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  • Hello Ladies! My name is Lisa. I am 47, mother of three adjusting to the idea of being an empty-nester, divorced for 8 years and now learning to love myself. This is my first attempt to lose weight in a very, very, long time. The past 10 years have been about major changes and in the process I have had to change along the way. Change can be a real pain in the A*$ but is a good thing and in my case a very good thing.

    I love my family and friends more than anything but I am finally at the place where I realize that only I can put me first. I have put everyone else first for a long time. I am learning to put me first. It is not easy. It takes practice. I am learning to love myself and by doing that it is time for me to take care of me. I just recently moved to the east coast of Florida. I am living in a beautiful beach town that has so much to offer those who want an active, healthy lifestyle. I want THAT LIFE!

    I am looking for support during the tough times of this journey. I want you all to help me celebrate the victories. I will need advice and some honest, real, tough talk when I try to rationalize things. I want to be the same kind of supportive, cheerleading, straight-talking friend to all of you as well.

    I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and kicking all the bad habits to the curb in 2013! New year, new woman!
  • zoeysmom08
    zoeysmom08 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi! I'm Lisa, 44 years old, live in Virginia, married for almost 24 years. Our only daughter was married a little over 2 years ago so my hubby and I are empty nesters. I have played around with MFP and WW for awhile now but came to realize that playing around isn't cutting it anymore. I need to get serious NOW! I have gained about 40 pounds back after losing a little over a hundred. I really don't want to gain all that weight back so now is the time to nip it in the bud so to speak. I am looking to get and give motivation from this site and especially these groups! Looking forward to getting to know all of you and hope to make new friends.
  • ebrustuen
    ebrustuen Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Emilie, just turned 56 last month, and am an empty-nester since September when my youngest son left for college. I have four sons and a daughter, the youngest two still studying. Since my divorce almost 4.5 years ago, I've been seeking a healthy emotional recovery. Introduced a year ago to MyFitnessPal tools during last year's Fitness Challenge at work, and my move to residential life with my dog, Buffy, (walking her twice daily) both have set me going on the right road for successful weight loss and now my clothes are a much better fit. This fall I actually bought some items in a lessor size! I haven't used MFP since April, but this morning I found their e-mail and link waiting for me just in time to start the year 2013 out the right way!
  • Theresa8267
    Theresa8267 Posts: 16 Member
    My name is Theresa and I am 45 and have 3 sons, 21, almost 18 and 14. I am a 3rd grade teacher. I just started this site yesterday. A friend of mine suggested it. She said it helped her lose weight last year. I have about 30 pounds to lose and hope to do it by my birthday which is at the end of June.
  • madrell1
    madrell1 Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Linda- I am 65 and until 10 years ago I was between 150-160 which is a good weight on me. I am 5'4"", married with 3 children, 4 grands and 1 great grand. I have never been physically active and smoked heavily in my early years. Quit 15 years ago and each year since I have gained more weight. I started MFP at 189 and have lost 14 pounds slowly since the end of Sept. That was when my physician told me my blood sugar,tryglicyrides and cholesterol were up and unless I lost weight by next summer I would be on several meds that are not nice and I don't want to have to be on. Thus I am eating healthier and doing a little more exercise and slowly losing weight but this time for the first time I have managed to not only not gain anything over the holidays but lose weight! I did one of the MFP challenges and it worked! Now I want to keep losing but I love to cook and go out to meals here in my golf community so I know I will lose slowly. Need the help of a group so Ladies who lunch sounds good.
  • Hi, My name is Susanne. I am 57, married, mom to 4, nana to 9. I teach Kindergarten and Title I reading. I have been on some kind of diet or thinking of weight loss my whole life. I've had some success, but seem to back slide after a year and need to restart. So it goes. I had back surgery this past June and really need to take off 40+ lbs. Love to walk outdoors when the weather isn't freezing. Going to try Zumba next week and see if that's the winter time excercize for me. Looking forward to making some big changes in 2013 to get heathy and fit.
  • I am 52 and need to loose at least 30 lbs. I usually eat pretty healthy but my body just doesn't seem to want to loose any weight. So I am hoping by being on this site that I can track and see what I am doing wrong. I am looking forward to seeing what others have to say and how they overcome their struggles.

