Hello and Welcome!

aprrae Posts: 172 Member
Hello All!

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 young daughters, and I am committed to getting back to a healthier lifestyle in 2013. I am hoping to find other Moms in their 40s to join me in a journey where we can challenge each other and offer support along the way. Let's use this topic to introduce ourselves.

I am your typical yoyo dieter and have been all of my adult life. Even before I had kids, I would gain/lose the same 20 pounds every year or two. After I had my youngest daughter at age 40, I had more like 40 pounds to lose, which I did - only to gain 20 back. I can't maintain my weight loss because I have never made my eating and exercise a permanent priority in my life. Last summer I even did Jillian Michaels Body Revolution with great success. I lost 20 pounds...again...and really looked great. Then I let a sore shoulder derail me and I have now lost all the progress I made.

In 2013, I would really like to make changes that can last in my life. My kids deserve to have a Mom that is demonstrating good habits and choices. If I can't take the time to be active, how can I expect my children to grow up and have a desire to be active in their own lives. I need to lead by example. If you are a 40 something Mom and share this desire to make changes in 2013, please join the group. I hope we can make this a group that is about more than just weight loss and exercise. I hope it can really inspire change.


  • schooby2
    schooby2 Posts: 20 Member

    I will be 43 in February and am the mother of a 10 year old daughter. Before she was born I lost 40+ pounds and was at my best weight ever. I stayed healthy and at a healthy weight until the last 5-6 years. With cleaning her plate and trying to balance being a working mom and a mom that gets her to her activities, I have steadily put the weight back on and now added to it. I am heavier than I ever have been before. I have tried what I was successful with before and many other ways to lose weight and have been unsuccessful. I am DONE WITH THIS trend of gaining weight and need to change my life for my daughter's sake as much as my own. I was an athlete all through college and nobody would guess that by looking at me now! I want to return to being a fit athlete and enjoy the physical freedoms that come with that. I also am a health professional, and feel like a hypocrite with my activity level.

    In 2013 I want to be dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle of activity and healthy eating. I would like to teach my daughter good lifestyle habits so that she is less likely to face these same obstacles one day. I am motivated, but am fully aware that support will be necessary for me to have a chance at success. I have just joined MFP, and am hoping that this group will help me with that!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all and doing this as a team!
  • LMVassolo
    LMVassolo Posts: 9 Member
    Hi:smile: i am a 49 year old mom with a son and daughter ages 7 and 10. i was always a skinny kid and never overweight until about the last 7 or 8 years (since my children were born). My first big problem is that i always just ate what i wanted and never really had to worry about it. My second problem is that i had never been overweight so now I have no idea how to dress---really all I want to do is wear sweat pants and a sweatshirt for the rest of my life. I am 40lbs more than I want to be and I have arthritis in my knees that keep me from being able to do a lot of the fun cardio and exercising I used to do. even just a hour long walk/ trip to the grocery store has my knees aching. My orthopediatist recommends water, crosstrainers or the bike but watch the hills.
    On top of all of that--I am not very motivated. I am always so busy with my kids, their school and sports/activities and working part time. i also LOVE FOOD!!! I don't mind healthy choices-i actually like them but every once in awhile I really want a big ole burger or pizza. I can hardly visualize cutting those out of my diet completely.

    I just joined myfitnesspal today with encouragement from family--who also have joined. My sister in law started here months ago and lost weight but then sort of fell off the wagon. We hope to help each other with the whole process. As you can see I will need all the support and encouragement I can get. I am actually getting excited about being here. Can't wait to meet you and share ideas and support for each other.
  • shannonkelly1968
    shannonkelly1968 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 44 years old and a mom to a 24, 21 and 9 year old. I gained 10lbs after my youngest was born and could live with that...but since then my dad passed away in 2011 and devastated me which in turn caused another 10lb gain...now I'm up to a 20lb gain and feeling frustrated and unhealthy. I am so inspired by all the members and seeing their accomplishments...I've been a member on MFP for quite some time but haven't used it to my full advantage...I'm making that change and looking forward to being part of the group!!
  • deets1230
    deets1230 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I am 43 with 2 sons, I would also like to clean up my diet and lose enough weight to feel healthy again.

