First Mini-Challenge! Christmas Results!

ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
So how did everyone do? Post your SW and Christmas Weight!


  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    CW: 207.6 lbs
    GW: 200 lbs (~1.4 lbs per week)

    I updated my goal to 198lbs

    I did make it past my original, but not to my updated

    Current Weight: 199.6lbs

    Still made it to 70lbs lost for year and I'm finally under 200lbs!!!
  • Lilaczest
    Lilaczest Posts: 13 Member
    Start weight: 189
    Goal weight: 180
    Christmas W: 183

    I didn't make my goal, but I was proud of myself for being 6 lbs down before Jan 1st, when I often resolve to buckle down and finally make fitness progress. Now I'm at a point for keeping going into the New Year where I usually quit and give up at the end of January.
  • habu68123
    habu68123 Posts: 78 Member
    SW: 186
    GW: 186
    Christmas Weight: 184

    I actually managed to lose a couple of pounds. Finally out of the ankle brace and cleared to begin low - moderate exercise so I'm hoping to get back to the gym this week :)
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! Happy new year to all of you:
    SW. 187lbs
    CW 172lbs
    Goal weight for this challenge. 140lbs
    I lost a total of 14lbs for the mini challenge, Love the motivation...