Weigh in for 2013 on 1st January!



  • mcarnaghi
    mcarnaghi Posts: 2 Member
    175 - Ouch that hurt.
  • neudeb12
    neudeb12 Posts: 76 Member
    my current weight is 176
    ultimate goal weight is 135
    my weigh in day is Friday
  • I am mentally preparing for Jan 1. I don'[t want to do this but my clothes are uncomfortable. and I wear scrubs. The only way I know how to do this is to do it with baby steps. Today (1) I walked for 20 minutes.(2) will drink 64 oz water (3)Focus on a health plan that is gradual and effective. I wrote down what I ate to begin the journal habit and made some chicken salad from a rotersori chicken I bought from the store(pre seasoned). I need ideas. Today is a start. I truely need to get the"sweets" out of the house. I either will eat them or take them outside to the garbage tonight. It just can't be here in the morning. There is too much in this house since we just had Christmas. all I can think about is the cheese cake and the chocolate bars.:frown:
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    Baby steps is the best plan and it looks like you took some great steps today! Slow and steady wins the race!
  • can't wait! :drinker:

    i'll weigh in on the first with you guys, and then continue weighing on Fridays as I have been.
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 540 Member
    can't wait! :drinker:

    i'll weigh in on the first with you guys, and then continue weighing on Fridays as I have been.
    That's my plan, I will weigh tomorrow then will weigh and post on Fridays
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I've weighed in this morning due to being home, but I won't be home tomorrow.

    So, my starting weight for 2013 is: 202lbs/91.5kg/14.6 stone
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 104 Member
    I'm weighing in this morning since I plan to partake in a little (or a lot of) champagne tonight. :) I'm sure I will be bloated in the morning and I don't want to start off losing 3 pounds of water weight and make it look like I am actually doing more than I am.

    My official start weight for 2013 is 169.0
    My official goal weight for January 30 is 165.0

    Let's do this!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 532 Member
    I weighed in this morning. First time since before the holidays...Ugh! I've gained 27 pounds since February. At that point I was 4 pounds from my goal. It is so frustrating that I know what to do to lose weight but continue to sabotage my efforts. I'm the classic yo-yo dieter. I lose but can't maintain. My goal in 2013 is to lose 33 pounds then maintain. I'm at an age where menopause is knocking on the door & I know losing will be so much harder once it arrives.

    Weigh-in 12/31- 168 lbs
    Goal by August- 135 lbs
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    yes i'll weigh my self in the morning and every tuesday from then :happy:
    feel free to add me x
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    I weighed myself this morning thinking it was weigh-in day, lol! That's what I get for staying up so late. hee-hee!


    216.0 lbs

    That is a 3 lb lost from last week, even though I didn't officially record it. I had a 2 lb gain in the last 3 weeks...I'll take a loss regardless!

  • neen6270
    neen6270 Posts: 82 Member
    I weighed in this morning:

    SW 178.4

    Plan to post weigh on Mondays even though Jan. 1 is a Tuesday.
  • dellmech
    dellmech Posts: 113
    204 lbs. Don't like that "2" there!
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    starting weight as of today: 146.8
    BF: 26%
    Total inches: 295

    proposed weight goal: 135
    proposed BF: 20-22%

    I won't bore you with any info on the inches, I just want to track/see most of them get lower! Some may get bigger b/c I just started weight training, so that won't bother me a bit!

    Happy New Year everyone! Let the games begin!
  • chellie47
    chellie47 Posts: 97 Member
    Moving my post :)))
  • OBG4
    OBG4 Posts: 13 Member
    My 2013 begin weight.....260.2....Yikes.
  • Kaseybella
    Kaseybella Posts: 25 Member
    january 1 weight 166.6 lbs

    goal weight by summer 150 :)
  • dellmech
    dellmech Posts: 113
    Ok, I weighed this morning and starting weight is 202. Will weigh every Tuesday morning to be consistent.

    Goal = 170 (32 lbs to lose)
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    CW 234.4
    GW 175
  • Monicapierce
    Monicapierce Posts: 126 Member
    Started at 226, got down to 191 but fell off the wagon in December, so back up, here are my stats.
    Weeks goal-1 pound :)

    I will update my weigh in on mondays :)