Has anyone experienced arm irritation with their armband?

hballack Posts: 114 Member

I'm new to this website and this group. I just got a bodymedia link as a christmas gift and have been wearing it the last 2 days. I worked out earlier and got sweaty. Now my arm is red and slightly itchy in that area. I'm going to take it off later tonight and try a steroid cream. I hope I don't have a metal allergy because I really like this armband so far. Has anyone had this happen and did it go away quickly?



  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member
    today was my first day with my band and I found that my arm was getting itchy at the end of the day, so I took it off, clean t with soapy water and hopefully it will be better tomorrow. I find that I had to move the band up and down during the day so my arm doesn't get sore.
  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member
    glad to say that today is going a lot better, I washed the armband with just a little soapy water and the band is not bothering me at all today, either it work or I'm just getting use to it.
  • I've found that I've had to have a few extra bands and rotate them frequently, washing with soap and water and keeping them clean. I read somewhere it was ok to take an alcohol swab and gently clean the unit itself every now and then, which I do about once a week, or after a heavy sweaty workout. It's also good to move the band around during the day to different spots on your upper arm.
  • aeich8899
    aeich8899 Posts: 55 Member
    Mine does this too. I rotate bands daily since I ahve three of them. I also move the positioning around day to day so the area gets to breath. I've also found that I can put it just below my elbow and get the same readings,so I put it there for a few hours and then move it up.
  • hballack
    hballack Posts: 114 Member
    Thank You! Those are good tips. I will look into ordering some extra armbands.

    Happy new year!

  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    I have to rotate the band from one arm to the other as the metal makes my skin very itchy. The worst case was red blisters on my upper left arm. Today, I've switched it to my upper right leg- not sure if this was a good idea or not because I've registered a much higher amount of vigorous activity today...
  • mbgambill
    mbgambill Posts: 28 Member
    I had wondered about wearing the band on my leg. I don't mind it on my arm in the winter but this summer when I wear sleeveless shirts, I don't want everyone looking at it or asking me questions about it.
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    I'm getting a few red spots under mine, so I put acne cream on it and wore it a little lower for the time being, after washing the back of the device. I plan on getting extra straps soon.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I had wondered about wearing the band on my leg. I don't mind it on my arm in the winter but this summer when I wear sleeveless shirts, I don't want everyone looking at it or asking me questions about it.

    BMF state it's not accurate doing that.