Things Vegans Commonly Hear



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I get all of these!!! The ones i regularly get have already been listed.

    I love getting this one: "MY food literally poops on YOUR food"
    I always respond with "How did the cow get up to the top of the peach tree?"
    or sometimes the more honest "Actually not, but YOUR food literally poops on YOUR food"
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    "Do you just eat salads?"...which is what I've heard for the last two years and before going to a plant based diet, so I should be used to it.
  • SleepySin
    SleepySin Posts: 168 Member
    "Do you just eat salads?"...which is what I've heard for the last two years and before going to a plant based diet, so I should be used to it.

    I refer to it as "rabbit food" as a joke - like at work, since our company pays for lunch, I told them that I can't just eat rabbit food because I wont be getting enough nutrients so they now give me an allowance to go to Whole Foods (one of the major US natural food market chain for non-Americans out there!).
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    I get all of these!!! The ones i regularly get have already been listed.

    I love getting this one: "MY food literally poops on YOUR food"
    I always respond with "How did the cow get up to the top of the peach tree?"
    or sometimes the more honest "Actually not, but YOUR food literally poops on YOUR food"

    :) great comeback!
  • vegan444
    Weird thing that I have heard a few times "You know, vegetarians can be fat too."

    I don't understand what the point of that comment is! Haters!

    Ha, I feel like I say that a lot to non-vegans. Not all vegans are stick thin. There are ways to be a healthy vegan, or an unhealthy vegan.

    I always get "so you eat, what, lettuce?" and I never know how to respond. Do you seriously want me to list every fruit / vegetable / and product made from edible plant matter?
  • vegantriathlete
    vegantriathlete Posts: 32 Member
    After I tell someone that I have been vegan for 10 years
    "But you look... healthy... not pale and skinny"
    Uhhhh... yah. Not all vegans are super skinny or unhealthy.

    "Where do you get your protein?" <-- the average North American consumes 3x too much protein (a stat I learned in my university nutrition class) and excessive protein is hard on your liver.

    "Well, you're vegan and that's your choice" after I've said that I can't go somewhere that doesn't have any vegan options. That one irks me a lot. I downplay myself because I'm also lactose intolerant (which I discovered once I went vegan), but I don't feel like that's even right either.
  • nikibunny1
    The other day someone said well you know you really have to watch out for your protein being vegetarian and now that you are vegan.... I said well most carnivores get more protein than they need and studies show eating animal protein leads to many types of cancers... again, You know you better make sure you get enough protein...... I said I was vegan. I did not say I was a watertarian where I drink water and do not eat. SO I guess your whole life eating animal protein you forgot about all other protein sources because you were so busy chewing on dead carcasses... Please don't worry I am getting my protein :-)
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    The other day someone said well you know you really have to watch out for your protein being vegetarian and now that you are vegan.... I said well most carnivores get more protein than they need and studies show eating animal protein leads to many types of cancers... again, You know you better make sure you get enough protein...... I said I was vegan. I did not say I was a watertarian where I drink water and do not eat. SO I guess your whole life eating animal protein you forgot about all other protein sources because you were so busy chewing on dead carcasses... Please don't worry I am getting my protein :-)

    I have all but given up on most of the forums here because of all the people screaming about how you need so much protein and carbs are so evil rhetoric...cant even have a conversation with people here about it because they are so brainwashed over it.
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    My ex-father-in law--once speared a piece of steak on his fork-- and said

    "come on ---take a bite---no needs to know--we'll keep it a secret..." :huh:


    my mom or others make a vegetable dish with bits of pork or simmering in beef or chicken broth

    "It's vegetarian---just spit out the pork" :bigsmile:


    "here--- I'll just take out the beef bone---now you can eat!":wink:
  • ashisgoingtowin
    If you vegan why are you overweight??? <<<<< really...I've been vegan for not very long dumb *kitten*. (About 3 months)
    Where do you get your protein from????<<<< really??
    Isn't vegan cost more than a normal meat eating diet? <<<<<< Face palm.....not really I'm also sugar free (minus fruit) and gluten free.
    What do you eat???
    But you're getting to many carbs!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    "You can be vegan healthfully, but only if you do lots of research and adhere to a strict routine."

