
What work-outs does everyone do?
We are alternating, one day is a 30 min DVD- Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack. The next day is an hour at the gym. This is M-F and Saturday we go snowmobiling, Sunday for a walk.


  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    I am starting 30DS on Monday (also when school starts back up). Since it's been cold I do a lot of walking at the mall so I don't freeze lol. We are supposed to be getting me a gym membership, too.
  • bdubs1224
    bdubs1224 Posts: 12 Member
    Right now my goal is to just incorporate cardio 4 to 5 times a week on my elliptical. As I get more into the workouts I plan on adding some of my workout DVDs( I have Turbo Jams, Turbo Fire, and Zumba). I would love to get a gym membership but truth is when school starts back up in about 2 weeks I will be more devoted to my studies and I doubt I will have the time to go to the gym. However, I am planning on checking out the gym on campus and perhaps getting that into my schedule.

    Its been several years since I've worked out so I'm starting with realistic goals so I don't get overwhelmed and fall off the plan.
  • I used to go to the gym at my work site during lunch. I need to find some way to incorporate a work out into my day. I've been bad about that. Right now, I keep up with my walking, and log that in as my exercise.
  • I am trying to get to the gym after I drop my older two kids at school in the morning. Then I'm using my elliptical at home and doing Just Dance 4 with my tween.
  • Ty1982
    Ty1982 Posts: 4 Member
    I am starting with a personal trainer next week, but I'm thinking it will only be temporary. He's going up design a monthly program for me to do by myself at the gym. I also own TurboFire, so days I can't make the gym I think I'll supplement with that. Time management is the biggest issue for me. I already get up at 4:30 everyday and the kids don't go to bed until 8:30. I'm pretty exhausted by their bedtime. With my commute, I'm gone every day from 6am to 6pm. There are seriously not enough hours in my day.
  • strikermiz
    strikermiz Posts: 34 Member
    I haven't decided yet. Our schedules are too inconsistent to join the gym. I have ripped in 30 and 30 day shred. I also have insanity. I think I may start with 30 day shred on Monday then go into insanity in February.
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    What's everyone's favorite workouts/machines at the gym??? I'm going back next week and need some ideas! I know I need to add some strength training in with cardio, but I feel like the weight area at this gym is overrun by big bulky men and women who are already in shape. I would look like the ugly duckling!