January 1, 2013 Starting weigh in, measurements, pictures

Ok here we go. By January 1, 2013 please have your starting numbers in.


  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    Ok here we go. By January 1, 2013 please have your starting numbers in.

    Are you doing a group spreadsheet on google docs like my other challenge group or put them in where? I maintain all my numbers on MFP already.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    There is a spreadsheet for monthly weigh in. Just post your measurements here each month with the change.
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    I just updated my profile picture and a picture on my ticker I don't know how else to post pictures and my starting weight/measures:

    Weight 272.2

    Waist 51in

    hips 61in

    chest 52in
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    115.3 kg
    Bust - 128.5
    Waist- 116
    Stomach - 130
    Hips - 129
    Thigh - 74.5

    * metric so kilos/centimeters
  • jwall956
    jwall956 Posts: 35 Member
    I am currently on a vessel so i have to hunt down a scale, but im sure my wieght is around 235 lbs. there is no messuring tape on board but here are my clothes sizes

    Pants : 18
    shirts: 1XL
  • Kitty7814
    Weight - 217.50 lbs
    Bust - 46.25"
    Waist- 42.25"
    Hips - 48.25"
    Thigh - 28.75"
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    Posting your measurements is a great way to help you track how your doing. Sometimes the scales dont move but your body will shrink.
  • Kashton2011
    Kashton2011 Posts: 324 Member
    CW - 210

    Waist - 43 inches
    Hips - 49 inches
    Left and Right thigh - 28 inches
  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    Hey guys, it's been a hell of a week, so I'm sorry that I was late with my starting stats!

    Weight: 233.8lbs

    I took before pics, but I'll probably wait to share them until I can post some "afters" too! :)
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Here are my beginning of the year stats:

    Weight 238.2
    Bust 49.5
    Waist 46.25
    Hips 54.75
    Thigh 28.75

    I will be weighing weekly, on Sundays.
    I'll likely be taking my measurements, but no sooner than every four weeks.

    As you can tell from my stats, I am big for my weight. That is because I am mostly fat with very little lean muscle. Worse, I'm an apple shape, which means I carry most of my excess weight in my middle--the most unhealthy place to have it.

    I certainly want to lose weight, but I mostly hope to replace some of the fat with muscle.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Beginning of the year stats, I'm a little late, but hopefully you'll take me! lol

    Weight 236
    Bust 46.2
    Waist 38
    Hips 50
    Thigh 29
  • annemw82
    annemw82 Posts: 97 Member
    I totally forgot I joined this group! Hope you'll still have me.

    Starting weight: 227.8
    Bust: 42
    Waist: 37
    Hip: 47
    Thigh: 22.5
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    1/1 Measurements
    Weight - 225
    Chest - 46
    Waist - 41
    Hips - 51
    Arms - 14.5
    Thighs - 30
    Body Fat % - 48.6
    Muscle Mass - 109.8

    1/8 Measurements
    Weight - 223.6 DOWN 1.4 lbs!
    Chest - 46 same
    Waist - 40 DOWN 1 inch
    Hips - 51 same
    Arms - 14 DOWN 1/2 inch
    Thighs - 30 same
    Body Fat %- 49.1 UP .5 percent (oops!)
    Muscle Mass - 108.9 DOWN .9 lbs (oops!)

    Well, I'm stoked about losing weight but it looks like I may have lost some lean muscle as well, although those body fat measuring scales aren't totally accurate and it's that time of the month so that always messes with the numbers a bit. I know that I worked out a lot last week but was bad about eating back my exercise calories, and over the weekend we celebrated two birthdays where I hardly burned any calories and I ate a LOT. So I think I need to do better at eating back those exercise calories and also not overindulging on the other side. This also shows me that I really really need to get back into strength training, which was a challenge I mentioned on the other post.

    One week down and some lessons learned - on to week 2! Good luck everyone!

    PS Don't forget to update your weigh ins on the group spreadsheet!
  • liloneames267
    liloneames267 Posts: 42 Member
    I haven't taken measurements since coming back from vacation but I will post my most recent measurements from December 25.

    Weight: 104.2 kg/229.7 lb
    Waist: 114 cm/45"
    Arm: 42 cm/16.5"
    Thigh: 71 cm/28"
    Hips: 132 cm/52"
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    If I lose 2 pounds this week I will bedown 70 pounds!
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    If I lose 2 pounds this week I will bedown 70 pounds!

    That's so awesome Demilade! Congrats!!!
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    1/15 Measurements
    Weight - 222.2 DOWN another 1.4 lbs! (2.8 total!)
    Chest - 46 same
    Waist - 40 same (1 inch total)
    Hips - 51 same
    Arms - 14 same (1/2 inch total)
    Thighs - 30 same

    Body Fat %- 49.0 DOWN .1 percent
    Muscle Mass - 107.4 DOWN 1.5 lbs (uh oh)

    Again, I know those body fat measuring scales aren't totally accurate but I am concerned that I'm losing more muscle than fat. I did fail at my goal of getting back into strength training as I didn't make it to the weight room and did no exercise at all from Thursday to Sunday because I was in pain from my IUD insertion.

    I also ate rather poorly, with a Japanese food and beer free-for-all Thursday, a football BBQ on Saturday, and a whole pint of Ben&Jerry's over the weekend.

    I will have to work really really hard to stay on track this week. I have meals with my MBA cohorts tonight, Thursday, and all day Saturday that will be difficult to regulate/track, along with a Junior League dinner on Wednesday and a going away dinner on Sunday. So basically, I have to be extremely careful with what I eat the rest of the days and exercise hard :ohwell: Yikes, wish me luck!

    Two weeks down and more lessons learned - on to week 3! Good luck everyone!

    PS Don't forget to update your weigh ins on the group spreadsheet!
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    1/22 Measurements
    Weight - 221.0 DOWN another 1.2 lbs! (-4 total!)
    Chest - 46 same
    Waist - 40 same (-1 inch total)
    Hips - 51 same
    Arms - 14 same (-1/2 inch total)
    Thighs - 30 same

    Body Fat %- 48.9 DOWN .1 percent
    Muscle Mass - 106.9 DOWN 0.5 lbs (uh oh again?)

    Seriously questioning this body fat measuring scale's muscle mass calculating function. If it's right, I am still concerned that I'm losing more muscle than fat, especially since I don't see the inches going anywhere.

    However, I knew that the last week was going to be rough with all of the functions I had planned to go to, along with more impromptu events (basketball game, football at buffalo wild wings, spur of the moment dinner party), so maybe it's right after all. I know that before most of the uncontrolled eating, I was 220.8, and then Sunday I was weighing in around 225-227 (midday, with all that food still in my belly!), so I guess it's lucky I'm back down to 221.

    This week should be a lot easier. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are still my "danger days" for food, but the rest of the time I know will be spot on.

    Three weeks down and more lessons learned - on to week 4! Good luck everyone!

    PS Don't forget to update your weigh ins on the group spreadsheet!
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I DID loose 2 pounds, but only just :)

    I think my measurements are off becuase according to me i have lost 10cm of my waist and grown 2 on my thigh, lol
  • dointammy
    dointammy Posts: 127 Member
    I'm so off (mentally) this week I didn't even think about measuring

    I'm weighed in at 267.8

    I'll do better next week