Looking for friendship and motivational support

LCSoulkat Posts: 89 Member
Hi Everyone,

I've finally decided that it was time to give this a working chance.
It will be a tough journey but hopefully by making new friends along the way with help and advice for support and motivation, I will achieve my goal.

Any help would be appreciated, and I'll be there for you as well.


  • MelodyBronson
    MelodyBronson Posts: 67 Member
    I will help you any way I can. This is a long, tough journey for me as well. We can do this together....We CAN be FIT in our 50's! I am determined to do it!
  • empc
    empc Posts: 88 Member
    I would be happy to join you as well.
  • Sptwoman
    Sptwoman Posts: 77 Member
    Hi. I'd be happy to join you in the effort. I can always use a little friendly feedback and encouragement and I will offer the same. Feel free to add me.
  • marilyngrant18
    marilyngrant18 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 54 and am looking for some support. I was doing okay (lost 11 pounds) and put back on 9 of them and I can feel every one of them. Food is my vise and I have a lot of stress in my life so I tend to binge then get overeaters remorse--don't worry I don't purge, but there lies the problem. So, I'm back almost up to my starting weight but I really do like how I was starting to feel, more energetic and able to walk and talk at the same time. :wink:

    So, I'm sending a friend request to each of you with the hope that you will accept it and we can be support for one another.

    Have a good day!

  • 13GIFitness
    13GIFitness Posts: 3 Member
    I turn 50 this year and want to look in the mirror to see the person I was 7 yrs ago instead of the overweight, swollen ankled woman I see now. I have tried on my own and have failed too many times to actually count. My doctor told me to lose the weight so the swollen ankle problem should go away and to keep me out of the risk for diabetes. I have a lot of autoimmune disorders so she wants to keep me from getting another. :explode:

    Would like to help motivate those that I can as I receive motivation to finish my weight lose journey. :wink:
  • bcraigrncen
    bcraigrncen Posts: 36 Member
    I am here for you. It is a struggle. If you need a new friend feel free to friend me! I love this site. If you work the site it works! I love the smart phone app. I love the ease of tracking! I love having others look over my shoulder and offer me advice. Sometimes the change would be simple if you knew what to change! Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • henkemonica
    henkemonica Posts: 60 Member
    We all have the same things in common. We need friends to support us and give advice/encouragement. We all need to lose weight and learn healthy eating/exercise habits. By having friends who we can vent our frustrations to we develope a bond even if we never meet face to face.
  • MRSpivey
    MRSpivey Posts: 270 Member
    A good read for us older people (I'm 52). Copy and paste to your browser:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    I'm over 50 and gonna try it again! Been a member for a couple of years, get discouraged, quit and try it again. So here I am again. Currently, I'm on a 21 day Purification. On day two and everything is going surprisingly spendid! Veggies, Fruits, and shakes. I have to say I definitely feel a difference and I'm looking forward to a real weight loss this time. Friend me and I'll keep you posted.