OFFICIAL THREAD: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Discussion



  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    how are you liking the judo aspect? our club is more a 65/35 jiu jitsu judo ratio

    my standup is terrible lol
  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    I noticed when I first began years ago that the standup was never focussed enough with bjj, I really think most exclusively-BJJ clubs would benefit by adding incorporating and devoting more time to wrestling elements into the game, maybe some more basic judo techniques as well..foot sweeps, basic hip throws..I see way too many guys jumping guard even at the higher levels.
  • I noticed when I first began years ago that the standup was never focussed enough with bjj, I really think most exclusively-BJJ clubs would benefit by adding incorporating and devoting more time to wrestling elements into the game, maybe some more basic judo techniques as well..foot sweeps, basic hip throws..I see way too many guys jumping guard even at the higher levels.

    I couldn't agree with this more! I've learned that a strong Judo takedown creates SUCH a strong position in BJJ matches. A well placed Uchi mata or O-Goshi lands 2 pts for the takedown and into a relatively strong pinning position.
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
    Feint. Shoot. Duckunder. DragTrip. Control. Mount. Finish.
  • I've been doing BJJ for about 7 months and just started MMA about 3 months ago under Royce Gracie's first black belt. I love the sport so much and it's what made me start my journey to being an athlete. I can't wait to start competing!
  • Congrats!
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    I've been doing BJJ for about 7 months and just started MMA about 3 months ago under Royce Gracie's first black belt. I love the sport so much and it's what made me start my journey to being an athlete. I can't wait to start competing!

    7 months is exactly how long I trained before competing, good luck with it!
  • garryhashman
    garryhashman Posts: 3 Member
    Well even compared to other groups on MFP this one is not that large, so it kind of makes sense that the subset of a subset would be smaller. As for myself, we practice mainly a blend of traditional jujitsu, BJJ, submission wrestling, and Sambo. I occasionally train at an affiliate school that does straight BJJ for both gi and no-gi.

    Similar situation. I was teaching traditional jujitsu and judo exclusively... but started bjj again to supplement. now i have devoted most of my training time to it. i want my bjj skills to be on par with my skills in those other two, so it has been my main focus. im getting up there in age and have been more injury-prone in judo (because of the explosiveness sometimes utilized and falls taken) that i think bjj will take me into my elder years. The best way to train martial arts (especially Gracie Jiu-Jitsu) for life.

    I am coming up on one year of BJJ training in February. I've had 4 stripes on my white belt now for about 3 months. I train 3-5 times a week. One competition, got a first and a second. Love what it has done for my health and enjoy the friends that I have made. Have another event Saturday about an hour from home. Hope to do more BJJ/MMA talk on here. There are not enough forums for that where people actually talk about Jiu-Jitsu.
  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member is a pretty good website with some high level bjj/judo contributors.

    what comp orgs do you guys do? naga, ibjjf, mundials...? I like to hear about more local ones, they can be...interesting.

    I remember my second comp in bjj about 10 years ago it was in this stinky gym/stink mats and there was actually someone's dog walking around on the competition area while I was competing.

    I subsequently got ringworm (for the first of quite a few times) shortly thereafter. Things seem to have improved quite dramatically in the past 10 years or so, that or I just started competing at more legit places, but they are still fond memories.
  • Vipecap
    Vipecap Posts: 166 Member
    The main ones around my area are US Grappling, NAGA, and New Breed. All 3 run events pretty decently. You are right about some of the local ones with no organization being behind them being interesting to put it nicely. Some local ones are run really well and are even used for raising money for a charity which is cool in my book. Some of the others are so poorly ran that they were not over until 8 or 9pm at night, and these are not tournaments with like 500 competitors either. I picked up a pretty nasty viral infection after a competition and was sick as a dog for a week after.
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
  • Lecterman
    Lecterman Posts: 97 Member
    I'm fairly new. I started on Dec 3. I am a white belt obviously. I train in gi 3 days a week and no-gi (MMA class) 4 days a week.

    Learning slowly but surely.
  • thecraigferguson
    thecraigferguson Posts: 33 Member
    I got my purple belt a year and a half ago from Robson Moura. I now train at a Renzo Gracie affiliate. I recently got my yellow in Judo, too. Also wrestled in school a LONG time ago.

    It was actually a guy in my BJJ class who directed me to MFP after he lost 30lbs. I lost 70lbs in my first 1.5 years of BJJ - from nearly 300 to 218. But in the past four I have been mostly between 230 and 240. Shooting for 209 as my initial goal. Local tourneys have a 200lb weight class and 200+. Would LOVE to compete at <200 for my last few competitions as I am about to turn 38.
  • LGinSoCal
    LGinSoCal Posts: 21 Member
    A discussion area for lovers of the "Arte Suave"... whether its for self-defense or sport. I realize there may not be many of us here, but I figured it would be nice to sound-off and see who is also using myfitnesspal as part of thier bjj lifestyle. Anyone?

    I have never quite understood the BJJ lifestyle thing. I use MFP actually to help others stay on track with their nutrition.

    I train at an MMA place so there is quite a bit going on. BJJ is not my favorite discipline. I started out with TKD so I consider myself a kicker. I recently started up with regular wrestling just because my kids are in the class and thought I might as well jump in since I am there. I did successfully use a whizzer in No-Gi class this morning!

    I find it hard to be consistent with the grappling because I am in so much pain after training.
  • michaelocampo
    michaelocampo Posts: 108 Member
    TERRIFIC WEEKEND! I've done plenty of Judo tourneys and a few small local BJJ tourneys, but this NAGA was my first big show.They bumped me down from Masters 30+ to Adults 18+ with all the beasts, because there arent any old timers in the Flyweight class... but its all good:

    NoGi, 6mo.-2yrs. experience, Adult <129.9 = Bronze!
    Gi White Adult<129.9 = GOOOOOLLLLDDD!!!

    Highlights: I started all of my gi matches up 5-0 on points because i attacked with a judo throw straight into knee-on-belly. In the gold medal finals, I tapped my opponent with the resurging-in-popularity Baseball Choke.
    TERRIFIC WEEKEND! I've done plenty of Judo tourneys and a few small local BJJ tourneys, but this NAGA was my first big show.They bumped me down from Masters 30+ to Adults 18+ with all the beasts, because there arent any old timers in the Flyweight class... but its all good:

    NoGi, 6mo.-2yrs. experience, Adult <129.9 = Bronze!
    Gi White Adult<129.9 = GOOOOOLLLLDDD!!!

    Highlights: I started all of my gi matches up 5-0 on points because i attacked with a judo throw straight into knee-on-belly. In the gold medal finals, I tapped my opponent with the resurging-in-popularity Baseball Choke.


    Baseball choke...completely UNDER rated!
  • CallMePat
    CallMePat Posts: 74 Member
    Hey, guys.
    I'm fairly new to BJJ.
    Just a couple months under my belt.
    I train in Nashville at Zanshin Dojo with Eric Silver.
    Still really bad but super excited about a Ryron seminar March 23rd. Hoping to move up to the next level before that.
    Oh if anyone's around Nashville and interested in attending let me know and I will send you the info.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    hmm I am considering learning BJJ.... I have recently started Muay Thai, still learning the ropes but I am getting there

    Any pointers/tips for any possible newbies to BJJ? Is it difficult ? I don't want to do competitions or anything, I just want to learn something new, get a good workout, good self defence as well

    I am just scared of dislocating body parts and things like that lol or not doing those roly poly things
  • hmm I am considering learning BJJ.... I have recently started Muay Thai, still learning the ropes but I am getting there

    Any pointers/tips for any possible newbies to BJJ? Is it difficult ? I don't want to do competitions or anything, I just want to learn something new, get a good workout, good self defence as well

    I am just scared of dislocating body parts and things like that lol or not doing those roly poly things

    Tap. Tap quickly. Tap often. I'd be lying if I said that people dont get happens. always need to remain calm. Most NORMAL injuries happen because inexperienced people try to show or prove something...which isn't necessary. My club has adopted the idea that "hey...we all have to work the next be a **** about it? You can show a crank...and you can recognize a reason to ruin a night by knocking people out of commission, right?".

    Once you get used to the idea and become humble that there are people that are MUCH better than you, then you can focus on proper technique. Speed and winning comes MUCH later. I started about 3 years ago. The first two things I learned were how to take a fall, and hip escaping. Guess what we were going over last night? Learning how to fall and hip escaping.

    I've done other arts in the past...Hapkido, Budokai (Seido Karate), Kung Fu...and nothing....NOTHING in my opinion can match the sense of accomplishment I feel when I've actually LEARNED something and can apply it the way I can in BJJ.

    Hope that helps...if at all, and good luck!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I did Jiu Jitsu for a few months when I was temporarily barred from TKD (long story :yawn: and on my blog).

    I stopped because I was landing badly when being thrown and was starting to fear being thrown or grappling. Didn't help during some classes, I was the only girl! Saying that I'm thinking of going back, since I can see where it integrates very well with TKD. It's just finding the time and the courage.