding the motivation to maintain healthy habits. I know that together we can support and encourage each other.

    Warrior, thanks for starting the group. Your positive and no-nonsense attitude is already evident and very much appreciated.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you more....feel free to add me if you like.
  • I am so happy to have found this group. It seems like many of us are having the same issues with needing to start over and finding the motivation to maintain healthy habits. I know that together we can support and encourage each other.

    Warrior, thanks for starting the group. Your positive and no-nonsense attitude is already evident and very much appreciated.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you more....feel free to add me if you like.
    Thanks Dawn and welcome to the group!! You are going to do GREAT!!!