Lower abdominal pain post-surgery

veggibus Posts: 34 Member
I'm 4 weeks post-op and am experiencing a sharp pain on my lower left side. It is always worse at night and I mostly feel it when I'm changing positions (sitting to standing, lying to sitting, etc.) or if I've been sitting for a long period of time. Heat and/or applying pressure makes it feel a little better. Sometimes, it feels like a bad cramp - but when I try to stretch it, it just hurts more. It always feels better when I'm walking around or standing up.

I first brought it to my Surgeon's attention at my two week check-up. At first, she prescribed laxatives. When that didn't make a difference she gave me a shot to numb the area because she thought it was just my stitches pulling.

Now, after 2 weeks of it getting progressively worse, I have to go back to the hospital for an upper endoscopy tomorrow morning. :(

Has anyone else experienced something similar?


  • miss_erynn
    miss_erynn Posts: 140 Member
    I had that - it was an abscess!

    I now still get sharp shooting "pouch pains" on my lower left side when I have over-exerted myself, stretched the pouch the wrong way or overeaten.

    Good luck to ya!
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Are you ok? How did the endoscopy go? Hope you are doing good...
  • veggibus
    veggibus Posts: 34 Member
    I didn't end up getting an endoscopy - I went in for fluoroscope imagining (the same as right after my surgery).

    Turns out my intestines are perfect... my surgeon was actually a little giddy looking at my pouch. :)

    So, we were back to the pain being a mystery.
    My surgeon asked me again to show her where I felt the pain, so when I pointed to a spot on my lower left side she exclaimed that it was odd that I was feeling pain that low. She then pushed on an area right next to my large incision and immediately I felt pain. Aha! It was suture pain after all, I was just feeling the pain lower than the actual stitches.

    She gave me two shots of Lidocaine at the incision site and since then, the pain has almost completely gone away.

    I am so, so thankful that not only was it nothing serious, but that the pain has finally subsided. So thankful!

    Thanks for checking in on me gspea!