Plans for 2013

Hello! I'm starting out here weighing 191lbs cutting down to 145 with exercise and proper eating! Does anyone else have any advice or expiriences they'd like to share for motivation?


  • You CAN do this, girl! and that is a great goal! Are you on facebook! I post daily encouraging tips on my page if you would like to connect there?
  • GreytMom
    GreytMom Posts: 2 Member
    I know you can do it. I'm in this too. Someone recently told me to, "stop making excuses and JUST DO IT!" I guess Nike had it right!
  • 2013!!! I am making the commitment to do or DIE.....literally, i need to lose 100 ibs and needs lots of encouragement, I am very unhealthy and this is the year I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!! I will take all the friends and help I can get.....thanks
  • Hi everyone, I'm starting out at 190 and plan to lose 70 pounds, give or take a few depending how things go when I tone up and get more muscle. Just want to say even if anyone makes a mistake to not give up. And EVERY decision matters! Try not to be so focused on results and just concentrate on eating well and working out and doing what you KNOW is right. Even if it doesn't look like it's working right away you are making progress!
    I can't tell you how many times I got discouraged and gave up because I didn't see results right away. As long as you keep going and working hard it is possible to change.

    Hope everyone has fun and enjoys the journey. Good luck guys!
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hi everyone!:) My plan is to lose 20-30, do some major toning, get a flat stomach, and just to be comfortable with my body :)
  • countesslydia9
    countesslydia9 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone! I want to lose about 35 lbs in the next 6 months. I have trouble staying motivated. I've lost weight before, but have always gained it back. I want to lose it and keep it off this time!!
  • paulahogart
    paulahogart Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am an Aussie and have tried working in pounds but just can't seem to do it so...I need to lose 40kgs (88 pounds). I too have lost and regained which is heartbreaking but I know what works and it wasn't WW or Jenny Craig - it was being part of a group with motivated women all working towards a common goal. I kinda got a little obsessed but I don't have access to forums these days as I work at a hospital (was self-employed).

    Does anyone want to start an exercise challenge of sorts? I have some ideas but would love it if someone else had some new ideas?

    What about weekly weigh ins? It does help to keep us on track as well.
  • shushy70
    shushy70 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey there everyone , I am also a rebounder ......sighhhh , this is one vicious cycle I need to break . I have had recent success with South Beach , but then I rebound right back from deprivation . I am going to try and just eat sensibly and track my food and get in some exercise that I so desperately need for my mind and my body .
    Paula , I would love to see what challenges you are interested in , I could use the motivation .
    here's to a new year , we can do this !!!!!!!!