Introduce yourself --

Hello All,

I am 30 year old mom of 1. I live in pittsburgh, pennsylvania.My goal is simple. Lose 2 Kgs every month. This is a 6 months challenge. Will you join me in this challenge?


  • spirit0f61
    spirit0f61 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm Helen. I'm aiming for this level of weight loss too. I've got more than 10kg to lose but 10 in 6 months is a great goal.
  • emoyap
    emoyap Posts: 12
    I would LOVE to Lose ten kilos in six months. Let's do it. Let's start 2013 on the right footing.
  • chanvi
    chanvi Posts: 26
    Great Guys! Its nice to get to know people with similar goals as mine. Lets all team up together to win this challenge. This is going to be a great place to share our weekly goals and progress at the end of each week.

    The best way to keep ourselves motivated is to talk about what we are doing every day to get our scales to show smaller numbers every time we weigh-in. Feel free to post your thoughts as topic so that we all can share our thoughts on your topic. The key is to not let our motivation go down throughout this challenge.

    - chanvi
  • lauren3040
    lauren3040 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I am Lauren. I have lost 53 pounds, and need to loose just about 20 or so more pounds to reach my goal of 140. This challenge is perfect for me because they say the last few pounds are the most stubborn and I am going to need a lot of support and encouragement to get these last pounds off! I look forward to hearing about all of your journeys and being there for all of you! Please feel free to friend request me :)
  • chanvi
    chanvi Posts: 26
    Welcome Lauren.. Friend request sent :)
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Hi, I'm Louise, I'm 18, I want to lose about that amount going by I liked what I looked like at that weight, however, I have a lot more muscle now and bigger boobs soooo I may not be going for that exact weight but the same size (since i'm heavier because of muscle but not too far off the size)
  • Hi! I'm Suze and 25. Just joined myfitnesspal fairly recently as I realised my weight had finally crept into the overweight category and I am desperate to lose it. Have not had a lot of success with weight loss in the past two years of trying, and but I would love get it back down to something normal. When I was 10kg lighter, that was the only time in my life I was truly confident about how my body looked and I would love to feel that way again.
  • chanvi
    chanvi Posts: 26
    Hi Suze, I have the sam kind of feeling too.. I felt muh better when i was 10 Kg lighter. I want to lose all that extra weight i gained and look good again. Welcome to MFP and lets take the challenge together!
  • sanusiya
    sanusiya Posts: 11 Member
    I'm Sanu from India.... Vl b gettin married on August, so 10kgs a BIG yess... Ned many lovely friends.... Nd lots of motivation... I wanna feel gud nd look gud on my big dayyyy.....
  • User513
    User513 Posts: 20 Member
    Congratulations and good luck to you :)
  • User513
    User513 Posts: 20 Member
    Is anyone currently active in this challenge?

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