Constantly Starving!

SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
Hi all,
I am new to this group and really hoping to find others who find themselves constantly starving while breastfeeding! I have gained weight since about 3 months post partum!! I wont cut calories too much because I dont want to mess with production, but I eat way too much junk. I crave carbs and sugar. Anyone else been gaining weight and feel constantly starving? I hope to find some buddies to help me get back on track!


  • My daughter is 7 months and I have had this issue too. Now I am unsure if I am still starving or if I am jsut used to eating. So frustrated as I have gained 20 lbs since my after birth weight. So hoping I can get this under control.

    In general it is commone to be hungry after breastfeeding. It is a common response to it, but once it lessons it is hard to get out of the routine.
  • MAduff11
    MAduff11 Posts: 2 Member
    I can relate!! =) LOL!

    With my first child, I didn't lose a pound beyond what I lost from the delivery until over a year after I stopped breastfeeding. I was SO hungry all of the time. I eventually started losing 2 years later and got within 15 pounds of my goal weight when I got pregnant again.

    I'm 5 months postpartum from having my second and have been starving some days, too. I breastfeed exclusively & have to pump at work. At home, I tend to keep my eating in check pretty well, but at work I am on my feet constantly and I think I'm burning a lot of calories because it makes me so much more hungry. I haven't gained weight, but I've been up and down about 5 pounds from my weight right after i had him. I have about 15 pounds to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, and another 15 to get to my weight that I was before I had my other child. I am working out 4 times a week to ripped in 30 and can tell a difference in tone in my body. As far as eating, though, it has been trial and error to figure out how many calories I should eat to lose without starving or messing with my milk supply. This is what I have concluded. I need to eat at least 1900 calories a day to lose & still maintain my milk supply. Then, I definitely add in any exercise or activity that I do. I have lost 6 pounds (and kept them off) in the last 3 weeks from doing this. Also, I have focused on fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, nuts/ avocado, and simple carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pasta) as much as possible. I aim at eating 6-8 servings of fruits and veggies per day and 100-120 grams of protein. The protein is a big factor. WIthout enough of it, I can tell a big difference in my hunger level. I'm sure everyone is different, but this seems to be working for me so far. I want to lose weight, but I am not willing to sacrifice my milk supply to get there. (I'm sure you can relate). One last thing, I take supplements like a prenatal to fill in any nutritional gaps.
    One suggestion I have is buying fruits, veggies, and sources of protein that are easy to grab when you're hungry, like baby carrots, sliced peppers, celery, cucumbers, oranges, pears, apples, blueberries, almonds, hard boiled eggs, chicken, turkey, stuff like that.
  • I am always starving and my daughter will be one next week. I want to continue breastfeeding until she weans (or I decide I am at my limit), so I'm still trying to be careful of my supply. I have been eating around 2000 calories a day and I'm still hungry sometimes. I hate it, especially because I've lost and gained the same five pounds for like the past five months. I'm SO close to my goal weight and I just can't get through this. It is very frustrating :/