Weigh-In Week 1



  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 252 Member
    This morning I weighed in at 167.4. This is a pound higher than my ticker b/c I've been pretty lax the past few weeks. That's when I found all of you for my motivation!!! :-) I searched high and low for our measuring tape this morning with no luck! BOO!! I'll either find it or go get some before the day ends! My measurements will be posted later! :-)
  • sanusiya
    sanusiya Posts: 11 Member
    Height 5'2
    Starting Weight 140
    Current Weight 136.2
    Goal Weight 110
  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 157 Member
    I know that some of you are into your Wednesday already...so feel free to start our first official weigh-in! Here's what you should post:

    Weight (we'll do this every Wednesday)

    Measurements (We'll do this the 19th of each month)

    I will weight in next wednesday
  • oAshlio
    oAshlio Posts: 44 Member
    Weight- 181

    Measurments- Unknown at this current time.

    It seems I have gained 2 pounds since my last weigh in two weeks ago, but I am hoping this is just water weight of some kind because I have been very good at what I eat and exercising. As for my measurments, I need to get some dress-maker measuring tape before I can find that out!
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Starting weight: 158.2 pounds
    Goal weight: 130 pounds

    Bust: 35
    Waist: 29.5
    Hips: 40
    Left Arm: 11.5
    Right Arm: 11
    Left Thigh: 23
    Right Thigh: 23
  • COShelly
    COShelly Posts: 9 Member
    I was 186 on Sunday. Weighed in yesterday at 183.8. I need to take measurements.
  • SalPal03
    SalPal03 Posts: 80 Member
    151lbs :S have not measured... maybe after Christmas
  • lisadekk
    lisadekk Posts: 37 Member
    Starting Weight: 191 (when I began MFP 10.15.12)
    Current Weight: 174.5 (12.19.12) (16.5 lb loss since start)

    Have not measured yet. Wish I would have measured 2 months when I started so I knew how many inches I have lost...need belts for my pants!!!
  • runettethomas
    runettethomas Posts: 60 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    Current Weight: 215.8
    Short Term Goal Weight: 205
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 175
    Weekly Goal: 2 pound per week
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :drinker:
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    163 this morning (last Wednesday I was 170 so I hope I really have lost this! Too worried to log it as a loss yet)
  • LittleBallofFurr
    LittleBallofFurr Posts: 242 Member
    Oh my gosh lol for some reason my post from yesterday didnt post :( *growl*
    My weight yesterday morning starting was 175.0 ROCK IT!
  • LKG31
    LKG31 Posts: 92 Member
    My weight yesterday was 189.4. Up a bit from last time I weighed, but I'm always fluctuating! Here's to a good week!
  • Michshellars
    Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late to the weigh in, my weigh-in day is Tues.

    My weight from Tues was 154.5 lbs. I'm 5'1.5 and my starting weight was 164, so I'm down 9.5 lbs since the beginning of my weight-loss journey, have about another 30 to go! I've never done the measurements so I'm just sticking with the #s for now. Hope everyone's first week is going well!
  • AshlynnKai
    AshlynnKai Posts: 22 Member
    Starting Weight: 190.4
    Current Weight: 186

    I still haven't found that measuring tape, I know its somewhere around here!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I forgot but I did weigh in Sunday and I had gained 4 lbs! I was shocked bc thought I was doing all right...evidently not! So I am 152.4 give or take on the point. I am going on memory
  • nre820
    nre820 Posts: 77 Member
    Forgot to do this on Wednesday-I've been pulling doubles all week! Ugh!

    Anyway, starting weight as of this morning is 168 lbs.
  • yocando
    yocando Posts: 101 Member
    lordy, lordy-- I need to get my brain around the whole measurement thing....that's not gonna happen today!!
    I will post everything once I'm there...
    it took me awhile to commit upon receipt of the invitation because I think I'm scared of failing again... I've been at this for tooooo long...
    I took a bath yesterday and saw the truth-- I'm super fit- but carrying extra weight... weight that detracts from what could be a rather hot shape!!!
    I need to want this more!!