finding my face.....

So I had gastric bypass 11/02/12 I was 282 and now 243 (currently at a standstill) Yeah me, BUT I'd like to see changes in my facial/neck appearance. I seem to notice the loss everywhere but there! Anyone else have this issue or advice on it? Thanks


  • Are you taking progress pictures? There may be changes that you don't notice day to day in the mirror but would notice if you looked at pictures side by side.
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    I agree with the progress pictures! I really didn't notice much of a loss in myself, I just saw my size and measurements go down. My husband started taking pictures and when I compared the before and after I cried! I cried because I was so happy to realize the difference and I cried because I never realized how big I was. In a support group meeting they said to take pictures in front of a door frame so its easier to see the differences.
  • I have taken photos after every doc visit to keep track of things but most people say my face is the first place where they can see I have lost weight.
  • No I haven't taken pics, I really hated the way I looked and can't remember the last time I allowed anyone to take one! I guess I should start now. I see it in my stomach, butt and unfortunately my breast lol.
    Thank you all for replying! :happy:
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I have lost almost 70 pounds and am just starting to find my jawline again. Face still looks fat and puffy in every pic I take--at least to me. I'm halfway to my goal (20 pounds away from surgeon's goal) and I"m hoping to see some real improvement soon.
  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    Lol! When I first saw the topic, I thought it would be about you face emerging after surgery. I really hope that I find mine on this journey. I have a long way to go, but I seem to remember that at one point, I had cheekbones. Oh, and only one chin.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I had my DS October 29, 2012. Everyone keeps telling me I am looking healthier rather than being obese. I started at 318. I now weigh 271. I have a before pic, but no progress pics yet (must get on the ball about that). I do know for the first time in 8 years, I can and have put my socks and shoes on without help yesterday. Yay!

    Will you keep us posted? Let us celebrate with you about your weight loss journey. I will try to do the same.

  • Maylene1217
    Maylene1217 Posts: 35 Member
    So I had gastric bypass 11/02/12 I was 282 and now 243 (currently at a standstill) Yeah me, BUT I'd like to see changes in my facial/neck appearance. I seem to notice the loss everywhere but there! Anyone else have this issue or advice on it? Thanks

    i had the opposite my face got real skinny real quick. and everyone kept asking me if i was sick. i did however lose weight really fast. i reached goal in about 9 months. and by a year was too skinny and had to gain...

    i look so different from when i was fat most people didnt recognize me and didnt believe it was me...