    Menopause sucks and I think the weight gain is the worst part.

    I am encouraged that I can do this.
  • Hi all! I have been playing around with MFP for a couple of months, but am now just figuring out all the cool things involved. I am on a mission to NOT BE FAT AT FIFTY so I have a year and a half to get fit. I have ridden the weight loss roller coaster my whole life and have climbed quite a hill this time. What I don't appreciate about this over 40 body is that everything has shifted and even though I may not be at my all time high weight, I am definitely at my all time high flabby, jiggly, OMG where did that come from stage! I am a teacher, a wife of almost 30 years, and a mom of two amazing adults (even though they will always be kids to me).
    I am excited to take this journey down the weight loss road with the support of some cyber friends.
  • cindersSA
    cindersSA Posts: 1 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies, and a truly happy weight releasing new to us all,

    My name is Helen and I live in Sellicks beach in South Australia. I am 64 and fought the weight battle all my life. I have altered my way of thinking about weight and now realize that is we think of loosing weight - like everything lost we are always looking to find it again. Story of my life so far. However if you release the weight - let it go - there is no need to go back and try to hang on to it. I also think that childhood trauma and events of the past has an unconcious effect on our attitude to weight, and why we find the safety of hiding behind a fatty exterior necessary.

    I coule be wrong but its working for me. I have steadily released12 kilo over the past 4 months, and looking to let go of another 10..Thats 22lb for our friends on the other side of the globe.:flowerforyou:

    I am recovering from a hip replacement and therefore my exercise is way down. Looking forward to some swimming in 6 weeks time. Long recovery this hip op thing!

    My sister in Victoria has also joined MFP and together we are supporting one another.

    I look forward to reading the discussions from your group..

    Happy lunching ladies!
  • Hi everyone. I'm Christine and I currently live in Virginia. I have two step daughters and two dogs and one fantastic husband. I'm joining this group as I am motivated by people. Unfortunately nobody in my area needs to or cares to lose weight and get in shape. I am an average sized gal but have managed to gain 5-10lbs a year for the past three years. I am now in desperate need of shedding 20-25 more pounds as I have lost 5 since November.

    I enjoy logging into MFP as it keeps me very honest about what I eat. I'm no longer allowed to enjoy a meal of potato chips and a bottle of red wine for dinner and rather need to make better choices.

    I look forward to sharing recipes and motivation with the group.
  • Hi,
    I'm looking to add some new friends. I've been on mfp for about 6 months and, sad to say, many of my earliest friends have gone inactive. I am 47, mom to three teenage sons, wife, teacher, and much more. I'm not doing anything crazy to lose weight - just trying to get my butt moving and eat reasonably. Please add me if you're looking for support and encouragement.
  • Hi All,

    I'm 50, married, mom to two 20-something boys who have left the nest. I tend to lose and find the same 15-20 pounds in about a 2-year cycle. I'm motivated to lose it again now and keep it lost! I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about healthy eating and exercise, I just lack motivation and love food! As I've (ahem) aged, I've gained more belly and mid abdominal fat. No fun! Time for it to go! Hope I can stay motivated! And I'm glad I found My Fitness Pal.

  • AzaleaGirl
    AzaleaGirl Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, thanks to you all for this group. I'm 58 married, no children. I have been overweight most of my life and like many have lost and gained lost many many pounds. I am at my highest weight ever. My physician at my last physical recommended weight loss surgery. I really don't want to go down that road, so I hope to be successful this time without that option. I suffer from sever low back pain, which seems to be exacerbated by my weight. So I hope pain relief will be a welcome benefit to significant weight loss.