    I quit smoking in October ( after 24 years- I am very proud of this accomplishment. I tried several times before.) I kind of thought I would watch what I ate so I wouldn't gain.

    Well I gained 25 lbs easily in 2 months time, I only noticed when my pants were to small for me, I weighed myself on 3 scales before I could believe anyone could gain so much so fast. The unfortunate thing is that when I quit smoking I needed to lose 50 lbs already. Now I need to lose 75!

    I actually have planned for the last couple of weeks to get super serious on Jan 2013. So I have eaten any thing i wanted this past week so I know I wouldn't have missed the good sweets. I didn't go too far though.

    My Plan-( I really can't follow a specific diet right now, I have learned what I can do over the years. I can't do a strict atkins, i don't want to measure or count calories, I think that is why i like this site, it keeps you honest and accountable to yourself.)

    Don't eat after 8 pm. Green Smoothie once a day. Dinner simply meat and veggie. ;unch salad with protien. Have a go to sweet snack like oatmeal with honey or stevia & almond milk. Have a go to salty snack like almonds/nut mix. Have snacks available. Prepare the night before so that you don't have to think about it when hunger strikes. Force myself to eat at least every 4 hours (big problem for me, I usually substitute coffee for food).

    My son bought me a Nutri Bullet for Xmas and my hubby bought a really nice belgian waffle maker.(I have to use it, in the past I haven't really used all of the gifts he has bought.) So I plan to be really good for 6 days and have 1 cheat day *Waffles of course*. I also plan to start out with kettlebell excercises 3 times a week 20-30 minutes. I did those in the past and once it becomes a habit the pounds melt off effortlessly.

    I am sorry for being wordy, I wanted to share my plan. I know myself when I tell someone else what I plan to do, I am more accountable to do it. Once, my doctor told me to lose weight and I did it for her? Weird right, Women always want to please others.

    Looking forward to losing with you all in 2013.

    Please everyone post your plan or tips as we go along, maybe as a group we can get things moving along even faster!
  • LiseyLooLah
    LiseyLooLah Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Girls, I'm 42 and have a 4 1/2 yr and a 1 1/2 yr daughters. I've put on a bit and it really does need to come off. I've been feeling lazy for the past few years and have just eaten what I wanted, haven't bothered to excercise at all - great excuse having a young baby that needs feeding after dinner, then it gets dark, so can't possibly excercise...

    I'm currently a size 18 (in NZ) and that is getting a bit snug. There is no way I'm going to buy a size 20 (no offence intended for anyone out there), that's my limit, so kind of spurred me into action.

    A group of girls in my Facebook coffee group are on a 'healthy eating plan' (my phrase for diet). Some of them are on MFP so has spurred me even more.

    Look forwar to meeting you all.
  • lmk5
    lmk5 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello. I'm a 41 year old mom to a 9, 7 and 4 year old. I have always wanted to be thinner than I was but over the past couple years I have put on 20 pounds. I blame it on the 40's. :tongue: I think my metabolism stayed in my thirties. I try to go to the YMCA a couple times a week but have not gone in the last month or so. I want to make it part of my daily routine. Not just if I feel like it. My eating habits have gotten terrible with the holidays too. I am a night snacker and that is my biggest downfall. Need to figure out how to cut out that habit. I've been on and off MFP and would like to stick with it. My kids are very active and I want to keep up with them.Looking forward to some motivation and hearing how everyone works towards their goal!
  • marilynbauer
    marilynbauer Posts: 28 Member
    Hello, I am 45 year old mom with a 11 year old son. I have noticed since I turned 40 its harder than ever to loose weight. I have always been a binge/stress eater and I am forever having to start another diet. I was motivated 2t years ago and lost 20 pounds but I allowed the holidays to sabotage my efforts. I have continued to exercise as before but I need to get back on track with my eating.
  • JAB526
    JAB526 Posts: 1
    I am a 46 year old mother of two girls, 12 (almost 13 yikes!) and 9. I have decided 2013 is my year to get fit! It starts here with tracking food and daily exercise. I have had weight issues after having my children, especially my second and now as I enter menopause (yuck!). I lose but then it creeps back on. The holidays with eating out and COOKIES did not help. I love cookies...ready to buckle down. Getting the rest of the cookies out of the house today. I have done Weight Watchers (WW) and it has always worked. I am tired of rejoining weight watchers though because I feel that I know what to do. Hoping the trackers at this site and support from the group will aide in getting fit. It is a lifestyle choice! Let's get going!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    So glad to see this group getting going!!! Welcome to everyone, and please keep the posts coming. I have been the most successful on MFP when the groups I am watching/joining are active and we support each other.

