My first post!

I know there are other "I'm new here" posts, so I hope you ladies don't mind one more! My name is Meagan and I just got engaged last Saturday! No specific date set as of now, but we are looking at the first three Saturdays in June. Needless to say that doesn't give me a ton of time, but I will be happy to just lose 10 pounds and tone up a little by then. What do you think? Think I can do it?

A little bit about me: like a lot of women on here, I used to be pretty healthy and trim. But sedentary jobs and a severe case of depression helped me pack on the pounds. Overall, I'm looking to lose a total of 30 long term, but I'm happy to "plateau" when I like what I see in the mirror (since there's no stopping once you start, right?). I'm currently taking medication for my depression and I've been lucky to have it help my outlook on life! I'm feeling better than ever and now I just need my body to catch up.

I love to write--I'm currently working on two books. I'm also trying to get into graduate school, so I have a ton on my plate. I don't have many personal friends currently working on the same goals, and almost none on this site. So I would love to make some friends here and share this journey!


  • andonsmama
    congrats!!!!! my wedding is 4/5/13 and i am half way to my goal!! 19 down, 20 more to go!!!
    I had a baby 2 yrs ago and FINALLY getting the weight off. i could never stick to any diet, but MFP has been a lifesaver!!
    we kinda did things in reverse! HAHA

    feel free to add me as a friend :smile:
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi Meagan! I'm getting married in June, so I can totally understand feeling like there's not quite enough time to reach your goals by then.

    But you know what the good news is? There's unlimited time to reach your goals after the wedding! After all, we needn't settle for just being thin and healthy for the wedding, we can be thin and healthy for life.

    So with that outlook in mind, I recommend making some long-term goals and a plan that you can stick to for a long long time. Don't stress too much about how much weight you can lose for the wedding, just work on getting healthier one day at a time. You can do this!

  • oameyers
    oameyers Posts: 76 Member
    Hello Meg,

    Have no fear. There are roughly 15weeks between now and June. So that means you can safely lose 15-30lbs by then. Just take it one day at a time. Track all your calories and workout as much as in comfortable for you.

    I've found that MFP really helps. Get connected, get friends, read post....

    You can do it!