First time on Thyroid Medication



  • emrod83
    emrod83 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you all for giving me so many tips and so much encouragement! Please feel free to add me if you would like! Always looking for encouraging friend! =)
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member

    Oh, and it can take a long time to feel better if your doc won't look at getting your free T3 and free T4 results to an optimal (not just "normal") range.

    I am going to check my lab results right now to see what they tested for. I really do think it was just the TSH...I will definitely ask my doctor to do both next time!! Thanks!

    So if they just tested TSH, keep in mind that (regardless of what the lab sheet says) that the "normal range" for TSH was amended in 2002 -- it is currently .3-3.0. The upper limit will most likely drop to 2.5 in the near future, and many experts argue it should be 2.0 at most. (It was originally developed by using a broad range of people, without first checking those people to see if they were hypothyroid, which is why the revisions).

    Personally, I'm at 2.3 while recovering from a total thyroidectomy and am totally symptomatic and grossly hypo. I know lots of people who have TSH <.01 while their blood levels of free T3 and free T4 are optimal.
  • hjensen2263
    hjensen2263 Posts: 68 Member
    The number one thing about thyroid meds is always be consistent on the time you take it. I always take mine at 6:30 in the morning because you should take it about an hour before you eat, 2 hours before you have any calcium. Even if I can sleep in that day, I set my alarm for 6:30, get up and take my meds, and then go back to sleep.

    As far as weight gain and weight loss, thyroid meds will not make it easy to lose weight. They may slow the weight gain down, but they won't make weight loss any easier. At best, they will put your weight gain/loss rates back at normal. But, don't get discouraged! I have been hypothyroid for 3+ years and have only gained a couple of pounds. I have remained in the healthy weight range. With a good diet and proper exercise regime, weight is VERY managable!

    As far as name brand vs generic, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! While they may have the same ingredients, the chemistry of the deliver process is very different. Generic takes the cheaper route of just dumping all the chemicals into your bloodstream while name brand is a slow release. You want to spend the extra money and go name brand, it's completely worth it!

    Good luck with your meds! Hope this helped!
  • cats121
    cats121 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Eva - I know how you feel - I didn't want to be on a pill the rest of my life either but couldn't stand feeling like crap either! It definitely takes some time for the meds to work and to get the right dosage. I take my pill first thing in the morning and as some others have noted, there are some foods that can interfere with the absorption of the med - lots of sites out there with info but also talk to your doctor. My best advice is keep a journal of how you are feeling - sleep, appetite, hair loss, are you hot or cold, etc. For me, understanding what my symptoms are help me get a better of idea of when the meds are working and when the dosage needs to change. Thyroid disease is tricky because there's no magic formula that works for everyone - it really can vary from person to person. Oh, and yes, it can help with weight loss but frankly, having thyroid disease may mean you have to work harder and eat less than other people. You will see tons of stuff on MFP about NEVER eating below 1200 - you have to figure out what works for you and your situation. I'm seeing a doctor who specializes in endocrinology and weight loss and he basically told me that my height (I'm barely 5'1"), the fact I'm now 41 and my thyroid issues will make it harder for me to lose weight. I've asked him about the 1200 requirement, he said it's not true that everyone has to have 1200 - it's a guideline. I generally eat around 1000 and I haven't died yet!!

    Good luck!
  • emrod83
    emrod83 Posts: 29 Member
    As far as name brand vs generic, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! While they may have the same ingredients, the chemistry of the deliver process is very different. Generic takes the cheaper route of just dumping all the chemicals into your bloodstream while name brand is a slow release. You want to spend the extra money and go name brand, it's completely worth it!

    My doctor told me at my appointment that he wanted me on the name brand. They called in my Rx but when I got it I noticed that it was the generic. I told my doctor that the pharmacy says his office did not specify brand name so they gave me the generic. He told me to start taking that and the he would change me to the brand on my next refill.

    I'm 3 weeks in and I feel a little spike in energy...very slight.... but still feel all the other symptoms. Hope it doesn't take too long to start feeling better!
  • emrod83
    emrod83 Posts: 29 Member
    Just to update..... I feel no change at all since I've been on the medicine. I have an appointment on the 29th of this month to check my levels again. I know you guys warned me that It could take a while but you know...I had a glimmer of hope =/
  • AngelaH10
    AngelaH10 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    Back in late 2010 1/2 of my thyroid was removed due to goiters and the hope was that the other half would take over. I've been borderline since the operation but the last blood test I took wasn't so great and my doctor finally put my on meds. I have been fighting this because the thought of being on a pill for the rest of my life scared me. But it has gotten to the point where I know I am not myself anymore. I am on day 5 and so far no change but my doctor did say that it could take from 2-6 weeks to start feeling better.

    I just wanted to quickly share my story and welcome any tips, suggestions or advice as I start my journey with Hypothyroidism. Anything I can expect as I start on the medication?
    Do you take it first thing in the morning or just before bed?
    Anyone feel a difference between brand and generic?
    Did it make it easier to loose weight?
    How long did it take for you to start feeling better?

    Thanks for your help guys!! =)

    Hi honey!! I found out in July that I had an underactive thyroid and I've been on Synthroid .25 mcg ever since. My thyroid is now considered "stable" and I go every 6 months to have my bloodwork checked. My doctor told me to take it first thing in the morning and with a glass of water.. don't eat anything for 30 minutes to an hour because it works best on an empty stomach. My Dr. also said I should stick with "the brand" rather than generic because the dosages with generic meds can be different in each pill. It took me a couple weeks to really start feeling better and see a difference. Weight loss is still slower than it was before I had an underactive thyroid but at least I'm losing now and not gaining like I was before.

    If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask!! I'd be happy to help! And PM me if you'd like! ;O)

    Good luck!
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    Just to update..... I feel no change at all since I've been on the medicine. I have an appointment on the 29th of this month to check my levels again. I know you guys warned me that It could take a while but you know...I had a glimmer of hope =/

    Please make sure they check your free T3 and free T4 levels! Again, TSH is just not reliable once you're taking meds.

    Your free T3 should optimally be in the top 1/3 of the range (and not just "within normal range") and your T4 should be about mid-range.