WELCOME!!! Who is out there??

I can't be the only Yogi out here? I can't be the only one that has experimented with trying to see how their body feels when they eliminate all processed foods. I'm no expert. This is a work in progress. But we can do this together. PLEASE JOIN! LET'S GET A NICE AND ACTIVE GROUP GOING!! Namaste!


  • Hi there, I am getting back into Yoga after 3 long years away and I am so glad to be back at it and need encouragement and instruction. I amlooking forward to reading the discussions in the group. Namaste.
  • Shandhigoulet
    Shandhigoulet Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am new to using groups on myfitnesspal but actively practice yoga and am currently in training to teach! Yoga has changed my life! I do some other forms of exercise to help me reach my fitness goals, but yoga is my heart and soul. Can I use yoga only as my fitness? while still practicing appropriately?
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I've recently began working yoga into my life and am loving it. It inspires me to try to want to take better care of myself in a holistic manner, so here I am!
  • pleloo
    pleloo Posts: 11
    I've been practicing yoga for 5+ years, with some ups and downs. I am probably the last person anyone might have expected to practice yoga. Historically I have been super-athletic, competitive, non-graceful, non-stretchy, non-toe-touching and at many points in my life, downright unhealthy. However, yoga has given me clarity and balance, if not always in practice, then in life. In regard to Eating Clean, I've done the Baron Baptiste fruit fast twice and hope to do another this summer. (Anyone want to join me for moral support?) I'm also interested in juicing, anti-inflammatory anti-cancer diets, and the whole MeditterAsian thing. If I sound SUPER healthy, don't be fooled. I love potatoes in all forms. And cheese.. especially cheese. I have some habits I'm hoping to break.Looking forward to what you all have to share! <3
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    I have been doing yoga off and on since i was about 16. I love it and my biggest regret is that I didnt stick with it. I would be much further along If I could just keep with it.

    I DO love doing it, but something always has come up and I would stop long enough to out me back in the beginning stage :-(

    BUT...I am starting again (lesson one...again...lol) and this time I am going to stick to it! I am joining this forum to help me stay motivated!
    SO happy to be here with other Yoga Lovers :heart:
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I am trying to integrate both in a more holistic approach to my health. I would love more support!
  • Drevious
    Drevious Posts: 69 Member
    Sooooo glad that there is this group! I have been doing yoga off and on since high school and find that it's the best compliment to running. Before it was just about toning and stretching but since I did a yoga retreat in Thailand, I've found that yoga is so much more!
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    Hi everyone - my name is Jody and I have been practicing yoga (bikram) for over 5 years now. I just signed up for teacher training in October in Thailand, I am so super excited but nervous. Does anyone know how difficult it is to get started in a new studio?
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    I have been doing yoga for 3 years now, but I would be no means call myself a yogi because of how inexperienced I still feel. I have just purchased Blissology by Eoin Finn and I love every one of his work outs. Such a peaceful instructor I just love him!!!

    There is a yoga studio just in my town that has free yoga classes every saturday and I have been trying to push past my anxiety but no luck yet, I am really hoping to try that out soon though. I have really wanted to get in touch with more people interested in eating clean and yoga on MFP because yoga is one of my true passions, and although I may not have extensive experience with all kinds of yoga it is growing everyday and makes me feel more happy and alive everyday! :D

    Alright enough blabber lol. Just happy to find this group!
  • DanaVP
    DanaVP Posts: 15
    Hi. I've been doing yoga for about a year now. I use the All-In-Yoga app on my Mac. Yoga has been the only work out technique that I had stuck with long term. I try and do at least a 10 minute stretch everyday (with my family) and three, 45-60 minute harder sessions a week.
  • monkeybuddha
    monkeybuddha Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I've been practicing yoga very on and off for a while now but am really determined to make it a regular practice in 2013. I've also been eating increasingly clean over the last few months and am loving the results, especially the increase in energy and mental clarity. I'm hoping to also reach a point where I'm 80-90% clean eating and it's fab to have found a group to share experiences and keep my motivation up :)
  • Hi there,

    Im Rachel and new to Yoga. Been practicing for 2 months mostly hot yoga almost everyday and I am soooooo loving it.
    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
    I will buy a scale and will start weigh in soon.

  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I started yoga about 9 years ago, took a looooong break when my daughter was born, and got back into it a year ago. One day I randomly decided I was going to practice everyday, and I basically have. I feel like I *HAVE* to now, for my mental and physical health. My whole practice is at home using DVDs.

    I lost about 25 lbs by last May, and have been maintaining since.

    I always love adding yoga friends!

  • Meya74
    Meya74 Posts: 3
    Good Morning :),

    I'm new here. I started taking yoga classes 4 days a week about 7 months ago. I love yoga and it has changed my life so much. I try and do you on my own at home everyday even if its only a few poses. I lost bout 50lbs over the last year and yoga has heped me maintain my weight loss.

  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    Wanting to get into contact with other yoga lovers :)

    My friend is in the process of becoming a yoga instructor and she is such a help with fixing my yoga postures! I could only imagine how awesome it would be to go to an actual class! Which I havent got to do yet, but something I am really wanting to do very very soon!!

    There is a studio downtown does infra red yoga would love to try!! Anyways, I'm Katie and I love everything about yoga !

    Yay Yoga groups !
  • rinjw
    rinjw Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there!
    Super excited to join this group--I'm in the process of getting my 200 hr certification...second weekend down, nine more to go, and my first community class in less than a month, yikes!
    I practice yoga at least 2 times a week, but I'm trying to embrace the other principles of yoga...especially the eating clean. Especially not eating sugar.
    I love reading all the posts about yoga and clean diets--I'm feeling super inspired already!
    Feel free to friend me as well!