New Here - and looking for some friends!

JHart0816 Posts: 58 Member
HI! My name's Jen and I'm really excited to be on myfitnesspal :) I am 5'2" and weigh about 128 pounds. I'd like to get down to and maintain around 120. I bought a really cute Victoria's Secret bikini for only $20 in September and I REALLY would like to wear it on vacation this coming July!

My DH is a phys ed teacher, coaches 3 sports and is a cyclist so he is super fit. I'd like to be able to keep up with him! Right now I have been running 3 - 4 days a week and doing yoga on my off days. I have to mix it up every month or so to keep motivated.

I think eating is where I struggle most. I know I eat a lot of processed junk and not enough protein, so I'm really excited to see how myfitnesspal can help me get on track.

I'm looking forward to participating on this board to get ideas and motivation and to encourage others with goals similar to mine. I'd love it if we could become "friends".


  • Hi Jen!

    I'm Chloe, and I'm new too! I'm 5'1", and have a bit more weight than you to lose, but am working toward 120 also. I'm currently 141, which is the heaviest I've ever been after a lifetime at around the 115-120 mark. I used to exercise regularly, and ate very well - measured protein intake, organic foods etc. And then I traveled around Europe for 6 months and hey presto - I'm overweight.

    I'm back at the gym, and as of next week will have nearly 5 weeks off work at home so I'm using them to get myself back together.
    My problem isn't so much the physical side of things, I just can't control my cravings for crappy food! But I've done it before, so I can do it again and I'm sure you can too. Having MFP helps the motivation!
  • tammywiniger
    tammywiniger Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Jen my name is Tammy. I just started this program today. I'm 45 married with 2 kids. I never had weight issues until I hit 40. I weigh 142 right now and feel terrible. When I was doing P90X I could only get down to 133. As soon as I stopped P90 all the weight came right back.grrrr. I love to exercise so that wont be a concern. Food is my enemy. How are you doing on this program? I can only have 1250 calories a day.
  • JHart0816
    JHart0816 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Tammy - I'm doing pretty good on the program. I have it set up so that I'm only trying to lose .5 pounds a week, so my calorie limit is 1400 calories a day. I also eat all of my exercise calories, so that helps. I really want to focus on not eating crappy food because I believe, at least in my case, that that helps more than watching calories.

    I also love to exercise! I did P90X and P90X+ last year. But then the amount of time it took started to drain me as I work full time, have 2 little ones and a husband who is always working. Now I'm transitioning over to some cross fit type exercises that I can do at home along with running and yoga. The cross fit exercises remind me of P90x but with more intensity in a shorter period of time. I hope it works :)

    Good luck with MFP! I think it will really motivate you!
  • JHart0816
    JHart0816 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Chloe! It's nice to meet you! I also struggle with crappy foods! Hopefully being able to see what we are eating on MFP will help keep us in check!
  • Hi, my name is Alice.
    I'm 5ft and 123lbs, used to be 147lbs, i've been wanting to get down to around 100 for years, it just doesn't happen. I have reached 112lbs a few times but always gained it back.
    Since I've moved to London to live on my own I've been walking alot more, but somehow I gained 4 pounds. Also I cycle to college everyday or walk and that's almost 2miles.
    And yesterday was my really good friend's birthday so we spent the day together and ate like mofos.

    I really hope using myfitnesspal finally helps me do this once and for all.
  • JHart0816
    JHart0816 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Alice! Great job getting down to 123 from 147! That's amazing! Maybe the low 120s is where you are supposed to be. If you eat health and keep up with your activity that may just be your healthy weight. I know I really want to get to 120, but I have a feeling 125 - 127 may be my healthy weight. I'm at 126.5 right now.

    I hope you have a lot of success with MFP! I already think it is making a big difference for me :)
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Jen, I'm 5'2 and I have gone from 130lbs to 100lbs in the last 10 months, now working on body composition and eating as healthy as possible, feel free to add me for any support you need!
  • JHart0816
    JHart0816 Posts: 58 Member
    Wow Sarah - that's amazing! You are my hero :) I'd love to hear how you managed to do this. Is it hard to maintain at 100 poounds?
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Well Jen I would say if I had my time again I'd do things differently, I lost the weight by being super strict to the 1200 calorie number, working out (cardio) as much as possible and not eating back my exercise calories. The result is yes I'm a low weight but my body composition is not ideal, I still have flabby thighs and bum and skinny on top :cry:
    I will say that over the months my diet continued to improve dramatically which was one of the few things I did right! I stopped drinking alcohol, weighed and measured everything and only allowed myself to take a break on my 6 day honeymoon.
    What I should have done is eat my exercise calories back and joined a gym in order to lift weights, this would have gotten rid of my flabby areas and increased my metabolism in order for me to eat more.
    What I'm now doing is reducing my cardio and completing the Jillian Michaels DVD's at home to start to build my strength, I'm slowly upping my calories to test where my maintenance level actually is - I'm currently set to 1500 per day but look at me calories over the week so I can have more freedom on the weekend.
    Like I said I would do things differently after hours of research and these forums I feel I have a much better understanding of the right way to lose weight so please feel free to ask any questions and ill do my very best to answer them for you!

    Thank you for the add always great to have friends with similar stats! You can do this and you will succeed :happy:
  • myrestlessfeet
    myrestlessfeet Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! My name is Rowena.
    I'm 27 and 5'2" when I started MFP I was at 138 lbs. the heaviest I have ever been. I blame it on a two month trip out of the country where I just let myself lose. So far I've lost 5 lbs. and I hope to go back to being a 107 - 110 lbs.

    I try to go to the gym everyday. Mon., Wed., Fri., and Sun., I do a lot of cardio and on Tues., Thurs., and Sat., I have a training session with my trainer plus I do cardio as well. I was told I have fallen in love with the treadmill and the elliptical trainer :love:

    I'd love to make new friends here as well, when I started about early November this year I've just been kinda lurking around and its time to change that :)
  • Cgravelines
    Cgravelines Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, my name is Cathy.

    I am 39 and have been on myfitnesspal for about 3 months. I have lost 6 pounds and am looking to lose 5 more. Add me on as a friend - I have not done much posting/friending but I need to change that to get more motivated!:smile: