
PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
I get bored with workouts easy and I currently have a lot of JM DVDs, including the mandatory ones for the group. Would it be okay if I mixed in the other JM DVDs I currently have as well (30Day Shred, Ripped in 30 , 6Week 6Pack, etc.)?


  • katieuk
    katieuk Posts: 304 Member

    Yes of course, I also got 6 week 6 pack for Xmas so I now have that to add to my workouts (probably twice a week after doing one of the others) so why not, do as you wish provided it is Jillian :-)
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Thanks! I have already started Jillian's 30DS. So I can't wait for the challenge to start!
  • SciRice
    SciRice Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Everyone! Thats great to hear because I have 30-Day Shred, Ripped in 30, and NMTZ and just wanted to rotate those instead of buying another DVD. I was actually thinking of starting another group so I'm so excited that mixing others in is OK. I just finished Body Revolution and may use the Cardio from there as well. Excited to see how this love love Jillian workouts and am excited about starting on Monday.