    Let's Do This!!
  • sirrah1973
    sirrah1973 Posts: 3 Member
    Happy New Years Everyone. I am glad to see we are all trying to start it off right and with each others help we will end it right. I am a 39 year old Mom of 2 children ( 1 boy and 1 girl). In anticipation of the 40 year old slow down.. I am trying to lose about 70 lbs. I know what to do I just need extra support for the long term. I am hoping to find it in this group. I plan to use my body media fit band along with my fitness pal trackers. My training plan is T/T/SAT and Sunday. Good old fashion walking. I have signed up for the DIVA fitness 1/2 marathon. I work better with a goal plus it looked like a lot of fun.
  • gcr2012
    gcr2012 Posts: 103 Member
    Happy 2013! I am 46 and the mother of 2 girls, 17 and 14. I am hoping they will give me the encouragement I need to be more active, and at the same time, I will become a better role model for them. Am really looking forward to getting back out and doing regular exercise. Why is that we know what we need to do, but always find an excuse? Am hoping this burst of energy lasts through 52 weeks, not just a few days!
  • mmurph102
    mmurph102 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi All,
    I am 44 years old today! I have 2 girls, 8 & 10, and like most of you I am sick of losing the weight and then putting it back on. I have about 15 lbs to lose...but, everytime I lose 7 or 8, I gain back 4 or 5. And then I get completely off track, stop tracking and exercising and feel lousy about myself. So, on this 15th Anniversary of my 29th birthday I am vowing to lose it this year and keep it off! Please add me so we can help support each other :)
  • kootenayfit
    kootenayfit Posts: 4 Member
    Hello ladies I am in . I have always tried to do this on my own and I am really looking for a support group that I can relate too. I too am in my mid 40s with a 14 yr old boy and a nice husband who just don't understand the importance of this as neither have had weight issues and my best friend is a stick I love her to bits but she is blessed with a great metabolism. So I will look to this group for support and understanding. We are women we can do anything ...right?
  • rowheat
    rowheat Posts: 3 Member
    Hi i am Rowena and I am 47 -really weird when I have to write that as I certainly don't feel 47 more about 25. I live on the south coast in the UK and work as a Library Manager.

    I have also yoyo'd with my weight all my life - best weight loss was with WW when I lost 3.5 stone but pretty much all gained back now.

    I am married to Christos and we I have two sons 15 and 12 years old who I cannot blame for pregnancy weight as I managed to lose 1,5 stone every time I was pregnant as I was so sick and overweight at the start of it :-)

    We have had a tough few years as my youngest has been ill and I have spent a lot of time with him at home and at hospital visits - comfort food and take aways have definitely been on the menu when we are together - not good for his future food lifestyle either although he is a real skinny at the moment so needs to eat but hopefully we can all make healthier food choices.

    We have booked to go to Orlando at Easter it is a one off special holiday and when I booked I thought I had a year to lose weight - now I have 3 months aargh ! I am not going to be silly about this but I certainly should be able to lose at least a stone (14lb) and a dress size.

    I plan to cook in advance and make menus this time as I know it is when I get home from work and there is nothing prepared that we end up getting a take away or have a ready meal in the microwave which is not good for any us.

    Hopefully I can get some support from the group as we get fitter in 2013 and give some support back to others too - look forward to getting to know tthe group.

  • Willie1274
    Hi, I will be 42 in February, have a daughter soon to be 7 yrs old and derailed from running due to chronic injuries. My main way of fitness as far as I can remember is endurance running enhanced with strength training. I was hoping to get back into marathon training after taking off 14 weeks but injuries still remain. I was struggling on what to do until my daughter requested in the sincerest of tones, "Mommy, please don't leave us again on a stay home morning." So many years, so many mornings, I leave my family to get in a long run or to run a race. Even if my family is with me, it was felt like it was consuming our weekend time together. I was tired of the pain, tired of feeling unfit and tired of missing my family.

