Anyone starting insanity soon?



  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    I watched the fitness test today... while eating some chocolate covered cherries I might add and I thought... How in the world am I gonna do this? How many of you thought the same thing and how did you get through it?

    I will admit to being a bit worried. I'm planning on starting on Monday. It's not so much the fit test that has me worried, but I was watching the Max Cardio and thinking about halfway through...'yup, heart attack #1 should happen right about here'

  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    In fairness, Max anything is not until month'll be ready!!!
  • ltravis66
    ltravis66 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! And Happy New year.

    I started Insanity yesterday (the 2nd). My muscles are sore, but I'm glad I did it. I had done it before in 2011 and saw great results, but then I got lazy. I am determined this time to not only get my weight off, but get my body into shape. My day off will be on Tuesdays, and I'm actually excited about it.

    Last night I was able to get through most of it without stopping for too long. Heck, I was thrilled I was able to get through the warm up without stopping.:laugh:

    I didn't do the fit test, I started with Plyo.

    Feel free to friend me so we can encourage eachother.

    Question for you all:
    I use a heart rate monitor that has a calorie counter on it, but I find it hard to believe that I burn that many calories. For even 25 minutes of Plyo it stated I burned 587 calories. Do you find these things very accurate? I have the one with the chest strap. Would love to get your feed back on that.

    Also, are you doing anything else but Insanity? Have you tried any other BeachBody workouts?

    Good luck everyone!:smile:
  • catchingmystars
    catchingmystars Posts: 16 Member
    I'll be starting the Insanity workout on 6th Jan!
    I've tried many times to this workout but kept catching a flu.
    Do add me if you need support, because I know I sure do!
  • catchingmystars
    catchingmystars Posts: 16 Member
    Actually, in the previous times i've done the Insanity workout, i've not followed the nutrition program at all.
    Before I gained 5KG this holiday.... ): I actually lost 9KG just by exercising and following the myfitnesspal 1.2k calories.
  • ChristyV44
    ChristyV44 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm doing it for the second time now (I never finished the first time around, though). I did the first fit test yesterday and am about to start the Plyometric Cardio Circuit today. We could help support and motivate one another! :)
  • I have started and going to be on day two
    I love this program!!! I never finished the
    First time but I will this time it's hard but it
    Does get easier I cusses Shaun t a lot at
    first lol
  • i am also starting again and like to add you if thats okay
  • Yes Tomorrow! I know your supposed to start on a Monday but hey.. my big butt says
  • I know feels like im going to pass out.
  • sdgray27
    sdgray27 Posts: 4 Member
    One week to the Insanity finish line for me. It's been great. Anyone worried if they can do it, my advice is to take a break in the exercises when you need it but stick with it. You'll be surprised at how quickly your fitness ramps up.
  • ltravis66
    ltravis66 Posts: 14 Member
    One week to the Insanity finish line for me. It's been great. Anyone worried if they can do it, my advice is to take a break in the exercises when you need it but stick with it. You'll be surprised at how quickly your fitness ramps up.

    When you stop, do you stop the dvd as well, or let that continue and pick up when you can? That's what I do and wanted to know how others do it.

    Also, what heart monitors is everyone using? Mine says I burn over 500 calories and I just can't believe that, so I always report less. I have two monitors. One wrist and one with a chest strap, they both say the same thing. Can I really be burning that many calories?
  • sdgray27
    sdgray27 Posts: 4 Member
    When you stop, do you stop the dvd as well, or let that continue and pick up when you can? That's what I do and wanted to know how others do it.

    I let the dvd continue. I've progressed to the point where if I rest, it's not for very long. Just enough to catch my breath.
  • WynterSkeyes
    WynterSkeyes Posts: 48 Member
    I'm doing it for the second time now (I never finished the first time around, though). I did the first fit test yesterday and am about to start the Plyometric Cardio Circuit today. We could help support and motivate one another! :)

    I started on Wednesday too. Today was really rough. Yes lets help motivate each other. I really need it
  • Shoogle83
    Shoogle83 Posts: 22 Member
    I am currently half way through the 2nd week of insanity, but a training group I am part of on Facebook are running a challenge starting on Monday, so I will be going back to the beginning on Monday. Looking forward to it and will still be logging my calories on MFP so will still be around the forum boards.
    I also only recently started using a heart rate monitor, and it reckons I burn over 700 calories for an Insanity month 1 workout. I wasn't sure if this was accurate either but have decided to just go with it for now and see how it goes.
  • I started insanity today (Done the fit test). But im going to be following the calenders workouts as from monday!
    Feel free to add me! I bet everyone doing it could do with support, and i know i will!
  • lstok873
    lstok873 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for some motivators! I just finished month one of insanity & am in recovery week. I'm nervous, (after reading these forums), about dropping out in Month two! I just ordered my HRM, and will have it for month two, so hopefully I can balance the diet and calories burned a little better.

    I had a baby in October. So I have about 23 more of babyweight to lose as well as wanting to drop an extra 10-15 to a goal weight! Since starting insanity in Dec, I dropped 7 lbs the first week, lulled for a few weeks, and then another three this past week. All together 3 inches on the waistline. I don't expect insanity to take off allllll that for me, but I would be happy for it to be the start of a long term fitness goal.

    Modifying the meal plan, but trying to do what i can to keep it close. I was undereating at first (approx 1000 cals), someone told me to raise those calories, so now I'm eating the 1500 5 meals of 300, and will likely up it once I start month two. I usually eat two egg omelet for breakfast, whole grain cereal meal 2, some sort of chicken/meat/rice/fajjitta (brown or whole grain) meal for 3, peanut butter celery/whole grain sandwhich meal 4, repeat of meal 3 as meal 5. All water. Add in fruit as snacks. And if course my weakness some chocolate haunts me and finds me during the day.

    Add me!! As a stay athome mom, I'm constantly on!
  • MenayD
    MenayD Posts: 31 Member
    hi i am starting insanity tomorrow actually :) it just came in the mail today
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm starting Insanity tomorrow
    Jan 7th :)
  • jess1795
    jess1795 Posts: 3 Member
    I am on day 7 of insanity now and its been tough but i have been hanging in there