


  • ofc129
    ofc129 Posts: 2
    Me too! I was just trying to remember the last time I logged in at Charlotte Mommies. I was an active member there when Lake Norman Mommies was formed and I was the charter mod of the LNM natural parenting board. I bet it has been at least 5 years since I've been to either site.

    I was just looking at the "groups" to see what they were and found this. My kids are 10, 13, and 16, so I may be too old to fit in, but I thought I'd give it a try. :)


    Mine is 13, so you're not alone! :)
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    Hi everyone I am momoftwo418 on CM. I have 35 more pounds to my goal. It seems to be I can get down under the 155. I just don't know what it is. I am also tired all the time. Been through every blood test there is..I am done being a pin cushion. Hoping something gives soon. Would love some more friends on here. Anyone down in the South Charlotte area?
  • I'm Lora on CM! Friend me, I need inspiration and meal ideas :)
  • leigh302
    leigh302 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Guys, I use to be on CM till my kids kinda out grew it. Anyway now I'm trying to lose my weight. If anyone needs a friend please add me. I know it's easy to fight this with buddies.

  • MommyBeck
    MommyBeck Posts: 8
    Hi Ladies! I'm Mandi (butterfly521 on CM). I don't know if this group is still active, but I'd love more friends! Feel free to add away :)
  • bokatok
    bokatok Posts: 230 Member
    Hey Everyone.... doesn't look like much is going on here. Is this group still active? :)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I still check every now and then but I have a bad habit of forgetting about my groups. :-)
  • bokatok
    bokatok Posts: 230 Member
    I'm just learning how the chats work and such. Nice to know someone is out there.
  • liz827
    liz827 Posts: 193 Member
    Just saw this group... don't know how I missed it earlier in the year! Hi everyone! :)
  • bokatok
    bokatok Posts: 230 Member
    Hi Liz
  • HarlowS
    HarlowS Posts: 264 Member
    I saw the post on CM about this. Some people I am already pals with on here, but feel free to friend me.
    I am Harlow0326 on CM. Maybe we can revive the group? :drinker:

  • I had no idea we had a group on here :) I'm sugarnsnails on CM. I've been active on MFP for 260 days today :D!

    The past few weeks have been pretty rough for me but I'm still chugging along. Feel free to add me.
  • lifeisgoodwith4
    lifeisgoodwith4 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am Jenn (lifeisgood on cm, but rarely on anymore). Great to have support! I am still getting use to mfp, been good about logging my diary, keep forgetting there are groups, statuses, etc!
  • Hi! I'm Vicki. I didn't know this group existed either. I'm Ncgirl25 on cm. I rarely post on there anymore. I was doing well on here for awhile, but the holidays have been rough for me. I'm back now, so friend me if you want. I'm usually pretty good about logging my food, but horrible about checking groups.
  • ajdx5
    ajdx5 Posts: 8
    Hi All - I'm momof4xxs on CM - altho I'm now momof4xxsand1xy :)

    I have a membership at the Y, but my primary cardio is running, now that my PF is finally starting to heal ...or is that "heel"? :p
    Anyway, I need to lose about 10 pounds, but would be thrilled to lose 5-7. Along with that, I need to firm up b/c I jiggle *everywhere*. :cry: