2014 Brides

Hi there! My fiance and I are having a long engagement - engaged 8.7.12. We are waiting until 7.12.14 - partially because of money and partially because I want to be able to fit into the dress of my dreams and feel amazing on our wedding day. Any other 2014 brides out there?


  • CGPrincessWarrior
    CGPrincessWarrior Posts: 76 Member
    Me!! My fiance and I got engaged in November and we're waiting until May 2014 because we both really really really want to be at our goal weights :) I want to get married sooner but I really want to look amazing in my dress :)
  • Also a 2014 bride! Just got engaged 12/14/12 and we're waiting until I'm done with my graduate program. Our wedding date is 10/11/14. I would like to lose 25 lbs and look AMAZING in my dress :)
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I'm probably going to be a 2014 bride, because my bf's mother is getting married 2013 and we don't want to overlap.
  • emboch
    emboch Posts: 60
    Hi everyone! got engaged 4.28.12 and planning 7.11.14 wedding. feel free to add me! :)
  • astepbysteph
    astepbysteph Posts: 22 Member
    So, 2014 brides... what have you done in your planning so far?

    I have... booked my church and my reception venue. I'm waiting on dress shopping. We have our wedding party set, too.
    Now, we have to look at caterers. Everyone keeps telling me I have plenty of time - but our reception venue had to be booked on Jan. 2nd. I don't know how people do it in less than a year!
  • lookinglasslass
    lookinglasslass Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm hopefully a 2014 bride too - though at the moment haven't decided on ANYTHING!

    We got engaged on 7th December 2012, and so far all I know is we both want to get married abroad. Looks like it will be 2014 at the earliest as we both want to get in shape and we also have to save for our wedding fund!

    Anyone feel free to add me, I know could do with the motivation! :flowerforyou:
  • So far I've got the dress and ceremony site. I've been starting to check out venues and caterers but haven't gotten too far yet.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    What have we done? We looked at possible dates. I want a winter wedding. We've both been married before - him in January so he's ruled that out. We ruled out December because it intereferes with Christmas. That left February. So we googled Super Bowl 2014 and ruled out 2/1. We also ruled out 2/15 - too close to V-day and too cliche for me. We're set on 2/8 or 2/22. The date we choose depends upon which one is available when we the venue opens for reservations.

    I also have my dress picked out and hanging in my closet. Eggplant. Very non-traditional but it's my favorite color and goes well with silver and icy lavender for a twist on a winter theme. Now I hope I don't get too skinny for my dress before then.

    Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • Hi everyone, I got engaged 27.12.12 and we're getting married 23.08.14. Both myself and my fiance have an account on MFP and we're both aiming to lose roughly 23lbs before August 2013, which is exactly a year to our wedding date. I want to lose the weight for my own happiness and comfort, as does he, but also so I can look amazing on my wedding day.
  • As for planning we have set our date, that's about it. We're touring a few reception venues February 9 and hopefully having our interview with the church at that time as well (we're having a Catholic wedding and it's required of us to be interviewed by the priest).
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    No plans here yet! We are still trying to decide on a date and where we want to have our wedding. It will be in TX or CA, and we are looking at Spring 2014.
  • Hi all, just joined MFP, got engaged in Nov and getting married in Jan 2014
  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    I am Aug 2014. Good luck!
  • Hummingbird82
    Hummingbird82 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi, got engaged on 12/21/12... the day the world was supposed to end lol.. running joke now... but wedding is set for January 2014. I really need motivation to lose some more weight before the big day but doesnt help that I am an emotional stress eater and the whole wedding thing with my mother has got me very stressed out. Been trying to get back on track but been super hard this past month.
    Thought I'd join this group for support and to be supportive as well.
  • I hope so... We got engaged July 4, 2012 but keep postponing because neither of us likes to plan...
    (Might also be that we're not thrilled with the idea of being a "big" B or G"
  • engaged around jan/feb 2012, wedding july 4, 2012

    mostly because of money problems (i work at mcdonalds, he is currently attending college with no job)

    somewhat to enjoy being young and not "tied down"

    although, we pretty much act however a stereotypical married couple would act already.
  • get married 2/21, thats my birthday :)
  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    Sooo, we picked our venue! Going to go and pay the deposit on Sunday I am so excited!

    Now If I could peel off the next 12 pounds I can start trying on dresses.

    I figure if I loose half of the total that I want to loose by the wedding that should put me in a good position for alterations and whatnot!
  • luckyshelly06
    luckyshelly06 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Ladies! I'm a bride to be in 2014 too!! Just got engaged this past couple weeks and so excited... planning a beach wedding so have to lose as much as I can :) goal is to lose 30 lbs by next January.. and keep them off. I'm pretty sure its way possible, but you never know what can happen..
  • Hi there!

    I just wanted to introduce myself and wish everyone luck on here - I'm getting married next summer, and I feel like if I don't meet my weight loss goals with that kind of motivation looming, when will I? My goal is to lose 35 pounds before I have to walk into a store to dress shop!