What do you do to help you quit???

GammaKJ Posts: 14 Member
As previously stated I am going "cold turkey" for quitting but am using gum, and of course snacks, Healthy ones mind you, fruits, veggies. to keep my mind off smoking I'm trying to keep busy and have recently taken up crocheting which I'm hoping is going to keep my mind and hand busy so that I don't feel the need for a smoke. Only problem with that is what do I do with all the stuff I end up making. LOL


  • I use a electronic cigarette when I feel stressed or like I need a smoke. Been doing it since July 18th.
  • Today is day seven for me. I had my last smoke at 7 am on Dec. 5th. Doing good so far. Using the patches and when I feel a craving I distract myself with something else. One goal is to start running again and eventually run races again.
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    I am a crutch addict. I can't use anything to help me get through quitting because I will only become dependent on it instead.

    Today is 100 days. Every single day I think I am going to lose the fight and pick up a cigarette ... but so far I haven't caved. Some days I owe that strength to crying about how weak I feel. Some days I owe it to gum, blissful blissful gum. Some days I owe it to water (I can't drink water and smoke, it makes the water taste bad) and other days I owe it to sheer force of will and my children.

    I've made it 100 days. According to all the websites, the cravings should be gone. Well, they're not. According to the websites, the cravings should come less often, that is only some what true. I still have 3-5 cravings per day. According to the websites it should only last about 3 minutes. 3 minutes is a VERY long time. Try holding your breath that long, or touching a hot burner that long. Try poking yourself in the eye that long or inhaling thick, black smoke for that long. 3 minutes is torture. It might as well be 3 hours, or three days, it doesn't make it any easier.

    I guess right now, my biggest aid to quitting is pure stubborn pride. I've made it 100 days. Can't f**k that record up after I've come this far!