    -Because the SAD is such an healthfully intuitive way to eat, and non-vegans obviously get perfect nutrition without trying.
  • SuperVegan8
    SuperVegan8 Posts: 78 Member
    My favorites:

    "Where do you get your protein?" (Everyone becomes a protein expert once you tell them youre vegan).
    "Where do you get your _____ from?" <insert any vitamin or mineral here>
    "How do you have so much energy?"
    "What do you eat?"
    "You cant have bread/water/<insert any random food here> can you?" - im not sure what people think some foods are made out of but they come up with the most random stuff...
    "Whats wrong with honey? Bees arent caged" - lots of people deeply care about the welfare of bees apparently.

    My favorite - if you have a cold, sniffle, headache, tummyache etc - "oh it must be because you're vegan."
  • naffito
    naffito Posts: 29 Member
    My favourite over this festive season has been:

    "but what will you eat for xmas dinner"

    good god. Xmas dinner is 80% vegan you idiots.

    "can't you just pick the meat out?"
  • VeganJamiOnAMission
    "Do you just eat salads?"...which is what I've heard for the last two years and before going to a plant based diet, so I should be used to it.

    This! All the time! People seem to think there are only two food groups out there, MEAT and SALAD.
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    My favorite comment is, "God made animals for us to eat."

    Then why do we have smooth teeth, longer intestine than animals like cats and dogs who's intestine are smaller and made to digest things a lot faster than us? If we were to meat the right way, it would be to hunt the <insert animal> by using our teeth, tearing at it's neck to kill it then eating everything that's on it...intestines, organs, flesh, muscles, etc.

    Yes, I'm only a 3 month Vegan but as I've heard from other vegans, "For everyone one argument you have against vegan-ism; I have two!"
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    My favorite comment is, "God made animals for us to eat."

    Then why do we have smooth teeth, longer intestine than animals like cats and dogs who's intestine are smaller and made to digest things a lot faster than us? If we were to meat the right way, it would be to hunt the <insert animal> by using our teeth, tearing at it's neck to kill it then eating everything that's on it...intestines, organs, flesh, muscles, etc.

    Yes, I'm only a 3 month Vegan but as I've heard from other vegans, "For everyone one argument you have against vegan-ism; I have two!"

    When you hear that one, point out what it says in Genesis 1:29-30
    "" Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
    30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.""

    I reminded my mother of that one (shes very religious) and she dropped that argument :) Nowhere in there does it reference the animals being put here for us to eat...looks like God intended us to be vegan
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Today read in a thread someone say that they were an "apex predator" and hence eat meat.

    Going to the grocery store does not make one an apex predator.
  • CassOfAllTrades
    CassOfAllTrades Posts: 40 Member
    The latest was an eyeroll followed by "ooooh, do cows have FEELINGS?" Followed by a 30 minute lecture about how he lived on a farm growing up and they were very humane and humans were MEANT to eat meat because [insert false biological "proof" here]. There are some people who just don't get it and never will. For them, I just smile and nod. It's honestly the people who KNOW eating animal products is bad for you, they KNOW animals are tortured and live horrible lives and yet they say crap like "but I just know I could never do it." Really? Because I was that bacon fiend the OP was joking about, and I don't even miss it. It can be done, you just choose not to.
  • sl0622
    sl0622 Posts: 12 Member
    Heard in Texas (no offense to TX friends!): "Vegan?? So that means you just eat chicken, right? No red meat or whatever?" heheheh I just agreed b/c honestly, it wasn't worth going into it. I was at a steak house with a bunch of co-workers. I got a plain baked potato and an iceberg letter salad. ha.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Heard in Texas (no offense to TX friends!): "Vegan?? So that means you just eat chicken, right? No red meat or whatever?" heheheh I just agreed b/c honestly, it wasn't worth going into it. I was at a steak house with a bunch of co-workers. I got a plain baked potato and an iceberg letter salad. ha.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I actually think that's rather cute!