    I joined the site less than one month ago. What a great tool. I have quite a lot of weight to loose so I'll be sticking around for a while. Looking forward to getting to know all of you.:smile:

  • Hello Ladies!

    I am new to the group, but not new to MFP. This time I am trying to be more involved in the community and join some groups to help me though those "I want to quit" days. Looking forward to meeting you all.

  • grillingirl
    grillingirl Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm fairly new to MFP and this looks like an interesting group to join! I'm a 54 year old woman just trying to lose that last 20 pounds. I lost 30 pounds about 3 years ago and have managed to maintain that loss, but have decided that it's time to lose the rest! I love to cook, especially outside on the grill (I bought a Big Green Egg about 2 years ago)! I consider myself somewhat of a foodie and would love to get some of your ideas on recipes that you love! I have a lot of time on my hands, which can be good and bad. I have lots of time to go to the gym to workout, but also lots of time to mindlessly snack, etc. I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you!
  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I'm Liz. (I will put up a photo in the next day or two. I just got a new computer and haven't moved my photos over yet). I'm 58 and have just started on MFP even though I signed up over a year ago. This is my 5th day and so far, so good, which is more than I can say for any other efforts I've made lately. I've been up and down my whole adult life losing different amounts and gaining it all back, and going up a bit higher each time. A year and a bit ago I lost 40 pounds and have gained back 30 but this time I'm stopping before I get back to where I was and more!

    I do love food so I know that exercise has to be part of the plan for me so I'll be using my stationary bike and weights.

    I live in north central British Columbia (Canada) where winter is way too long but I live on a lake so the beautiful spring and summer make up for it. I have 3 grown children and 2 grand children who all live within 3 hours of me. I work in a school as an administrative assistant and I am an artist. I am divorced but in a relationship with an awesome man who will support my efforts however I need him to.

    Thanks, Acogg, for introducing me to this group. From what I've read in your posts, it feels like a good fit!
  • Hi I'm Cindy...54 year old Realtor born and raised in the South. I'm married to a southern meat and tater man, who's favorite sentence is "What's for Dinner" Coming up with healthy low calorie meals is a daily challenge.
    My friend and I got very motivated several years ago, started weight watchers and lost 20 lbs...gradually we strayed away from WW and gained the weight back.
    My friend found this site and we have enthusiasticly joined.
    I think this may be the program for me.....
  • Hi all . I am a 41 year old mom of a teenage girl and have been married for almost 22 years. I am starting back to school to get my Masters degree to reach biology after working in the medical field for the last 18 years. I had a hysterectomy last year and am an ovarian cancer survivor. I am trying to lose 40 pounds while going to school and dealing with the post surgery hormone blitz. I really need some motivational friends, especially now!
  • CricketsGirl
    CricketsGirl Posts: 31 Member
    Hi I_See_Skinny!
    It sounds like you have some extra challenges. I know how time consuming school can be in the midst of a full regular life so I hope you have lots of support at home, too. I was working on my Certified General Accountancy when I was around your age and found that even bathroom time involved a textbook! I had a life epiphany around that time, though, and decided not to continue.

    I just started on here and this seems like a nice group so I hope you get all the support you need. I tend to try to do things alone alot but I'm going to try to be more involved here and see if talking about the issues with other people in the same boat helps me stay on track.

    Good luck!
  • Hello, I joined MFP days ago, and think the structure here is what will allow me to lose my yo-yo 20 stubborn pounds. I am 59 years old and run my landscape design/installation firm. Lots of stress during the spring/summer season means I compensate with food. So this relatively quiet time of year is actually the best to get me into better habits.
    I love to cook, and having given up meat a while back, I am focusing on a regimen with lots of fruits/vegetables/fish. I am following a mix of Dr. Fuhrman and Volumetrics for prepping meals. My darling husband is game, but so very unfairly, doesn't need to lose an ounce!
    I welcome new friends to support my journey and to assist with theirs in whatever way might help. All best, Anne