NROL4 Question

DIVAof5 Posts: 4 Member
I am new to the group and have already been lifting a little. Does this program actually work? How long is it and do you tone or bulk? I only want to tone my body. Any information will help. Also, looking for partner..


  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Welcome! I think the question "does this program work?" is dependent on your goals. My goal was to lower my body fat % along with losing lbs on the scale, as well as get stronger and tone. I'm halfway through stage 3 and am definitely much stronger and I know my body fat % has gone down, although I don't have the figures. I can tell because even though the scale hasn't moved (it's actually gone up but that's mostly due to poor diet), my clothes fit better and I look leaner overall.

    I've found the workouts to be challenging, but I was basically a beginner in the lifting world, having done some 30 day shred and P90x with barbie weights in the past.

    If you read through a lot of the stickie posts at the top you'll find the starting and ending stats for a lot of us at each stage. There is also a facebook group with some very impressive ladies who have done the program multiple times.

    Have you read the book yet? Good luck with everything!
  • DIVAof5
    DIVAof5 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you jhgreer.