8 hour Diet - Did you See it??

aprrae Posts: 172 Member
I was watching the today show this morning, and the "Eat This Not That" guy was on introducing his "new" diet. Did you see it???

He basically is saying give yourself only 8 hours of eating time a day. 9 to 5 ; 11 to 7; etc. The premise is that you can eat almost anything you want if you give your body plenty of time to process the food you have taken in.

Is this really any different than the age old no eating after 8pm??

How do you make this work with a normal work day?? You would have to skip breakfast or dinner, right??

Oh the diet fads...

I know that the only thing that works is consistently eating less calories than you expend. All of the diets are the same basic rules - just packaged differently.


  • rowheat
    rowheat Posts: 3 Member
    I would probably do the big no no and skip breakfast - if I had my way I would eat it about 11 as I am always hungry then whether I eat breakfast or not - can sort of see the principal of the idea though :-)
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I saw that headline on the front of a magazine just tonight at the grocery store! I didn't read it though..it is just another fad thing. They don't work. The only thing that works is eating clean and exercising lots and doing lots of strength training. Eat lots of protein, cut back on sodium and sugar, and don't eat prepackaged foods! Eat everything fresh and clean if possible.
  • LiseyLooLah
    LiseyLooLah Posts: 4 Member
    I heard from somewhere that even if you have just a bite of toast for breakfast and then more a bit later that is just as good as having all your breakfast early. Something to do with telling your body that you are still alive and will be eating, just not right now.
    As for the 8 hour diet - yeah right... I wouldn't cope with that.
    I snack terribly at 'TV' time (after dinner and the girls have gone to bed). Hubby and I have our coffee and cookie, and chocolate and a packet (yes, a big one) of chips... I'm either gonna stop watching tv or cut up some carrots before the girls go down.
  • schooby2
    schooby2 Posts: 20 Member
    I would like to keep my eating within 8 hours...but that would be tricky for me. Might be something fun to strive for. I know that calories are calories, but I find if I eat carbs too late I get night sweats. My endocrinologist helped me to figure that one out. That is some motivation for me to stop earlier at night! :tongue: