Discussion: What is your biggest struggle?



  • mairinosteen
    mairinosteen Posts: 30 Member
    Dairy, really any kind, I love cheese, milk, ice cream, cheese cake, and chai tea has milk in it and it is one of my favorite drinks.

    Also exercising sucks, I overheat so easily and then feel like I am going to faint.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I'm in a really good place right now but I would say boredom or mindless eating. Eating becuase I'm on a break or have nothing else to do. I have been very mindful of it this week and I'm doing well to stop it.
  • Everything....

    Time. Finding the time to plan and prepare foods ahead of time. I eat both breakfast and lunch at work.

    Exercising. I just started and was not exercising at all previously so just doing it all is hard. Plus making the time to exericse too.

    Sweets. They are my favorite thing to eat and I want to eat them all the time.

    Portion Control. I am used to eating large amounts of food and eating often.

    Being a picky eater in general. Just makes everything harder.

    Energy. I feel like I'm tired all the time and sleep more than I should. But I just can't help falling asleep when I do at night, and waking up in the morning is so hard. I hope that changes as I lose weight and get fitter.
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Carbs and salt.....I love bar food! The hardest part of the day for me is between 6 and 10. If I'm going to blow it, that's when it will be....
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
  • grho
    grho Posts: 71 Member
    I don't like exercising. I have a treadmill in the basement I walk on while I watch TV and I actually have a board I put across the arms so I can use my laptop while I walk too.
    Sugar-I love candy.
    Planning. If I have a meal planned out and ready to go everything is great. If I don't we order pizza or go out.
  • Not getting discouraged. I want results and I want them now, haha! I have to pace myself and work hard and know they will come.
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Planning. As long as I plan (meals, groceries etc) I am ok but if we don't have good choices in the house I will say let's go out. Hurting my waistline and my wallet! Going back to work Monday after break will be a challenge because I love going out with the girls for lunch!
  • cp9042
    cp9042 Posts: 2
    Ohhh, I am so much the same! I hate to cook and my DH always gives into me and says, let's go out! Hard on the wallet and the waistline, as you said. Also, i work around a bunch of foodies. Every occasion there is food, or someone just brings candy because they feel like it. Hard to ignore, but I am going to try!
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    For those of you trying to kick a Pepsi (soda, pop, coke, whatever you call it!!).... How do you deal with the caffiene issue? I had my last Pepsi on New Years Eve, but yesterday I had a terrible migraine. After taking a Vicadin and sleeping for a while, my head was still hurting. I decided to have a Pepsi so the caffiiene would help. (Opens up the blood vessels). It wasn't until last night that I thought about it and realized the headache could have been the caffiene withdrawls.

    I went from a big Pepsi habit (I'd fill up my 64 ounce--mostly ice, but at least half Pepsi--2 or three times a day) to trying to only do one a week. I wonder if I should do a can (12 ounces) every day this week. And then try every other day. Or should I just go cold turkey and put up with the headache?!?
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I stopped all soft drink while I was pregnant. 1 week at 1 can a day, then no more. You can take a painkiller for the headache or have a cup of tea. It only takes 3 days for the headache to stop. I have now not had soft drink for over a year, mostly because I now find it so disgusting I can't get past the first sip.
  • Pasta and sweets!!!! Whenever I feel sad happy depressed or excited I always go to them!! Wish I was I just didn't like them!:explode:
  • Dr Pepper, I have tried cutting it out but then crave it so much. It is my one true craving
  • Terri_terri
    Terri_terri Posts: 42 Member
    I cut the Coke out last friday night. Monday I had a bad headache & drank not even half a cup. Since then no cokes. Yesterday was the worst headache, but today not to bad. I'm hoping tomorrow I won't have one at all.
    I did want a coke today, after coming home from subway I went into the pantry to get a coke & they were all gone. I was really glad after I ate my sub that I didn't have one:) 64 oz of water again today...I think it's getting a bit easier to drink water.......I think :bigsmile:
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    I quit pop cold turkey 11/1/12. I have a week of headaches, but I kept pushing the water and they went away. Excedrin helped a lot because of the caffeine substitute. Tonight, I was craving a Dr. Pepper soooo bad, but I am having a smoothie instead.
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    I would read one post and think, YES, thats ME...then I would read the next one and think, wait, thats me TOO....so I guess for me, mine would not actually be a specific food, but the stuffing of feelings instead of dealing with a husband who is not very nice. Its easier to eat and stuff, than deal with some things I need to deal with. Finances, husband, worried about kids etc.....my go to foods would be sugary carb type...cheetos, mike n ike candy, etc......
  • LuckBeWithU
    LuckBeWithU Posts: 173 Member
    Coffee with cream & sugar....Lots of cups

    And everything else...:smile:
  • Bechard05
    Bechard05 Posts: 231
    My biggest struggle is MYSELF!

    I can make excuses all day long and blame everything on this or that but to get right down to the truth it's ME!

    The solution is also ME! Just a matter of facing the facts

    As for the soda I hadn't drank soda in years then I got stuck in a dark hole and somehow decided soda was a good idea again now I am quiting it again. Headaches are a sign of caffine withdrawl. if you can't handle the cold turkey cut back a little at a time. everyone is different and what work for one will not always work for another. A for the comments about cutting things you love out completely good luck to you. That is one of the biggest mistake we all make as soon as you tell yourself you can't have this or can't have that it's all you think about. Moderation is the key to success!!!!! If you want a piece of cheesecake have a small slice of cheesecake just don't eat the whole cake! I have learned so many things over the last few years see I am a full time student aswell I am working on 4 bachelors yes 4 seperate degrees 1- Nutrition Education, 2- Health promotion, 3 - Exercise science, and 4- Psychology =) hard work most deffinetly!!! worth it? Even more deffinetly!!!!!
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    In no particular order:

    1. Making myself exercise.
    2. Pasta
    3. Sweets
    4. My dislike of drinking water
    5. My all or nothing attitude (i.e. Well I just screwed up...better eat everything in sight and start again Monday)
  • -Exercise
    -Binge/Emotional eating
    -Water >blech<