Challenge ideas

Hello. I would like us all to have some input here. What kind of challenges would you like to do? Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly? Food or nutrition or both? Lets throw some ideas out and we can decide.


  • Kitty7814
    I don't have any challenge ideas but I'd like to have weekly ones because I think those would be helpful to keep engaged possibly?
  • a_better_me_for_me
    Kitty7605- I agree. I think people tend to get bored with the monthly goals. Changing it up keeps us interested lol.
  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    I agree-weekly is good! It helps keep everyone motivated! A few ideas:

    -most minutes spent doing cardio
    -XX number of days w/o junk food
    -XX number of fruits/veggie servings each day
    -maybe a meatless week? (this would be hard for me and won't likely be popular, but I thought I'd throw it out there)
  • a_better_me_for_me
    lem_orc29- I love the ideas. The meat one would be hard for me as well lol. But it might give us perspective on meat to veggie ratios and portion control. Maybe even some new meal ideas.

    How about trying a new exercise, drinkin a certain amount of water, focusing a certain body part?

    What about things to help us emotionally and mentally as well? Self esteem exercises?
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    I like the idea of weekly challenges. Monthly will make us some of us chat less, check in less and generally stray away. That is me. I just cleared out 10 groups I joined and never went back to. So if I know I need to go in weekly and update my peeps I will be more likely to be engaged.

    As for challenges we could do progression weeks, for example Mon-10 crunches day, tues-15 crunches, wed-20 crunches, etc. I also like the suggestion of new exercises. I don't really have any other suggestions right now, btu I am going to think about it.

  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    As long as we don't do a VEGAN week--I don' t think I could survive without my eggs and cheese! lol ;)
  • johnsonlisa90012
    weekly. . .
  • ky06092012
    I think we should have a smaller one weekly and a tougher one monthlly.
    Weekly Ideas:
    -Do 1000 Crunches one week.. If you're working out 5 days a week thats 200 a day. You don't have to do them all at once. spread them out during the day but abs need attention.

    -Try to drink a gallon of water a day.for a week. (I know here on MFP it recommends 8 cups of water. But if you look elsewhere you will learn that is not nearly enough. Plus the more you drink the more water weight you will lose! Hydration is key for clear skin and weight loss!

    -We could try to get in 10 miles of cardio one week! That really isnt too tough depending on the machine used. i.e. I did 5 miles this morning doing intervals on a stationary bike.

    Monthly Ideas:

    -We could try to lose 8-10 pounds in a month. (losing 2 pounds a week is a safe perfect rate of weight loss.)

    -We could do a fitness video month.. Since most focus on month long training i.e. 30 Day Shred Etc. Everyone could try a video they had been wanting to do and go at it for a month! You can rent them from libraries or pick them up at walmart for cheap..

    when i think of more i'll let you all know :) Feedback more than welcome!!
  • danielleleigh1991
    danielleleigh1991 Posts: 11 Member
    There are allot of fitness videos on YouTube including the 30-day shred by Jillian Micheals.
    I like the idea of number of miles walked in a week. I think that that is a realistic goal that everyone could participate in.

    Here are some of my ideas:
    1. amount of water intake
    2. miles walked
    3. fun exercise challenge (do an activity that is fun and active)
    4. No sugar week
    5. take the stairs week
    6. strength training week
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I do like the weekly goals posted on here. I am doing a challenge right now that is a month...move 20 minutes a day. It was harder than I would have thought. I do go to the gym 5 - 6 days a week, but the few days that I don't go is normally b/c I am really busy all day. I have found the time though and have been doing something every day so far this month. This was a good challenge for me.
  • arwsgirl
    arwsgirl Posts: 75 Member
    Not many ideas on specific challenges but I like the idea of small weekly challenges and one overall monthly challenge.
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    This is so exciting! I like the weekly idea...when do we get our first challenge??? YAY!!
  • a_better_me_for_me
    I will post our first challenge 01-01-2013. We will have a weekly and a monthly challenge. Do you have any preferences as to which challenges will be monthly and which will be weekly?
  • betsij
    betsij Posts: 299 Member
    nope, I'm game with anything!
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    I think we should have a smaller one weekly and a tougher one monthlly.
    Weekly Ideas:
    -Do 1000 Crunches one week.. If you're working out 5 days a week thats 200 a day. You don't have to do them all at once. spread them out during the day but abs need attention.

    -Try to drink a gallon of water a day.for a week. (I know here on MFP it recommends 8 cups of water. But if you look elsewhere you will learn that is not nearly enough. Plus the more you drink the more water weight you will lose! Hydration is key for clear skin and weight loss!

    -We could try to get in 10 miles of cardio one week! That really isnt too tough depending on the machine used. i.e. I did 5 miles this morning doing intervals on a stationary bike.

    Monthly Ideas:

    -We could try to lose 8-10 pounds in a month. (losing 2 pounds a week is a safe perfect rate of weight loss.)

    -We could do a fitness video month.. Since most focus on month long training i.e. 30 Day Shred Etc. Everyone could try a video they had been wanting to do and go at it for a month! You can rent them from libraries or pick them up at walmart for cheap..

    when i think of more i'll let you all know :) Feedback more than welcome!!

    I like your challenge ideas.
    I don't think we should do the weight challenge tho, because two people can do the same thing and lose the fat/weight differently. One person will drop 3 to 4 pounds a week, while another only drops less than half a pound, etc..
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    There are allot of fitness videos on YouTube including the 30-day shred by Jillian Micheals.
    I like the idea of number of miles walked in a week. I think that that is a realistic goal that everyone could participate in.

    Here are some of my ideas:
    1. amount of water intake
    2. miles walked
    3. fun exercise challenge (do an activity that is fun and active)
    4. No sugar week
    5. take the stairs week
    6. strength training week

    This is when MFP needs a 'Like' button :-)
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    I agree-weekly is good! It helps keep everyone motivated! A few ideas:

    -most minutes spent doing cardio
    -XX number of days w/o junk food
    -XX number of fruits/veggie servings each day
    -maybe a meatless week? (this would be hard for me and won't likely be popular, but I thought I'd throw it out there)

    The meatless week would be challenging, but fun...because we would have to learn creative ways to prep our meals...I'm sure our bodies would be happier with less meat! LOL
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    keep the ideas coming, i am making a list so we can have a good start on 1 jan
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I will be going with the weekly/monthly challenge, and I will throw in some daily challenges as well to keep you on your toes!