Any sleevers about 8 months out?

LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
I am just stuck. I am running every other day. I am working 3 jobs and I admit that I put eating last on my "to do" list. You' would think that this wouldbe helpful in losing...not so much. I'm not hungry really, some days I do notice that my runs suffer and I lack the energy I have when I eat better, but that is to be expected. I still puch through and finish my run.

My question or point here is why is my scale not moving in the past 3 weeks? I'n not good with no movement at all. I feel like a failure when I know that I am doing most of the right things to lose weight and nothing. Maybe I should just carry grilled chicken in my purse and that way I'll always have prepped food available? IDK.


  • gaylerock
    gaylerock Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Lady!
    I am 6 months out and have been wobbling between 141 - 145 for over a month now. Very frustrating!!!! I swim 1 mile about 5 - 6 times per week and eat between 800 - 1200 calories per day.
    But here is what I learned when I stalled at day 10 after surgery for 39 days. It WILL come off. It can NOT stay on with all we are doing. Some day soon you will drop a good 5 - 10 pounds in just a few days and will remember the elation of the days of old ("old" meaning like when you were only 3 months out -- LOL)
    Hang in there, chica!!
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I will be 6 months out on Tuesday, 12/11/12. I usually loose 8 pounds a month now. I am at 155.8 and almost at my surgeon's goal of 155 but would like to be at 130-140 for my personal goal. I have had a few stalls. I try to eat 1000 cals a day and 100 grams of protein a day and drink 80 oz of liquids a day too. I walk 2-4 miles a day also. As you get smaller it is harder to loose the weight. I started out at 270 2/1/12 and lost 47 pre op between 2/1-6/11/12 and have lost 67.20 post op in 6 months after sleeve surgery. The more you have to loose the faster it comes off too. Try to up your calories if you can. This might help.
  • Every time I feel like the scale isn't moving, I go back to basics and focus on getting in my protein first, at least 60 protein per day or more. Low carbs - and drinking protein shakes. It has worked for me. I have lost 90lbs since I started, the 76lbs since surgery in July (2012). I think that makes me 5 1/2 months out since surgery. I will be 6 months out on Jan 5th.

    congrats on your progress so far. Just think where you would be if you hadn't had the surgery! Life is a journey - not a destination. Enjoy it!
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    One year out from conversion. Two and a half from the original lap band. When you start to get close to your goal you need to start focusing on things other than the scale. The scale was easy at first, but now it's time to look long term. How are you doing with measuring and logging. Is it still cumbersome, or second nature? Are you still tracking your water? How much exercise are you getting now? It's got to be easier and funner than before. I know for me now I love exercise because I don't have to struggle so much to get around my fat. How are your clothes feeling?

    There are lots of other things to concentrate on besides the scale.