Day 2 - Self Control

Self control is key in our journey to lose weight.

One thing I did not want to admit to myself was how much of a role food played in my weight loss journey. I wanted to believe that I could still eat whatever and lose weight because I worked out 4-5 times per week. At the end of the day, these were more excuses I was creating for myself--excuses to continue on with my bad behaviors as I like to call them.

One day I stepped on the scale after a grueling workout and the number was still the same. I had been working my butt off in the gym and NOTHING was changing! I finally got fed up. I was tired of working out and seeing no result. That's when I decided I'm going to have to make a change, and it wasn't going to be easy.

I LOVE food and STILL do! But I was loving way too much of the wrong foods. I had eaten healthy on a regular basis before but it was years ago. I didn't want to overwhelm myself so I gradually decided to cut things out if my diet. This was ALL about self-control. I knew that it was me and only me that had the control over what goes in my mouth. Once I gained control over this I felt so powerful. It got even better once the weight started literally falling off me!!!

The first thing I did was eliminate all drinks with any type of calories!! Drinks with calories are literally blind calories!!! I wanted all my calories to be saved for my food (And with the use of the myfitnesspal app I wanted to stay under a certain amount of calories)!

Once I mastered that, the next thing I did was cut out all fried foods. You have to sacrifice in order to gain with weight loss so I cut it out completely. When I continued to lose, it was even more motivational!

After awhile I realized that I hold the power over me. Eating healthy became natural. I now allow myself cheat days. Only 1 or 2, however, I did NOT have ANY cheat days during the first month or so of adjusting my diet! Remember, I wanted to MASTER self-control and what went in my mouth. I'M feeding one is forcing me to eat unhealthy (and if they are then remove them from your life!).

So tell me, in your practice of self-control...what are you going to master? What is it that you NEED to master in order to get you where you WANT to be? I promise if you practice self-control you'll feel so much better about the power you have over your own life!

Share what you plan to improve and practice with self-control.




  • Self-Control is hard for me! I'll master self-control by NOT over eating. A lot of times, I satisfy my appetite but continue to eat because there's still food on my plate... I'll learn portion control and substitute cake with a sweet fruit. Fast Food is my worst enemy so I will learn how to cook!
  • Emotional eating and fast food are my biggest pitfalls! Since coming back from NY I am proud to say that I have not had ANY FAST FOOD and I plan on keeping it that way.

    My goal is to continue ignoring Popeyes & Wendys for 30 days! I decided to take advantage of the cold and keep 4 100 calorie packs of raw almonds in my car. I also know that I snack when I am bored or cold (I have no clue why I eat when I'm cold (lol)). So I got unsweeet dark chocolate almond milk that I can heat up and use as "hot chocolate" and today I am making an all organic & all natural veggie soup.

    PS... I am also giving up coffee & sugar so I got TONS of tea by Yogi (i <3 the detox tea) and I made a fresh batch of granola bars for a post workout snack!
  • I absolutely have a problem with sweets. I can never eat real food again and survive off chocolate and cupcakes!! smh. so thats my objective for this challenge, lil to no sweets. I'd be lying to myself if I said Im going to just give it up cold turkey, thats a sure way to set urself up for failure (when u know its something ur use to having on a regular) So instead of a cheat day, I get a cheat "meal", once a week I get ONE sweet item of my choice and thats it and on those days that Im really really craving, I will log on and chat about it so I can get some encouragement to keep on the right track.
  • MrsHollins85
    MrsHollins85 Posts: 9 Member
    Self control.... Where should I start....I will say when I was pregnant I ate every & anything didn't care and continued after pregnancy I know it's been 5 and almost 8 years since pregnancy but I kept that mentality I had it before when I was in sports younger I ate whatever! I have learned self control is probably the hardest thing EVER for me I can workout I still have my endurance I have no problem with that my eating has to change!!!!! Hopefully @ratedpg08 will be going grocery shopping with me soon!!