diabetic weight loss challenge 12 weeks

kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
hello for all of you like me who have trouble losing weight and often get disappointed because we diabetics tend to lose slower this is the weight loss challenge for you!! Starting next monday on Jan 7th- April 1st I will be doing a 12 week weight loss chanllenge for diabetics only. Together we can do this!! I will include weekly recepies, advice, ect that we diabetics face and how to use this to enhance your weight loss safely. Please joine me!! Im looking forward to you!! :wink: weight ins will be every Mounday :smile:


  • jeannetter23
    looking forward to it!
  • rabbyduby
    rabbyduby Posts: 123 Member
    Hi all, i would like to join. please add me.
  • ksmom4
    ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member
    I think I need to join. Just confirmed today that I am diabetic..yuck. I am also overweight, another yuck. Have other medical problems that make it difficult to exercise but I WILL lose weight regardless of all my yucks.
  • MurderMeSomeFat
    MurderMeSomeFat Posts: 68 Member
    Add me too! I am also looking for more MFP friends... add me!
  • kavi_sponge

    I m a type 1 diabetic and have been since 2012. Ive had weight gain and loss over the years but currently feel at my biggest and have tried gyms and healthier eating and have just lost motivation or my sugars being bad has just made me depressed and given up!

    I am on a real real challanege now as I am gettin married in 2 years and need to loose 2-3 stone at least!

    Please help! please sign me up!

  • DebbyMargaret
    DebbyMargaret Posts: 10 Member
    Looking forward to working with fellow diabetics looking to maintain healthy glucose levels through through diet and exercise. I take a daily dose of janumet as well. The tools that have worked in the past for me were daily logging of food and frequent exercise. I started logging again on New Year's Day (just discovered MFP) and am committed to spin twice weekly, yoga thrice weekly, and light weights and stretching. I feel better already after a week of detoxing, the "whites"-- sugar and white flour!
  • kithalloyd
    kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
    :smile: Im so excited!! Cant wait to start this journey with you guys please look at new posting and place your beginning weight, 6 week goal, and final goal. Good Luck !! I will also post things to try to help us as diabetics tips to live better lives. This is going to be great for me as well because having this for 20 years has been a challenge I have good days and bad ones yet she has become my life long friend. :smile:
  • Molly2sweet
    when do you want to begin? today?
  • kithalloyd
    kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
    when do you want to begin? today?

    Please go ahead and record your weight under the today is the weigh in date post. It started monday but its not to late to start