Checking in!

jdm0804 Posts: 98 Member
Hey everyone! Since we're right smack in the middle of the holiday season, I thought it might be good to give us all a chance to check in and celebrate our wins and confess our sins (Or, to put it less harshly/rhymey: discuss our struggles)!

I hate to start in on a low note, but I am not doing all that well. I'm up 30lbs from my lowest point earlier this year! Ouch! But I'm about to enter into a new phase of life where healthy living can be a priority rather than a hassle! I'm about to get my bike fixed, and I am shopping around for a good gym in the town I'm staying in (My wife wants to do planet fitness, but I've heard so many bad things about them that I'm hesitant.)! So good things are coming!

How is everyone else?


  • Smelerz
    Smelerz Posts: 115 Member
    I have to admit I'm doing horrible! Since my knee injury I have used it as an excuse to stop working out (all together!) and now that the holidays are here my body is a garbage can :( Up 15 lbs from July. Not cool!

    One plus is hopefully by February my house addition is complete and I can do a morning walk on the treadmill ( we didnt have space before)
  • brittbap
    brittbap Posts: 10 Member
    I lost 20 lbs at the beginning of the year, but have gained it all back. It's time for a change. I want to lose those 20 lbs by June! The hardest part for me is eating healthy foods. I can't cook (no matter how many times I try) so I always eat fast food. So much fresh produce and fresh ingredients have gone bad in my fridge/kitchen this year, but no more!! If anybody knows of easy healthy meals to prepare, please share. Thanks
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    I've done better than I thought I would, to be honest! I haven't been eating healthily, but I haven't been overeating either, I've learned how to control my portion sizes! :drinker: I think alcohol was the problem this Christmas, I don't drink often, only on special occasions like this, so when I do I like to treat myself... :laugh: