Hi, I'm new here

Hi all

Thought I'd say hello after joining up and having a look round. I found the site after someone on YouTube mentioned about calorie counting on here. My goal isn't to loose any weight really but to loose body fat and build up some muscle, along with improving my general health as I seem to get every cold and bug going at the moment! First thing to sort is my diet as at the moment it's just junk! I'm going to use supplements to kick start things and to help cut out the rubbish while I learn what what healthy foods I like, the food database on here will help a lot with that. I know they are frowned on but it's better than what I'm eating now! I'm getting some weights together and a squat rack and starting to do the Stronglifts 5x5 program along with a little walking for cardio. I like the 5x5 program as it's simple and feel it'll keep me motivated with the gradual increase in weight.

It seems very friendly on here and hope to find some answers to the many questions I have!



  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Welcome, Dave, and good luck with your goals. You may be able to find friends by searching around the message threads, too, and there are specific groups as well.... eg Team UK which you've found, but there are also area groups, though some are not very active. I live near Portsmouth, and having lost 3 stone over my first year, I know I have to set myself a new challenge, so am entering a 15m walk/run in Leicestershire at the end of February (with my grandchildren), and also the Great South Run at the end of October in Portsmouth - so I am going to have a go at the NHS programme 'couch25k' and see how that goes.
    It is good to build up a group of friends on here, who have similar goals/age/ etc. as they can be very supportive!
    Good luck!
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    Hi Dave and welcome you have similar aims to myself. Dropping bf% rather than just weight. I wasn't aware supplements were frowned uuupon, can't Imagine being able to get the right amount of protein without them
  • obolton756
    obolton756 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello and welcome!!! Good luck with your goals, I hope you achieve them :) feel free to add if you're looking friends!
  • Thanks for the reply's guys :-)

    Hi Florawanda, what you've done is amazing, well done and good luck with your runs :-)

    I know what you mean about supplements GrahamHull but when ever they get mentioned even on bodybuilding sites everyone says you should get what you need from real food. It's easier said than done though so it's the way I'm doing it at least for now :-)

    Thanks obolton756, you're getting very close to your goal, well done :-)
  • Hi all
    My main goals are also to loose body fat and tone up too, dont really have weight to loose, but need some motivation to do some form of exercise on a regular basis. Feel free to add me, and im sure we can all motivate each other.
    Wishing you all luck in 2013