


  • vhaynes83
    vhaynes83 Posts: 61 Member
    Hello, my name is Vanessa and I actually started the 30 DS today before see this group. I will be turning 30 on the 2nd. I am 5'6 and weigh 197 lbs. I really want to stick to this seeing how this is the biggest I have ever been :(. I really like to get to 170 for now :)
  • AshleyLo_44
    AshleyLo_44 Posts: 206 Member
    Hi there my name is Ashley, I'm 25 and CW is 216. My GW is to be around 150 by next December if not sooner. This will be my technically first time completely 30DS. I made it to week 3 then stopped. I am hoping with having support I will complete the program and feel so much better about myself. Thanks ladies and good luch to all of you :)
  • L_Stradford
    L_Stradford Posts: 156 Member
    I just started today, and it wasn't too bad! There were a couple of times I was thinking, "You're a bwitch, Jillian!!!" during the workout, but I think it went pretty well for Day 1. I even hopped on the elliptical for a while after.

    Getting down the stairs afterwards was interesting, though! :laugh:

    LOL....me too. I haven't started yet but the last time, I constantly screamed at the television calling Jillian all types of names while my husband looked at me in amazement. It was crazy!
  • ajmom59
    ajmom59 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! Looks like I am the senior citizen of the group... just turned 53 on Christmas.:smile: I did day 1 Level 1 today so I hope to be able to hang in there for the whole 30 days.
  • Elphaba91
    Elphaba91 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, I'm Stephie. I'm 21 and 5'4 and 80.6 kilos (yes, I count the 0.6 as that's the difference between me being obese and overweight!) which I think is about 177 lbs. This is my first time doing 30DS.

    I just did Day 1 Level 1 - at first I felt like I was going to die and had to pause it a couple of times in the first half to take a sip of water (especially after the jumping jacks - they kill me because of my big boobs, lol!) but I only had to pause it once in the second half and that was only because I was using the weights from my Wii and I had to unplug the nunchuck from the remote because I couldn't do one of the strength exercises! Now I just feel like I'm going to puke - so I guess that's an improvement? 1 day down, 29 to go!
  • Hello! I'm Mandie. 5'6, 209. My husband and I are both doing this. I'm excited for 2013 and I'm ready to bust it out with a jumpstart on fitness! Woot! Woot!
  • mkzara
    mkzara Posts: 73 Member
    Hi my name is Zara. I am 23 current weight is 122 (I had gotten down to 119.4 so boo) and height is 5'1.5.

    I want to use this to stop being skinny fat, and actually be toned and fit. Will start this morning.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    This will be my second attempt, I had to stop a few weeks ago with a shoulder injury. I'm 37, 115kg and I'm signed up for a 5km mud run in October so I need to build some strength.
  • scorpiana89
    scorpiana89 Posts: 84 Member
    This is my first time participating in the 30DS or any weight loss challenge, so I'm very excited and glad to have a support system. Through diet and this workout I'm hoping to lose at least 9 pounds this month and a ton of inches. I previewed the workout the other night but don't plan on counting that day towards my total. I think I will also have to further modify some of the lunges because they were murder on my knees, and not in a "good for me" type of way either. Other than that I'm ready!
  • KJBeltran
    KJBeltran Posts: 23 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I am 22 5'4 and 170 lbs. This is the heaviest I have ever been, and I am ashamed that I let myself reach this weight :cry: . Today will be my 4th day doing the 30 ds. However, I have been doing other workouts in between, so it was not 4 days straight. I am going to start doing it everyday for this challange. I have tried the 30 ds before but I quit before my 30 days :frown: .

    On a good note, I am extremely excited to be doing it with this motivated group. I hope I can keep my motivation high and push through this time!

    Besides this workout, I am working towards eating healthier, so if you have any advice on how to kick cravings please share!
  • JENNY7634
    JENNY7634 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi everyone Im Jen. Ive done 30ds once before but did not complete the last week. Starting again tommorow....excited to find a group of friends doing the same! My goal for this month is to lose ten pounds! Good luck everyone!
  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    Hello there! I know I'm joining a few days late, but better late then never! I also started 30DS a few weeks before the holidays. I made it half way through Level 2 before holiday traveling got in the way. I plan on restarting tomorrow! I saw a lot of improvement with my first attempt, but I wasn't measuring so I didn't really have a way to track my progress. This time I've premeasured and will measure and weigh every Sunday.
    Looking forward to all the support!