Lifting Goals for 2013?

Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
Just curious if any of you ladies have goals set for 2013 as to what weight you'd like to be pushing/pulling be end of year?

I'll start...FWIW I'm 5'6", 125lbs

All lifts for reps, not 1RM

Deadlift - 200lbs by midyear, 225lbs by end of year - My favorite lift! I'm confident I'll nail these #s.

Squat -125lbs (close now), 150lbs by end of year - Not my favorite lift; have been working on muscle imbalances and form for a while now.

Bench Press (my worst lift :( ) - 100lbs by midyear, would love 125lb by end of year (ha-ha!)

Pullups & Chinups - for reps w/10% body weight added to dip belt

Barbell Overhead Press - 75lbs - Need to work on these as I usually OHP w/dumbbells (personal preference) or Bradford Press w/lighter weight.


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm not exactly sure what my timeline for these is but I should be able to hit them next year.

    Squat 200
    Deadlift 225
    Bench 135 (I wanna put big girl plates on there)
    Overhead press 115

    Right now my 1rms are roughly squatting 165, deadlift 175 (I dunno, I got to 185 at one point but I've never been able to get back there), Bench 105, overhead press 80

    the 115 OHP might be really optimistic, I just like the idea of my next goal being 2 35 lb plates. Maybe I should make it 95 for now. Yeah. That probably makes more sense. 2 25 lb plates. The other numbers should be no problem sometime next year. I hope.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I am pretty happy with all my lifts but I want to bench my own body weight (I am 70 kg at the moment), so benching 70 kg (154 lbs) at some point this year will really rock my socks off! I am not sure what to shoot for on the OHP, 40 kg is mean, I mean MEAN...I might push 45 kg (99 lbs) at some point this year, fingers crossed. I also want to perfect my snatch form and actually do it with an olympic bar and some weight (how the hell do I not fall backwards or forwards doing these?!).
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    How long have you amazing women been lifting? I'm wondering how long it might take to get where you are? Gosh I would love to lift my own weight with any lift!!! What an amazing accomplishment!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    about 10 months for me personally with a month off in the middle for a honeymoon + laziness. Oh well maybe more like 11 now? I believe I started SL in Feb. Actually, if I hadn't been taken the time off + a few months here and there where I stuck hard to a deficit and my lifting went to crap, I think I'd be further along. Buuut oh well. I might slow my progress when I start trying to lose again. I don't know. Some people can eat a deficit and make great lift progress. I can't even eat a small one without feeling myself slow down/stall.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    10 Months!! Wow! That is great! I hope it works like that for me too! You are amazing Tameko!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    How long have you amazing women been lifting? I'm wondering how long it might take to get where you are? Gosh I would love to lift my own weight with any lift!!! What an amazing accomplishment!

    Amazing women! - That's cool, thanks!

    I really got serious about a year ago. When I mean serious I'm referring to having a strict workout schedule, journaling all my workouts, getting my diet in check (for the most part) and of most importance, I started doing compound lifts. Prior to that, I did way too much cardio, had a crap diet, and did dumbbell lifts and never worked my legs (BIG mistake there-that's why my squats suck!). Anyway, I looked good (like someone who lifts) but definitely not as "toned" (for lack of a better word) as I look now, and definitely didn't have the strength I have now.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    How long have you amazing women been lifting? I'm wondering how long it might take to get where you are? Gosh I would love to lift my own weight with any lift!!! What an amazing accomplishment!

    Aw gee...thanks : )

    Um, I have a long time love of heavy lifts, began in earnest at 19, laid off for many years, but found that when I came back to it, aged 35 I was still as strong as an personal trainer 3 years ago pushed me with power bags, heavy kettlebells, pulling sleds, boxing, and lifting way heavier than I saw him make the other women lift...not sure how he knew my strength, but somehow he worked it out when we started a gym challenge and the weights were no problem for me...

    So altogether, with some breaks I have been lifting heavy for about 5 years...your muscles don't forget, but you have to build up from a certain level when you let the big strength drop off. For example I began my deadlifts at 60 kg (132 lbs) earlier this year and worked from there. I would need to dig out my notebook (yes I have a tatty book in which I write my lifts, measurements and other fitness related stuff) for the other start weights.

    Been doing stronglifts since July this year (started going to the gym again in April), ran that along with madcow for upper body for 12 full weeks, then have been doing a few 4 week cycles of Wendler's since October/November, finished on cycle 3 this week.

    It takes time and patience and I find cross training helpful as well as bodyweight exercises (push ups, burpees, pullups, etc). I also have a doorway pullup bar at home when I get bored. I have the strength, but I also need to lose this extra bodyfat, never had great muscle definition.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    My goal is to do all these lifts for reps. I set my first goal when I began heavy lifting in October and since I am close to that, I set a second goal for 2013:

    Current: 160lb
    First Goal: 175lb
    Second Goal: 2x Body Weight, so around 250lb

    Current: 100lb
    First Goal: Body Weight, 125lb
    Second Goal: 1.5x Body Weight, so around 185lb

    Current: 70lb
    First Goal: 75lb
    Second Goal: Body Weight, 125lb

    Current: 55lb
    Goal: 85lb
  • CassandraMarie3
    CassandraMarie3 Posts: 147 Member
    I only just started about a month ago, so I hope I can see some significant progress in 2013!
    (@a_vettestingr, I stole your format, it was so well organized :)

    Current: 120lb
    First Goal: 150lb
    Second Goal: 200lb

    Current: 115lb
    First Goal: Body Weight, 160lb
    Second Goal: 200lb

    Current: 60lb
    First Goal: 75lb
    Second Goal: 100lb

    Current: 45lb
    Goal: 85lb
    Second Goal: 100lb
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    ooh I need to sit down and have a think about this :happy:
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    I am 5'7" and ~150lbs... stil working on losing weight... I started lifting about 3 months ago... and so far I am loving it! Hoping to make so real progress in 2013, although I am really happy with my lifts so far!

