Insanity - Jan 2013


So technically this is my 2nd round of Insanity... I just did the Plyo Cardio Circuit. (week 1 day 2). I've had a few set backs the past 3 months including injury, job transitions, school, wedding planning and family illness. I am determined, though these things still exist, to get refocused for the new year. I have made some amazing and beautiful friends here on MFP and could always use a few more. If anyone is beginning Insanity for the 1st... 2nd .. 3rd.. 4th or 5th time.. I welcome your friendship as well. I love the motivation and just knowing that there are others are doing the same workout I am is such a HUGE help!

Looking forward to shedding some lbs and gaining lots of strength - physically, mentally and emotionally.

DIg Deep, folks!



  • I'm glad I stumbled among your post. I started Insanity over about 4 times and never made it past day 2! I always had an excuse from being stressing with my internship, having a doctors appointment, transitioning from intern to a full time position, not being prepared, not eating right etc.

    But today I plan on starting insanity over for the last time! Enough is enough and I have to get myself back in order.
  • mlittleplume
    mlittleplume Posts: 12 Member
    Keep it up deepaul!! I'm on day 3 week 1 of Insanity, Totally *kitten* kicking
  • You can do anything!

    Sometimes we just need to find our stride or motivation or additional support or all of the above! :) We are here with you.. .

    Dig deep! :)
  • YEAH!

    That's what I like to hear!!!!! Go get em!!! :D
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm doing insanity for the 2nd time doing a hybrid this time round so I do insanity every other day due to do Day 3 tomorrow! ill try and check in regularly!
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Currently on week 4 day 3, kicking Shaun T's *kitten*! Best of luck to you
  • This makes the 3rd, possibly 4th time I've started Insanity....never making it past the recovery week. The first time I tried it I had great success I don't know why I stopped....regardless, I Plyo Cardio yesterday too Week 1, workout 2. So I'd love the support. We can do this!!!!
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    Just started Insanity Asylum!
  • First timer doing it. Did the fit test yesterday and Plyo Cardio Circuit today! Feeling good! Let's hope I can stick to it when I get back to school in a few days! :)
  • TheManda27
    TheManda27 Posts: 42 Member
    Starting Insanity today for the first time.. I am looking forward to it but a little scared :)

    Wish me luck and I send the same to all of you.
  • Today is week 2 day 2 for me. This is my 3rd attempt at Insanity in the last 2 1/2 years...with a couple of pregnancies stopping me.
    I picked my end date first so that I would be done the week of my 35th birthday. I am DETERMINED to get the weight off this time! 10 days in and I am 6 lbs down!!
    Please add me to keep each other encouraged and on track!!
  • dcf44
    dcf44 Posts: 6
    Woops - I accidentally started Insanity. I was finishing up the 30 Day Shred and I was determined to get to the end before starting Insanity. But curiosity got the best of me and I watched the fit test and then one thing led to another and a couple days later I just finished Day 2. :)

    So...Plyo Cardio Circuit: I didn't do all the reps or keep up with Shaun, but I don't think I hurt myself either (I guess tomorrow morning I'll know for sure). I did what I could and just kept a positive mindset - and I burned 460 calories according to my HRM. I'm feeling good! Looking forward to the next one.

    My goal with Insanity is mainly to lose weight. I have about 30-40 lbs to lose and I like to track my measurements. Will try to post my results as I go.

    Good luck to all! Feel free to add me if you need a buddy.
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm on day 3! (started dec 31 and just haven't gotten my work out done yet haha procrastination always gets the better of me!) this is my second time around! I didnt finish the first time, but now i want to!
  • So I started insanity Monday Dec.31. This will be my 3rd or 4th time starting this workout and never made it past the first week. This time I am going to finish what I start!!! Week 1 Day 4 for me!!!
  • s_reynolds777
    s_reynolds777 Posts: 36 Member
    I tried insanity a few months ago and made it two weeks after losing 85 lbs on my own over an almost 2yr period of going to the gym. I thought it would help me through my plateau. I shouldn't have tried it through vacation and holiday months though, I ended up stopping after two weeks and decided to take a "working out break" and start fresh in the new year. Unfortunately a gained a few pound over the holidays but I'm back at it, just finished day 4 and I'm soooo sore. Wish I had stuck with it, it was a lot easier when I was in better shape. Taking a few months made me lose a lot of the muscle I had gained. I'd love to be friends with anyone who is also in about the same place in the program. It would be fun to share in our success.
  • dcf44
    dcf44 Posts: 6
    Did Day 3 yesterday. My calves were alright after Day 2 but when I started this workout they were so stiff and sore - it was hard to do the workout. Will have to stretch them out more. Also, after I'm done my workout I watch the next day to see what's in store while stretching - I really think all the extra stretching helps.

    I'm not really pushing myself as hard as possible this week - I am learning the moves and getting my body used to doing them right - next week I'll speed it up. Don't want to hurt myself too soon and have to drop out. I am still burning close to 500 in the workouts according to my heart rate monitor...
  • KiiAttitude
    KiiAttitude Posts: 207 Member
    i started insanity 1st jan so im on day 5 :) love it, new year given me an excuse to try it properly as ive only ever picked workouts before.... not done it as a routine ect...

    so here goes i welcome any friends who wish to add me.

  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I'm starting Insanity for the first time on Monday. I've checked out the Fit Test and that tired me out just by watching! I'm very excited but very scared, too. I've done JM 30 Day Shred, 30 Day Slimdown and Ripped in 30. I hope I make it through this! Would love all the support I can get!
  • danj_64
    danj_64 Posts: 96 Member
    I have recently completed 60 days of Insanity and loved it. The key is to only do what you can handle so you don't injure yourself. Is is better to modify the difficult moves when you are staring out so you can sustain the workouts for the entire program. It is real easy to hurt your knee if you push too hard too fast. If you take it at a comfortable pace you will have great rewards..

    Feel free to add me. I would love some Insanity buddies.
  • Hi im Craig from the UK ive just completed day 6 Insanity and loving it so far.

    Always looking for friends to motivate me through this