3 days in and worried.

Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
Ive been eating completely paleo for the last 3 days, and Ive been having some negative side effects. On the first day I was experiencing some stomach cramps in the center of my stomach and then in the evening I suffered with horrible diarrhea, then yesterday I suffered some stomach cramps again followed by diarrhea once more, this time however I looked and my food had not been digested at all. Today I also have some stomach cramps and some nausua, and really been watching what I eat. I had my gallbladder out in August but have never had any problems digesting fats since that, so I dont think that means anything. My diet before going completely paleo was very much leaning towards the same thing (before it became christmas and I binged on everything) so my body is used to lots of lean meat, egg, nuts, fruits and vegetables. The only real differences is I used to have a bowl of bran flakes for breakfast.
So my question is: Did anyone else suffer with this? What did they do about it? Should I raise carbs/protein/fat or leave some food out Im having? If it continued should I stop eating paleo? Could it be dangerous?


  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    No I never had any issues like that at all , not sure what is going on, could you possible have a bug that could be going around? maybe a coincidence? I know I just had it the other day, but only lasted a day so caught some bug :ohwell:
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    I have actually just started having a sore throat, so could maybe just be my getting abit ill, I hope so. Its just very discouraging continuing eating healthy when my body seems to be so against it!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Yeah if anything eating whole foods you are doing your body good :happy: feel better soon!!
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    do whats right for your body. Yes many people experience withdrawls from the addictive foods you have been eating.

    Coming off any drug is difficult and initially your physical addictions will try to trick you back into being unhealthy by giving you complaints.
  • ajwolters
    I'd guess a stomach bug, too. A bit of advice - if you're looking to lose weight, limit the fruit to one a day, preferably berries. Don't eat the raisins - they are concentrated sugar. Also, get some real lettuce like romaine and raw spinach - iceberg lettuce is a nutritional void. Add more raw veggies if you can to fill in the fiber you'll lose from eating less fruit.

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I have been Primal for 4 days now and everyday but today I had the same. Terrible tummy pains and explosive toilets. Last night I had a terrible headache and I have be tired off and on for a day or so. I guess this is normal for some people as every person is different. I keep telling myself that this wont last forever and soon I will be feeling great. I am also wondering if it is cause my body is used to a low fat diet and now I am consuming more fats (butter, olive oil, bacon fat) I hope you feel better soon x
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    I would do a search on something like "gallbladder robb wolf". I've heard there's considerations after having it removed, but I apologize for not remembering what.

    I do recall his saying something like if you're finding undigested food, try adding in some of the super food enzymes.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member

    Great site!

    Also, if your food is coming out looking undigested then you may consider chewing more thoroughly. I discovered that I used to rush through my meals to have time to do the other important things in life, and that I wasn't chewing well enough. If you get sick and vomit (or the other end) and can recognize the food coming out then...you should chew more.
  • SpartyOn33
    SpartyOn33 Posts: 11 Member
    My symptoms are foggy head and a slight headache.... I'm 4 days in. This is completely normal! Your body is getting rid of all the toxins you have been consuming over the course of your life. Check out this site, and you'll understand:


    They also suggest upping your "good carb" intake a little bit.. that seemed to help a lot of people.
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice, and I was planning on cutting back on fruit, nuts and raisins after Ive transitioned in to Paleo better to loose weight, just didnt wanna make my body hate me this early by given up on everything :) Im now 6 days in and I feel a lot better so Im sticking with this new life change defiently :)