Help, Advice and Competitor Friends!

deniselynn13 Posts: 126 Member
Hey everyone! I know i am friends with some of you from this group already, but i am looking to expand my friends with other like minded individuals who are training to compete! Please send me an add with a note saying you saw my post here!

I have been training for a while now and was planning on competing on April 6th. I am thinking i will not be ready for that show anymore though. I had a rough month of December. I am going to re-evaluate at the end of this month and the end of February to make my final decision. If i don't compete in April, i am 100% competing in October (that's the other show in our area)!!!!

I am looking for friends who are doing this at the same time, first time competitors, seasoned competitors, anything! I would love to hear any advice you can give and i will definitely offer support to you all as well. I am currently not using a coach. I am trying to do this by myself (with my hubby's help too). The main reason is to keep the cost down.

Good luck to everyone competing and training!!!

Denise =)


  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    well you know me!!! hey denise... im competing in 90 freakin days.... holy shizzlenitts what am i thinkin??? :laugh:
  • deniselynn13
    deniselynn13 Posts: 126 Member
    Lynette! You look AMAZING already!! LOL You could compete tomorrow!!!! =) you are such a role model and inspiration to me!
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Add me as well! I am doing my first show in September. Have a coach, but would love to share tactics, experiences, what's working, strategies with other competitors as well
