Starting this Monday, excited, but a little apprehensive

I lost a good bit of weight before, and did that in part by running/walking on a treadmill a good bit. I got to where I was running a continuous mile to mile and a half three days a week, but I remember how long it took me to get there. Worst thing I ever did was stop. Now I walk now three days a week for 30 minutes at a time. I am hoping that will be good enough to begin with. I downloaded the app for my phone, and I'm looking forward to starting the program Monday morning. There's a 5k here March 23rd that I really want to complete, and it would be right as I finish this program. Any thoughts, comments, or well-wishes would be appreciated.


  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    Lots of well wishing from me:). You are not alone in this. Wear good shoes, repeat days if needed and get some good music or an audiobook to listen these boards and runners forums for loads of seasoned advice.
    You will do a great job. My mantra is never give up, at some point in my run I pass control to my body and let my legs do their thing. The mind wanders which is great.
    Go for it!
  • VioletDiva
    I plan on starting the Couch to 5K program either Sunday or Monday. Any recommendations for good running shoes? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Welcome aboard, VioletDiva & Wadedawg! You can do this.

    Luthien007 says it well: don't give up. It will seem hard but you can do each day. Take it one day at a time. Post here and get encouragement from us all.

    I have no advice on shoes yet. I haven't bought an true runner's shoes yet but am using a pair of cross trainers on a treadmill. I'll get a pair of runner's shoes in the spring when I venture outdoors.
  • meredithfp
    meredithfp Posts: 104 Member
    Best of luck to those of you who are starting. My best advice is to run slowly. I found that running on a treadmill I always pushed myself to run too fast. By myself out on the track I'm not really aware of my speed and as a result my endurance is building much better.

    As for shoes, I always thought Asics were the best but I talked to a runner friend who has wide feet (like me) and she said she likes Brooks better. I bought some Brooks and I have to agree. I had my gait checked out by the guy at the shoe store and bought a pair to help with overpronating and they're the most comfortable shoes I own!

    Loving this C25K thing. Hope you all do too.
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    Thank you for the encouragement!
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    You can totally do this! You've even got the history to prove it. I'll be on w1d3 tomorrow.
  • lapocienta
    lapocienta Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, all!

    Just joined the group. I'll be starting tomorrow as well! I don't think I'll be able to pull 60 secs jogging, but I've been surprising myself these past three weeks.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am starting on Monday as well. I am a little scared. But ready for this! Let's do it!
  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member
    Count me in for starting today!!! This is my 3rd go @ it. One successful attempt in 2011 - and a half-way fail last fall.

    Ready to do it again and get that runner's high back!!

    I'll be starting tonight on my treadmill - feel free to friend me! :)
  • xtrout
    xtrout Posts: 193 Member
    You will be surprised at the results. I finished my C25K at the end of November and ran my first 5K on Dec. 8. literally, If I can do it, anyone can. I hadn't run since high school over 25 years ago and I managed to run the 3.1 miles straight in under 30 minutes. At the beginning of the program, I was huffing and puffing (and cursing) running just 60 seconds. I still huff and puff, but it usually comes after the first 2+ miles. Make sure you stretch and drink some water afterwards and you will be good.

    I am still running every other day for 3+ miles.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I just joined as well! I downloaded the app and did the first work out a few weeks ago. I found room in my schedule to do it at least 2 times a week so that will start on Wednesday! I can't wait to start!
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    W1D1 down

    Calves were burning on the last few runs, but by the cool down they were fine. I can tell I'll be a little sore tomorrow, but nothing rest and Advil can't handle. I can do this. Looking forward to Wednesday.
  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member
    If your knees/joints start to bother you at all - try ice with the advil.
    I learned that trick in my first attempt about week 4. My knees hurt so bad I could barely walk for 2 weeks and thought surely I should give up. Then someone told me after EVERY run to ice my knees.

    Whoa - changed my world. I bought the special knee wraps with the ice packs - best money I've spent on fitness stuff. Everytime I run - I use them. Not always right away - but before I go to bed that night. And I've never experienced that knee pain again. A little stiffness - but nothing like the first time. That's how I made it through Couch 2 5K the first time!

    Oh - and glucosamine helps too. I tried that at first for the pain - and it didn't subside. So after the ice I quit the glucosamine. It was only after quitting that I realized it was helping with some of the joint pain.
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    Thank you for the ice/glucosamine advice, MissAmy. I'll definitely give it a try.
  • grumpyoldcat
    grumpyoldcat Posts: 2 Member
    I have started a week ago, agreed when you get to a certain point and then you stop it can be really defalting. I have had 2 sessions over here in the scorcing heat - I figure if I can run in that heat I can do anything. Good luck !!! (Aus)
  • lapocienta
    lapocienta Posts: 39 Member
    W1D1 done! But... the app I downloaded to deal with the intervals restarted itself somewhere along the way. I thought I was finding really difficult the jogging part and because of that, it seemed to be longer than the walking part. After 10 minutes of breathing agony, I checked my phone and realized I was jogging 90 secs and walking 60 secs :grumble: The last 10 minutes or so I worked out as I was supposed to.

    I will get another app and train again on Wednesday.

    MissAmyB80, those were interesting tips. I'll keep those in mind.
  • doggymom93
    I started today...wish me luck! Very hard to find the motivation after working all day, but I'm trying!
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    I started today...wish me luck! Very hard to find the motivation after working all day, but I'm trying!

    Good luck! I know how hard it is to work all day and then try and find the time/effort to work out, so my hat is off to you for doing it.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Got W1D1 done and felt good about it.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Way to go everyone!! I finished week 8 one month agon (12/7/12) and was so excited that I could jog for 30 minutes. Since then, I've increased my total running time to a max of 43 minutes which was my first 5k only jogging distance. Today I decided to start over with C25k but to jog all the "walks" and really try to "run" all the runs (instead of jogging). I'm thrilled with what I ended up accomplishing.

    So, I just got back from my 45 minutes workout. Walked 5 minutes, then jogged the c25k warm-up. I ran the "runs", and jogged the "walks"... with only a few walk breaks in between. Honestly I didn't think I'd be able to do that much. All told, I accomplished 2.5 miles in 33 minutes. I then finished out with a walking 7 min cool-down. Wow!

    All that is to say, you can do this! I went from being the "I hate to sweat" person, to loving running in the rain... which a good thing living in the pacific northwest! :laugh: