January Check-In

Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
I don't know if anyone has done a check-in for January or not, but here's one!

I'm on week 6 of the SL program and this is where I'm at as of today!

Squats: 145# (PR)
Bench Press: 80# (PR)
Barbell Rows: 85# - did 5 sets of 4 today, so will repeat 85# again next time!
OHP: 60#
DL: 135#

Will be moving up in weight on everything except Rows next time! :o) Happy New Year Everyone!


  • Hi,

    I'm on week three of SL and loving it. How did you get so heavy on your squats so soon, did youmstart heavier than just the bar or did you add more than 5 lbs per week? Did you stall on the OHP? I'd love to know how your progress has gone so far.

    My weights:
    Squat 75#
    Bench 60#
    OHP 60#
    Row 80#
    DL 115

    All are feeling fine, but the OHP is the closest to stalling.
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member

    I'm on week three of SL and loving it. How did you get so heavy on your squats so soon, did youmstart heavier than just the bar or did you add more than 5 lbs per week? Did you stall on the OHP? I'd love to know how your progress has gone so far.

    My weights:
    Squat 75#
    Bench 60#
    OHP 60#
    Row 80#
    DL 115

    All are feeling fine, but the OHP is the closest to stalling.

    Hey! So this is my 2nd attempt with the program. The first one I went through 10 weeks of, but I was not healthy...So I had to stop. I took 2 weeks off, got healthy, and started over again! When I put in my highest weight in the chart where it asked, it had me start off at something other than 45 for squats. so that's how I got up this far so quick. I did stall at 60# the first time on OHP, so I deloaded back to bar to gain more strength and am going through it again. It was easier last time. I do OHP again tomorrow at 65# which would be my PR. So we'll see how that goes! :) Great job with your numbers! :)

    P.S. I was so weak the first time through this program, that on week 10, I was stalling at 145# squats...so I'm clearly on a better track this time around :D
  • donkraft
    donkraft Posts: 28 Member
    Launched my third cycle of SL this week so it was session 73-75. I deloaded to 75% my last work sets. Im enjoying this deload time as are my joints. My goal this year is a 300 lb squat and a 225 bench. And a big dead but not sure how big. For now, working on form.
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    Launched my third cycle of SL this week so it was session 73-75. I deloaded to 75% my last work sets. Im enjoying this deload time as are my joints. My goal this year is a 300 lb squat and a 225 bench. And a big dead but not sure how big. For now, working on form.

    That's awesome! :o) Where are you at with your squats and bench right now?
  • donkraft
    donkraft Posts: 28 Member
    My PR for squat is 230. 180 on bench 265 for deads. Goal setting is key for me. I love breaking my own bests.
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    My PR for squat is 230. 180 on bench 265 for deads. Goal setting is key for me. I love breaking my own bests.

    Wowzers! That's awesome, and I agree! I've just started to beat mine so it's gotten me more pumped up for my workouts! :)
  • Huskychemist
    Huskychemist Posts: 75 Member
    Day 1 was yesterday, so I'm at 20 kg for each lift for now. I'm starting with the bar for all of them to work on form and work my way up, and I think it's a great decision based on Workout A.

    But I am posting to thank all of you for the updates, as it shows me the potential of the program.

  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    I'm in what would be week 2. 4 sessions completed.

    Weights completed so far:
    Squat 27.5kg
    BP: 27.5 kg
    BR: 32.5kg
    OHP: 22.5kg
    Dead: 45kg

    I feel like the OHP will be my first stall, but I know I don't rest enough between sets, so if I keep my ego in check, and rest better, I might surprise myself.

    Been ill this week, else I'd have completed week 2 yesterday. Hoping that taking a week off, along with the illness, won't have affected me too badly.
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    I don't know what kg is in pounds, but keep it up guys! :o) OHP was my first stall. I've stalled at squats right now at 150#. I de-loaded to make sure my form stays good. My back has been bothering me during the squats as it gets heavier. I also had to de-load on my bench presses today as I had no spotter available. :( But I think it will help make me stronger. :o)
  • donkraft
    donkraft Posts: 28 Member
    Keep this thread going. Second week down already. I got all my training sessions in this week. Resting over the weekend. Monday back at it. Feeling strong. Still deloaded from my PRs but taking short rests.
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    6 weeks or so into my 2nd cycle of SL

    Squat - 240 pounds
    Bench Press - 135 pounds
    Row - 135 pounds
    Overhead - 95 pounds
    Dead Lift - 275 pounds with a 335 x1 PR
  • petrosker
    petrosker Posts: 4 Member
    I'm starting my 3rd week of SL.