    I'm not getting younger, but it doesn't mean my days of being fit or over. I may not run with the elites any more but I can feel as healthy as one and also find time to be with family if we work together. I told my daughter that I like to exercise like she enjoys goign to the park and playing on the monkey bars. We discussed the things we like to do that make us feel good and how can we do that stuff and maybe do it together sometimes to make it more fun.

    I've always made use of my lunch hour by training at the fitness center across the street from work, so I'll continue with that schedule. I can also get up at least 3 mornings a week before family wakes up to get in training time.

    I've lost connection with people my age and with similar struggles and the added support is going to be needed along the way.

    Thanks for the group!
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Hi! My name is Jill and I will be 42 in April of this year, and a mother of a 19 year old and a 12 year old. Both boys. When I approached my 40th birthday, my goal was to lose 40 lbs. by that date. Well, I surpassed it and had almost 50 0ff by then. I went on to do well and have lost a total of 80ish lbs.! I gained back a little over Christmas, but it is only about 5-7 lbs. That is no problem. This past summer, I finally found my groove and started running and learned how to maintain my weightloss. I worked hard and continue to work hard at it. The eating is not so much an issue, it is sometimes the time to exercise. And the drive to exercise. Most times I have it, but when approaching that time of the month, PMS plays with me then I don't want to exercise at all. That is my difficult week. I struggle that week, but I am back full force once I finally start. My goal is to just lose the 7 lbs. I gained over Christmas and to get back on the exercise track. I am considering doing a triathlon this June coming and I need to get moving if I want to be able to do it. I am a swimmer (in the summer), I love biking, and I love running! I look forward to meeting others that are very fitness motivated. I love to help motivate others and need others to motivate me as well. I think it helps a lot to feed off each other. I can't wait to meet everyone!
  • claudmed
    claudmed Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I'm new to this forum. I am 44 years old with 4 kids (26,18,17,7 years old).
    I want to lose 15 lbs and need all the support I can get. I work out
    5-6 days a week. I mix hiking, Zumba, insanity and other videos. Food- is
    my problem, LOVE sweets/carbs.
  • SInder2
    SInder2 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm 45 soon to be 46. I have two teenage girls (luck me!). I enjoy exercising, but struggle with eating healthy. I still love all the deep fried junk from my youth! I was always that super skiney person that could eat anything, well no longer. Now I find myself really needing to think about my food decisons, and often loosing out the the call of chocolate! I like to run, swim and bike, however, I've had some hip issues so have slowed down a bit latley. I've just started yoga and am quite surprised to find I like it. This is changing my thinking about exercise- not all cardio! I'm looking forward to the support this group will bring. Heres to a happy and healthy 2013 for us all!
  • kootenayfit
    kootenayfit Posts: 4 Member
    I can relate to the working out and carb sweet thing. But a year ago I gave up wheat ( read the wheat belly and primal blueprint) I lost 31 pounds no longer crave sweets and exercise less. i am on the last leg of my journey and I really want to pay it forward I wish I would have done this 10 yrs ago. I always though that if I worked out more....but it just made me eat more. I think the primal diet is the key. Check out marksdaily apple.com . Good luck
  • Callmommy
    Hi Girls :) I turn 46 in March, am a mom to 3 amazing kids (19ds, 17dd, 14dd) and wife of 22 years. We help care for my parents and are a homeschooling family as well. I currently don't work outside the home. My 17yo daughter has been an inspiration as she set some goals for herself and moved forward and has lost 20 lbs over 6 months and is eating well and moving consistently. She has really come into her own and is feeling so good ab out her accomplishments. I'm so proud of her! She motivated me to join MFP which I did yesterday and I am determined to celebrate each day that I reach my goals (even just keeping my calories in the range to lose weight). I want to have baby steps so that my successes are attainable and as I make those steps, I can make the next one a little more difficult. Ultimately I want to glorify God in the way I live and move and treat myself and encourage others. I love the format of MFP! Happy New Year!! Here we go :)