    Current: 230lb
    First Goal: 250lb
    Second Goal: 270lb

    Current: 155lb
    First Goal: 175
    Second Goal: 200lb

    Current: 100lb
    First Goal: 120lb
    Second Goal: 140lb

    Current: 110lb
    Goal: 120lb
    Second Goal: 130lb
  • demureecho
    This is my second week of lifting so I'm still working on form and technique (and failing out on an empty bar a lot), but I'm hoping for some solid gains in 2013. I'm 5'6" and weigh 210ish, so I'm eating at a modest deficit in order to lose the rest of the weight. 85 pounds down, 65 more to go! I realize cutting calories will hinder my gains, but I'm hopeful anyway. =]

    Current: 50lb
    First Goal: 95lb
    Second Goal: 135 lb

    Current: 45lb
    First Goal: 100lb
    Second Goal: 145lb (my goal body weight)

    Current: 50lb
    First Goal: 75lb
    Second Goal: 100lb

    Current: 45lb
    Goal: 85lb
    Second Goal: 100lb
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    Current: 110lb
    Goal: 120lb
    Second Goal: 130lb

    Waaah! Way to go, I am still stuck at 88 lbs for the shoulder do you lift so heavy on this one? You are lifting like 50 kg overhead...RAWR! I don't think many of the blokes in my gym can lift that : )
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Current: 135lb
    Goal: 175lb

    Squat: (my best lift)
    Current: 145lb
    Goal: 200lb

    Current: 75lb / 95 with trainer
    Goal: 115lb

    OHP: (My weakest lift)
    Current: 55lb
    Goal: 85lb

    Current: 85lb
    Goal: 115lb
  • STurbs33
    STurbs33 Posts: 134 Member
    Deadlift: (my favourite and best lift)
    Current: 185 (3 reps...working up to 5)
    Goal: 200 ETA I'd also like to reach 1.5BW with this one at 225

    Squat: (a groin injury in the summer stalled my progress with this one)
    Current: 90 (3x5)
    Goal: 100lbs then hopefully body weight at 145-150

    Current: 90 (3x5... Just did this yesterday and was ecstatic!)
    Goal: 100lbs then 75% body weight at 115

    Current: 60 (3x5)
    Goal: 75lbs (this will probably take me a while. It took me my whole 10 months of lifting to go from 45 to 60, so if I surpass 75 in the new year, I'll be pleasantly surprised)

    Current: 90lbs (3x5)
    Goal: same as bench goals
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I'm 5'3", currently weigh 136 lbs

    Current: 130, 5 reps
    Goal 1: 145
    Goal 2: 1.5 bw, which is about 200 lbs

    Current: 105
    Goal: body weight

    Current: 75 (trying 80 today)
    Goal: 100

    Current: 55
    Goal: 70

    Current: 75
    Goal: 90 (25 lb plates on each side, lol)

    I've only been lifting consistently since October, so I'm pretty proud of where I am right now. I'm trying to drop to below 25% body fat so I can do a bulk next winter, so I'm sure my lifting gains will be slow, but I'm okay with that.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 130lbs
    I've been doing NROLFW since the first week of September and am on my second week of SL

    Current 115lbs
    1st goal: 130
    2nd goal: 175lbs

    Current: 115lbs
    1st goal: 130lbs
    2nd goal: 150lbs

    Bench: (this one is tricky for me....I am intimidated to ask for a spot, I don't know why)
    current: 60lbs
    1st goal: 75lbs
    2nd goal: 90lbs

    current: 50lbs
    1st goal: 65lbs
    2nd goal: 85lbs

    Current: 65lbs
    1st goal: 85lbs
    2nd goal: 95lbs
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I've done three whole workouts so we'll see how awesomely off these are in the future =) I'm 5'6" and 202ish lbs. I'm eating at a slight deficit.

    Current: 45 lb It was really awkward trying to put it back on the stacked plates last time so I might try 65 lbs tomorrow. Yuletide lifts!
    First Goal: 95 lbs
    Second Goal:160 lbs

    Current: 45 lbs
    First Goal: 95 lbs
    Second Goal: Body Weight- hopefully I'll weigh less then. ;)

    Current: 50lbs
    First Goal: 75lbs
    Second Goal: 110 lbs

    Current: 45lbs
    Goal: 60lbs
    Second Goal: 75lbs

    All of the end goals would put me as "intermediate" from I figured that was a good place to start.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 138lbs. I'm also on my second week of SL. Not sure if my goals are realistic, but I'll take some guesses.

    Current: 75lbs
    1st goal: 138lbs (My body weight)
    2nd goal: 160lbs

    Current: 115lbs
    1st goal: 130lbs
    2nd goal: 150lbs

    Bench: (I have no spotter, and a wobbly bench)
    Current: 55lbs
    1st goal: 75lbs
    2nd goal: 85lbs

    Current: 55lbs
    1st goal: 75lbs
    2nd goal: 95lbs

    Current: 70lbs
    1st goal: 80lbs
    2nd goal: 95lbs
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    i thought i was going tool hit 150lb squats this year, and now I'm back to barely over 100, so my big goal is 150 lb squat!