Start it up

Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
Hi starting a thread for the slim in 6 .Start it up is about under 30 mins? What is your thoughts on it?


  • TachaB
    TachaB Posts: 16 Member
    I'll be starting my second round if SI6. SIU is a great start but after only a week, I don't find it challenging and I'm ready to move to the next DVD.
  • nang2004
    I started Start It Up a week ago. I plan on sticking with this video for another 3 days or so and then advance to the next video. It is 37 minutes long and seems pretty basic, but I was definitely sore after the first couple of workouts. I have not tried the additional workouts on the DVD but plan on it soon. I did the Slim and 6-Pack for the first time this evening and it was tough, but this is coming from someone whose abs are practically non-existent. :smile: I'm also trying to use the nutrition guide for eating in addition to myfitnesspal. Not sure if I have quite got the hang of the food part yet, but it's only the first week. Overall, I have enjoyed this first week.
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    Started yesterday 12/31 (Monday) and completed day 1 and then day 2 this morning...think I also will do just one week of the SIU then move on to RIU. Enjoy the workout, but just finished 21 days of JM 30 day shred so I must have gotten stronger from it and need to push myself just a little more! I also try to walk or do my Wii Walk it Out game for 1 hr each day.
  • d4nier
    d4nier Posts: 9 Member
    This is the first time I have joined any group and I am seeing right away that this is a good thing. I re-started Slim in 6 yesterday. I jumped on MFP this morning to and decided to check out some of the comments and I immediately see I need to get off this computer and do day 2 cause I am behind all ready with the east coast. I am properly motivated. Good morning everyone and Happy New Year, I gotta go work out now:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • nang2004
    So, I went ahead and tried RIU today. While SIU did show the basic moves, I was not prepared for the extra 20 minutes in the RIU and the intensity increase. I can't feel my legs. It's great!! :laugh: I just have to remember to continue to go at my own pace and on RIU it may be a while before I can do the entire video.
  • mbensily
    I've been doing SIU this week, and I think within a few weeks I will add my little 5 lb hand weights to make it more challenging. I feel it's a good full body exercise for me, but I need to get back to the treadmill to get that cardio burn! Feels good to get back on track with exercise and even though it makes me hungrier, it makes me want to eat healthier too! :)
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    Did day 3 of SIU and walked for 1 hr...when I am done with week 1, I am going to do RIU...Yes, I feel SOOO much better after I have exercised for the day!!
  • susanmarnold
    Still waiting on my DVDs! Hopefully Monday!
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    Did day 4 this morning and did Wii Walk it Out for 1 hr...wanted to get it over with early :-0 for the day!
  • d4nier
    d4nier Posts: 9 Member
    finished week one and feel good. Planning on staying on SIU one more week just to be sure I'll be ready for RIU. So far, so good :smile:
  • mbensily
    Finished first week and feeling good! Can already feel my pushups improving!
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    Day 5 done and 70 mins of Wii Walk it out...doing 1 more day of SIU, then am going to try the RIU tuesday...Glad we have this group :-)
  • susanmarnold
    Got my DVDs yesterday and did SIU today along with the abs and stretch. Felt good and work hard but think I will be moving up to RIU next week. I guess working with a trainer weekly as me a little prepared.
  • karen8873
    karen8873 Posts: 100 Member
    I moved up after a few days too! you go girl!!!
    I have yet to do the slim in limber..thinking it might be my rest day routine.
    How did you like it?