    So far I feel great, although I'm wondering when I'll start to see the belly fat disappear.

    Squat - 80lbs
    Bench press - 60
    Barbell row - 80
    Overhead press - 60
    Dead lift - 125
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    Well I've stalled at session 6. The OHP did me at 25 kg (50 lbs). 5-5-4-4-5.

    I'm annoyed about it for a few reasons.
    1) I let my ego get the better of me, and didn't rest properly between sets
    2) I really didn't expect to stall this early

    I know that part of it is that my form is poor, I hadn't done the OHP in nearly 10 days because I missed a few sessions due to illness, and stalling now will help me work on my form. I'm just really frustrated, especially as the squat & deadlift felt really good
  • Slamdunkpro
    Slamdunkpro Posts: 88 Member
    Week 2 here. Just finished Squats@60 OHP@ 50 & DL@ 105.
  • On week four now, doing great.

    Squat 95#
    Bench 75#
    OHP 60#
    Row 95#
    Deadlift 135#

    I had to back off on OHP and squat weight to improve form, using Ripptoe videos. I'm feeling stronger and noticing some clothes getting looser and my legs and shoulders getting a bit more defined. Hopefully the belly starts losing the layer of fat I've built up. My goal for this year is to squat my weight...something I never could have thought possible before. I've always been healthy but never strong or muscular.

    My wife and I are training partners and she is doing awesome! She's 62 and squating 95 with me, but her upper body is more challenging, especialy OHP and bench.

    I'd love to hear frome more folks who started out as beginning weight lifters like us and how you are doing adding the weight and avoiding injuries.
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    Keep this thread going. Second week down already. I got all my training sessions in this week. Resting over the weekend. Monday back at it. Feeling strong. Still deloaded from my PRs but taking short rests.

    How'd the 3rd week go?! It's okay to deload! It helps you to get more strong! At least it has for me! I've deloaded on a few things throughout my 8 weeks and the 2nd time I reached the # I stalled at - it felt easier! :D
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    6 weeks or so into my 2nd cycle of SL

    Squat - 240 pounds
    Bench Press - 135 pounds
    Row - 135 pounds
    Overhead - 95 pounds
    Dead Lift - 275 pounds with a 335 x1 PR

    Awesome! Keep it up! Are you finding any of them more difficult than others?
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm starting my 3rd week of SL.

    So far I feel great, although I'm wondering when I'll start to see the belly fat disappear.

    Squat - 80lbs
    Bench press - 60
    Barbell row - 80
    Overhead press - 60
    Dead lift - 125

    Great! Did you start heavier with DL? It will take longer than 3 weeks unfortunately! But keep going! :)
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    Well I've stalled at session 6. The OHP did me at 25 kg (50 lbs). 5-5-4-4-5.

    I'm annoyed about it for a few reasons.
    1) I let my ego get the better of me, and didn't rest properly between sets
    2) I really didn't expect to stall this early

    I know that part of it is that my form is poor, I hadn't done the OHP in nearly 10 days because I missed a few sessions due to illness, and stalling now will help me work on my form. I'm just really frustrated, especially as the squat & deadlift felt really good

    I find myself getting frustrated (annoyed) when I don't hit all my reps too! Keep in mind - rest is EXTREMELY important! I noticed that when I didn't give myself enough rest time, I didn't hit my reps. When I did give myself enough rest, I got my reps (or at least a lot closer!)
    The OHP seems to be the biggest one people stall out on first! You're not alone! I've deloaded on that one a couple times and each time I get back up to the # I stalled on, it's soooo much easier! :) Don't give up! If you're not using correct form, you could injure yourself, deload and work on form before going heavier. Keep going with squats and dl! :)
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    Week 2 here. Just finished Squats@60 OHP@ 50 & DL@ 105.

    Keep it up! :o)