reasons for wanting to lose weight.

It seems so quite on here so thought I should start a conversation / discussion.

So ladies what are your reasons for losing weight? And how are you doing this? Share your techniques that are helping you shift the bulge.


  • AfrikanRose
    AfrikanRose Posts: 6 Member
    I'll write in. I am losing weight because I gained it while being in my past relationship. I am tired of wearing this fat suit, and it wears me down. I want it off. Ugh. I am using Peak Fit Challenge by Michelle Dozois (NOT A PLUG) followed by Les Mills Combat then back to Peak Fit Challenge for another round, after that I may join CrossFit. I am eliminating white sugar, flour, processed junk, most canned food, and not drinking a whole lot of calories, in addition to just plain hard work.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Health! is my main reason.

    Losing the weight by counting calories and exercise. It's all in my food and exercise diary.
  • Applegondi69
    Applegondi69 Posts: 54 Member
    MIND MADE UP!!!!! I am tired of procrastinating:sad: about wanting to loose weight! Now with the support and free tools, I am "GOING TO GET IT DONE"=Regular size apparel.
  • Reasons like most of you is health. Plus I want to be able to wear anything ans nor have round think about if mtg back fat or belly is going to be on show.
  • kniclou
    kniclou Posts: 3 Member
    I gained a lot of weight AFTER I had my son and started to experience severe pains in my lower back because of the weight gain. I also had little energy to even play with my child because of the weight. So I decided to lose the weight for health reasons mainly and also so I could feel good about myself again.
  • I wanted to be the best me possible. After my separation /divorce my self esteem was in shambles. Now its the highest its ever been and I'm excited for the future.
  • Walking around with heart disease around your midsection is not cute. Transforming into a stronger me by eating clean, cardio, and weight lifting.
  • Lovelygirl1975
    Lovelygirl1975 Posts: 26 Member
    My reasons have changed over this journey so far.. Initially I was just depressed and wanted to feel better and I knew that my weight was part of what was making me sad. Then it went to looking better and physically feeling better. Now it's more because I can: I have accepted that I am strong enough to do anything. So why not keep exercising and eating healthy everyday. The benefits have been to awesome to give them up.
  • Lenpayasa
    Lenpayasa Posts: 69 Member
    Vanity! And I want to show my fitness freak brother that I can do "man pushups." I wish I could say "health," but that's not really what I think of when I'm squatting and sprinting. I'm thinking "I'm sexy and I know it." I eat clean and do Zumba and CrossFit.
  • keekahari
    keekahari Posts: 52 Member
    I am just tired of being fat... I had messed up my ankle in 2002 by telling myself I could ski... well ever since then I could not wear heels. Five minutes in and my ankle would pain me something terrible. Well I have lost my first forty and what do you know, I tried on a pair of heels (2.5 in, though that is high for me) and what do you know. no pain at all... so it wasn't the ski fall, but this dang gon weight!! Now I am look forward to what else I can do as I get to the new me :)

    Right now, I am doing a lot of walking, watching what I eat better. I'd like to get back to doing more high intensity cardio and eventually weight lift.

    I am excited for all of us... look out 2013!
  • KetoGenesis2016
    KetoGenesis2016 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello Ladies, I am very new to the group, but I love the idea of this group of women. My motives for loosing weight are quite vast, but I will give you a taste of what drives me. Primarily health is the most important reason. In the last 2 years my heath has gone crazy, so much of an extreme they just told me that I had a mini stroke yesterday on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to me, right? lol. Enough is enough! Gone are the days where I allow anyone to dictate what my health will be. I am going to take control of the things I can by starting my year off with a reboot starting January 2nd. My brother and I in the spirit of Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead are going to juice/blend for up to 60 days and I will walk during the process. My idea is to give myself a jump start into my healthier lifestyle by ridding my body of a lot of unnecessary sugar and toxins. I don't expect it to be easy but I expect to be successful just the same. There is also a little vanity that also motivates me, this Stella is ready to get her groove back so that I can again feel confident when I walk into a room. For me there is a mental game that is associated with me being overweight and I am not in it to win. Also my brother and I have made it a friendly competition, so that is another added incentive. I look forward to getting to know you all and sharing as I reach my goal.:flowerforyou:
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    I'm still young and I want to stay that way, body and spirit, for a long time to come. I want to be able to be a good role model for my future kids, so I figure now is the time to start :-) Plus an awesome body does wonders in the confidence department! lol
  • Hello All. My main reason is also due to health. Over the last few years my health has been going downhill. Like most women I am a nurturer of everyone else besides myself..It stops now!! I am sick of going to the doctor to a cure to all the pain I am in and they all come to the same conclusion.."if you drop some weight it may help", ok so its time to do just that. I have high self-esteem and love me but a light and healthier me wouldn't be so bad either. I want to feel strong!
  • ukloveme
    ukloveme Posts: 125
    I want to lose weight so I can fit into my old clothes and look hotter, find a husband(dont laugh), run with out my breast and legs getting in my way, be healthy off course.What am I doing count my calories via MFP, moving more and going to the gym and cooking my own food. drink water and lemon 8-12 glassess a day. Happy New Year, wishing all your dreams come true x
  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    I want to adopt a lifestyle I can live with forever. I want to teach my children to eat to live. I want OUT of this fat suit. When I get dressed, I want to choose an outfit and not have to change because it hugs my fat suit too tight. Can't wait.
  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    Oh yeah...I'm tired of throwing out jeans because my thighs have worn out the middle. The meeting of the thighs have to adjorn.
  • Honestly the reason why I really wanted to lose weight is because I absolutely hate body shapers. I don't care what anyone says, there is nothing comfortable about being stuffed into anything. For that reason alone, I knew it was time
  • I want to lose the extra person I have been carrying around most of my life. I weigh almost double what I should. I have tried many times to lose the weight and failed, but I am determined and focus to a lifestly change. 2013 is the year a new beggings!
  • mnj777
    mnj777 Posts: 17
    I don't know I was always too short to be overweight, it just isn't something that suits my body type. Like it's not even like I'm curvy, I'm just fat and it has gotten really old. I didn't care before when I was younger but now I do care because it makes me really self conscious. Not to mention I want to get more active in sports stuff this year so, I'm gonna have to drop weight at some point, who not try now?
  • ebonymonique
    ebonymonique Posts: 1 Member
    im loosing weight because of health reasons diabetes is not fun glad i have over come it but im happy it happen while i was young