2 Weeks Post-Op & Having Back Pain?

I am about two weeks out from having RNY Gastric Bypass surgery, all is well, haven't had any issues dumping or vomiting or anything, I am adjusting well to food, but after a while sitting up, standing or waling around I get a dull ache in my mid back (that only ceases once I lay down) that I haven't had before. I have a feeling it may be because of the weight I have lost so far and this is my body adjusting but I wanted to see if anyone else has this pain and if they have any suggestions.


  • veggibus
    veggibus Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 4 weeks out and had the same problem.
    I went to my Chiropractor and my back adjusted a LOT during his treatment but it still didn't relieve the pain.
    I asked my surgeon about it and she said that it was from the weight loss and my muscles readjusting.
    I got a pedicure and focused the massage chair on my mid back - for two days following I felt as if I had bruises up and down my spine.
    It got so bad that I had to sleep with a heating pad.

    Then, suddenly, it just went away. I still get a little sore towards the end of the day... but it is nowhere near as bad as it was.

    I highly (!) recommend you get a heating pad to use -- it did wonders for me. Also, don't use a massage chair -- it isn't worth it! :)

    Good luck!