
Hello all! I seek to get fabulous before I turn 50 this summer. And it'd be great if my wedding ring fit again.

I'm married and live in British Columbia Canada.


  • suzannehmngbrd
    suzannehmngbrd Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I have found sucess on the 17 day diet, but recently fell off for a while, but I am returning to it, because it works, its healthy and doable. I lost 35-40 pounds last year and have regained a portion of it. No better time than to restart the plan for 2013. I will be happy to share my story and any tips that could be helpful to you. I will post my before and after pictures soon from this past year. Let's get health together! :flowerforyou:
  • spaethv
    spaethv Posts: 8 Member
    I have also had success on the 17 day diet, but fell off for the holidays. It is very easy and healthy. Can't wait to get back on this clean and healthy eating/lifestyle plan! :)
  • AnnaNoel_21
    AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
    Hey all! I'm Anna, married, 22. Currently a college student about to start working In the next few weeks. I have gained about 50 lbs, looking to get it back off and more. I have said for years that I was going to lose weight and get healthy. I did lose down to 190 from 280 at one time. Now I'm back up to 245 :( I'm wanting to get down to 160. My goal is to finally wear a 2 piece bikini. This year will be my year to lose this weight!
  • starting second semester law school and trying to bust out of the junk food/nap rut that came along with it. never have trouble with eating in the summer ( i garden a ton) but over the winter it's terrible!
  • My day 1 will be tomorrow. I've had great success on the 17 DD in the past. Due to recent Hashimoto's diagnosis, I have been gluten free for a month. I have been indulging in every gluten free treat I can find (and there are plenty)! Time to get back on track. Would love to look fabulous by my fortieth birthday!
  • adehi
    adehi Posts: 1
  • Hi, I am Ava, 57, and live in Indiana. I am active but never find time to exercise. I do great from time I get up till I get off work then I roll down hill. I am looking forward to loosing 30 pounds.
  • Good Morning! My name is Sarah. I am 29, married and trying to be healthier and get back to my goal weight of 145lbs. Quick question we need to buy the 17 day diet book?

    Look forward to meeting you all and losing some weight
  • AnnaNoel_21
    AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
    Good Morning! My name is Sarah. I am 29, married and trying to be healthier and get back to my goal weight of 145lbs. Quick question we need to buy the 17 day diet book?

    Look forward to meeting you all and losing some weight

    It would be better if you have the book. That way you have all the resources at your convince. If you are unable to find the book I have posted the what is the 17 DD. Although that is just a guide not the whole book on it.
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member

    I'm Alex. I haven't tried the 17 Day Diet before but I've heard great things about it.

    I'm 23 almost 24 I've been working for about a year and a half and the desk lifestyle has not been kind to me so hopefully this will help me.

    Feel free to add me!
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member

    I'm 25, married and work in consulting - a true desk job. I've got approximately 30 pounds to lose. I have not tried the 17DD before but heard some coworkers talking about it. I bought the book and planned to start my day 1 on Wednesday. I'm so glad you created this group. I'm looking forward to getting the year started off right!
  • delyn356
    delyn356 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm currently a grad school student working to get more healthy. I lost about 20 lbs this past year, and have been regaining/losing the same 5-7lbs, so I'm looking to lose those for good & keep going to my goal of being around 115-125. I wanted to start off 2013 with a positive & healthy note, and was looking to change up my eating & get rid of some bad habits, and this was exactly what I was looking for.

    Good luck everyone! (:
  • tarachamp
    tarachamp Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! I am Tara, 36 mom of two kids 5 and almost 4. I have lost over 30lbs in 2012 by tracking on MFP and working out. I run and lift. Looking to shed another 30lbs this year. I enjoy wine and chocolate too much so I need a good detox! Hoping 17DD will jump start my plateau.
  • Hi, I'm Megan. 37, mom of two girls ages 3 and 6. I've lost about 14 so far (who knows how much I put back on over the holidays!) Looking to lose another 12 or so. I'm starting the diet this weekend....need to get the book and read a bit first. Good luck, everyone!
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello! My name is Debbie and I live outside of Washington, D.C.. I have a desk job, and I just had both hips replaced in 2012. In 3 months I will be completely off restrictions from the second surgery and can buckle down better on exercise. I am allowed biking, walking, hiking, swimming and golf. I will be getting a new bike in the Spring.

    I will turn 51 in February, and I am currently at 183.4. I have not tried this diet before, but have done Weight Watchers and Adkins and had success on both. I let stress eating take control again.

    But I am starting the New Year with new hips and a new job, so I am ready to get healthy! Thanks for introducing me to this diet!

    Today is Day 1 for me, and I am doing well following it so far. :smile:
  • MrsNelson0904
    MrsNelson0904 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi, my name is Deborah and I have had success with the 17 DD in the past but I've never actually gotten past the first cycle. I'm looking forward to making some changes in 2013 and the biggest change I want to make is my weight. I'm a mother of two and our second baby was born just over a year ago. I've never been able to lose the post baby weight but I'm determined to gain my confidence back. Good luck to you all and feel free to add me if you like!
  • moveitmoveit
    moveitmoveit Posts: 20 Member
    Hi I'm Kaelin, 29, mother of two. My goal is to not be apple shaped by my birthday. I'll be 30, and while the number doesn't bother me, I feel like I should be setting better examples for my kids. I've been playing with the diet parameters for the last couple of days, and I think this is very doable!

    Here's the Health in 2013!
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 158 Member
    Hi! I'm Leslie. 28. I got down to 188 in the past on the 17 DD- even though I didn't make it past Cycle 1. In 2012 I gained weight traveling a lot and dealing with some family issues. My initial goal is to get back to my smallest adult weight of 188 and then ultimately to 160. Also, I want to get back to running. It's a lot harder carrying extra weight.
  • lnoal
    lnoal Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everybody!

    My name's Libby, I'm 33 and I live in Paris France with my husband and sons (2 & 5 yrs). I'm originally from Seattle and went to school in Colorado. I now work as a marketer in the IT sector.

    I've been a pretty avid runner over the last 2 years but had to stop a few months ago bc of injury... and then I gained some weight. So, I'm trying the 17 day diet with some girlfriends here to try to lose about 20lbs and increase my overall health.

    I'm on day 3 and have lost about 1kg, so it's a good start! I'm also a vegetarian so am finding all this protein (eggs, tofu mostly) quite difficult and looking forward to the 2nd cycle!

    See you soon in the forum!
  • Hello everyone! My name is Lora, a mom of 3 boys. I have started the 17 Day many times but have never seemed to get past a week at most on cycle 1. I know it is doable but always seem to fall in the jaws of depression and just stuff myself.

    I am 44 yrs old and tired of all the aches and pains of getting older - the last time I really lost any weight was before I became pregnant with my son 6 yrs ago. Now I have my oldest son due to graduate from High school this year. Time to get a move on - There will be people coming that I haven't seen in forever. I am also wanting to change my eating habits to set better examples for my boys. The oldest is borderline diabetic and my 9 yr old seemed to gain 20# in 6 months. I don't want to keep obesity around our family any more.

    This is going to be my year and my birthday gift to myself is to lose the weight that I have been wanting to take off. *July

    My current weight is 228# and I am about 5''5". My final goal weight is about 135 -140. Since I struggle so much with keeping on track - I would love to have buddies to help me keep on track.

    Thanks everyone and Good Luck. I am always here if you need a pal as well.
