I think I have a problem...

abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
Over the last few months I've realized that I binge. A lot. If I have the ability to I will do it multiple times per day...not just a little...1000 calories here...1000 calories there...before you know it I'm having 4000 calorie days.

I need help. I don't know if there is really professional help available for this sort of thing. For the life of me I can't figure out how (or when) it started. But I know that it's very emotional. If I don't eat something...and I mean ALL of something it drives me crazy. It makes me feel deprived and I feel like a whiny kid who just wants MORE MORE MORE! But if I do eat it I feel guilty and depressed.

I know a lot of you guys have or are going through this. I would love any advice you can give since I'm pretty new to this...I also would welcome friend requests from anyone struggling with this as well (particularly guys as I imagine eating habits probably differ quite a bit between guys/girls).


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Over the last few months I've realized that I binge. A lot. If I have the ability to I will do it multiple times per day...not just a little...1000 calories here...1000 calories there...before you know it I'm having 4000 calorie days.

    I need help. I don't know if there is really professional help available for this sort of thing. For the life of me I can't figure out how (or when) it started. But I know that it's very emotional. If I don't eat something...and I mean ALL of something it drives me crazy. It makes me feel deprived and I feel like a whiny kid who just wants MORE MORE MORE! But if I do eat it I feel guilty and depressed.

    I know a lot of you guys have or are going through this. I would love any advice you can give since I'm pretty new to this...I also would welcome friend requests from anyone struggling with this as well (particularly guys as I imagine eating habits probably differ quite a bit between guys/girls).

    You'd be surprised at how little eating habits probably do differ between guys and girls when it comes to binge eating, beyond the food choices perhaps. I have had days where I have eaten 10,000 calories. I have yet to find a solution myself to be honest, beyond trying to find alternative ways of making yourself feel better when emotions kick in, such as exercise or engaging in a hobby. I can manage a certain time with just having limited amounts of binge type foods and then eventually end up eating the whole lot. One method also is to make sure you don't get hungry, that gives you a little more self control...have something every 3 hours or so, preferably high in protein, doesn't have to be a meal, just to keep your blood sugar balanced. I find that if I am hungry, I am so much more likely to give into emotions and just buy a load of sugary bakery items.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Welcome! You're not alone. I don't know if I have any good advice but I wanted to respond to you...there are psychologists who specialize in this sort of thing; I have considered going to one but haven't. There are also 12 step groups and groups like this one that are very helpful. Also a lot of good books out there, I think there is a thread on this board with all the helpful books on binge eating. And I agree with graewlyn, we have to find something other than food to make ourselves feel better, reward, soothe, celebrate, whatever it is we are using the food for. I find that is the hardest part - I need a hobby or something I can do that is more enjoyable to me than food.

    Oh and I can probably eat more than a lot of men I know, depending on what the food is. :embarassed:
  • KmusicheartBTS
    KmusicheartBTS Posts: 39 Member
    I've been struggling with this for many years, on and off. Professional help is definitely available for this problem and should be used, if you have a chance. I recently purchased a book (http://www.amazon.com/Binge-Eating-Compulsive-Overeating-Workbook/dp/1572245913/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355962666&sr=8-1&keywords=binge+eating+workbook) which addresses this issues and attempts to help you with binge eating or compulsive overeating. Definitely, look into what's happening in your life and what you're attempting to do with food. Dull emotions? Escape? Alleviate boredom? Anxiety? There are many reasons why we're using food, so it's not about food. If you have a chance, read some literature and try to get professional help. That's why it's for.